// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/utility/safe_browsing/mac/hfs.h"
#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_math.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/utility/safe_browsing/mac/convert_big_endian.h"
#include "chrome/utility/safe_browsing/mac/read_stream.h"
namespace safe_browsing {
namespace dmg {
// UTF-16 character for file path seprator.
static const char16_t kFilePathSeparator = u'/';
// We cannot pass pointers to members of packed structs directly to
// ConvertBigEndian, since the alignment of the member may be lower than the
// normally expected alignment of the type, which means an aligned load through
// the pointer could fail.
template <typename T>
static T FromBigEndian(T big_endian_value) {
T value = big_endian_value;
return value;
static void ConvertBigEndian(HFSPlusForkData* fork) {
fork->logicalSize = FromBigEndian(fork->logicalSize);
fork->clumpSize = FromBigEndian(fork->clumpSize);
fork->totalBlocks = FromBigEndian(fork->totalBlocks);
for (HFSPlusExtentDescriptor& extent : base::span(fork->extents)) {
extent.startBlock = FromBigEndian(extent.startBlock);
extent.blockCount = FromBigEndian(extent.blockCount);
static void ConvertBigEndian(HFSPlusVolumeHeader* header) {
header->signature = FromBigEndian(header->signature);
header->version = FromBigEndian(header->version);
header->attributes = FromBigEndian(header->attributes);
header->lastMountedVersion = FromBigEndian(header->lastMountedVersion);
header->journalInfoBlock = FromBigEndian(header->journalInfoBlock);
header->createDate = FromBigEndian(header->createDate);
header->modifyDate = FromBigEndian(header->modifyDate);
header->backupDate = FromBigEndian(header->backupDate);
header->checkedDate = FromBigEndian(header->checkedDate);
header->fileCount = FromBigEndian(header->fileCount);
header->folderCount = FromBigEndian(header->folderCount);
header->blockSize = FromBigEndian(header->blockSize);
header->totalBlocks = FromBigEndian(header->totalBlocks);
header->freeBlocks = FromBigEndian(header->freeBlocks);
header->nextAllocation = FromBigEndian(header->nextAllocation);
header->rsrcClumpSize = FromBigEndian(header->rsrcClumpSize);
header->dataClumpSize = FromBigEndian(header->dataClumpSize);
header->nextCatalogID = FromBigEndian(header->nextCatalogID);
header->writeCount = FromBigEndian(header->writeCount);
header->encodingsBitmap = FromBigEndian(header->encodingsBitmap);
static void ConvertBigEndian(BTHeaderRec* header) {
header->treeDepth = FromBigEndian(header->treeDepth);
header->rootNode = FromBigEndian(header->rootNode);
header->leafRecords = FromBigEndian(header->leafRecords);
header->firstLeafNode = FromBigEndian(header->firstLeafNode);
header->lastLeafNode = FromBigEndian(header->lastLeafNode);
header->nodeSize = FromBigEndian(header->nodeSize);
header->maxKeyLength = FromBigEndian(header->maxKeyLength);
header->totalNodes = FromBigEndian(header->totalNodes);
header->freeNodes = FromBigEndian(header->freeNodes);
header->reserved1 = FromBigEndian(header->reserved1);
header->clumpSize = FromBigEndian(header->clumpSize);
header->attributes = FromBigEndian(header->attributes);
static void ConvertBigEndian(BTNodeDescriptor* node) {
node->fLink = FromBigEndian(node->fLink);
node->bLink = FromBigEndian(node->bLink);
node->numRecords = FromBigEndian(node->numRecords);
static void ConvertBigEndian(HFSPlusCatalogFolder* folder) {
folder->recordType = FromBigEndian(folder->recordType);
folder->flags = FromBigEndian(folder->flags);
folder->valence = FromBigEndian(folder->valence);
folder->folderID = FromBigEndian(folder->folderID);
folder->createDate = FromBigEndian(folder->createDate);
folder->contentModDate = FromBigEndian(folder->contentModDate);
folder->attributeModDate = FromBigEndian(folder->attributeModDate);
folder->accessDate = FromBigEndian(folder->accessDate);
folder->backupDate = FromBigEndian(folder->backupDate);
folder->bsdInfo.ownerID = FromBigEndian(folder->bsdInfo.ownerID);
folder->bsdInfo.groupID = FromBigEndian(folder->bsdInfo.groupID);
folder->bsdInfo.fileMode = FromBigEndian(folder->bsdInfo.fileMode);
folder->textEncoding = FromBigEndian(folder->textEncoding);
folder->folderCount = FromBigEndian(folder->folderCount);
static void ConvertBigEndian(HFSPlusCatalogFile* file) {
file->recordType = FromBigEndian(file->recordType);
file->flags = FromBigEndian(file->flags);
file->reserved1 = FromBigEndian(file->reserved1);
file->fileID = FromBigEndian(file->fileID);
file->createDate = FromBigEndian(file->createDate);
file->contentModDate = FromBigEndian(file->contentModDate);
file->attributeModDate = FromBigEndian(file->attributeModDate);
file->accessDate = FromBigEndian(file->accessDate);
file->backupDate = FromBigEndian(file->backupDate);
file->bsdInfo.ownerID = FromBigEndian(file->bsdInfo.ownerID);
file->bsdInfo.groupID = FromBigEndian(file->bsdInfo.groupID);
file->bsdInfo.fileMode = FromBigEndian(file->bsdInfo.fileMode);
file->userInfo.fdType = FromBigEndian(file->userInfo.fdType);
file->userInfo.fdCreator = FromBigEndian(file->userInfo.fdCreator);
file->userInfo.fdFlags = FromBigEndian(file->userInfo.fdFlags);
file->textEncoding = FromBigEndian(file->textEncoding);
file->reserved2 = FromBigEndian(file->reserved2);
// A ReadStream implementation for an HFS+ fork. This only consults the eight
// fork extents. This does not consult the extent overflow file.
class HFSForkReadStream : public ReadStream {
HFSForkReadStream(HFSIterator* hfs, const HFSPlusForkData& fork);
HFSForkReadStream(const HFSForkReadStream&) = delete;
HFSForkReadStream& operator=(const HFSForkReadStream&) = delete;
~HFSForkReadStream() override;
bool Read(base::span<uint8_t> buf, size_t* bytes_read) override;
// Seek only supports SEEK_SET.
off_t Seek(off_t offset, int whence) override;
const raw_ptr<HFSIterator> hfs_; // The HFS+ iterator.
const HFSPlusForkData fork_; // The fork to be read.
base::span<const HFSPlusExtentDescriptor>
extents_; // All extents in the fork.
base::span<const HFSPlusExtentDescriptor>::iterator
current_extent_; // The current extent in the fork.
bool read_current_extent_; // Whether the current_extent_ has been read.
std::vector<uint8_t> current_extent_data_; // Data for |current_extent_|.
size_t fork_logical_offset_; // The logical offset into the fork.
// HFSBTreeIterator iterates over the HFS+ catalog file.
class HFSBTreeIterator {
struct Entry {
uint16_t record_type; // Catalog folder item type.
std::u16string path; // Full path to the item.
bool unexported; // Whether this is HFS+ private data.
union {
// This field is not a raw_ptr<> because it was filtered by the rewriter
// for: #union
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION HFSPlusCatalogFile* file;
// This field is not a raw_ptr<> because it was filtered by the rewriter
// for: #union
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION HFSPlusCatalogFolder* folder;
HFSBTreeIterator(const HFSBTreeIterator&) = delete;
HFSBTreeIterator& operator=(const HFSBTreeIterator&) = delete;
bool Init(ReadStream* stream);
bool HasNext();
bool Next();
const Entry* current_record() const { return ¤t_record_; }
// Seeks |stream_| to the catalog node ID.
bool SeekToNode(uint32_t node_id);
// If required, reads the current leaf into |leaf_data_| and updates the
// buffer offsets.
bool ReadCurrentLeaf();
// Returns a pointer to data at |current_leaf_offset_| in |leaf_data_|. This
// then advances the offset by the size of the object being returned.
template <typename T> T* GetLeafData();
// Checks if the HFS+ catalog key is a Mac OS X reserved key that should not
// have it or its contents iterated over.
bool IsKeyUnexported(const std::u16string& path);
raw_ptr<ReadStream> stream_; // The stream backing the catalog file.
BTHeaderRec header_; // The header B-tree node.
// Maps CNIDs to their full path. This is used to construct full paths for
// items that descend from the folders in this map.
std::map<uint32_t, std::u16string> folder_cnid_map_;
// CNIDs of the non-exported folders reserved by OS X. If an item has this
// CNID as a parent, it should be skipped.
std::set<uint32_t> unexported_parents_;
// The total number of leaf records read from all the leaf nodes.
uint32_t leaf_records_read_;
// The number of records read from the current leaf node.
uint32_t current_leaf_records_read_;
uint32_t current_leaf_number_; // The node ID of the leaf being read.
// Whether the |current_leaf_number_|'s data has been read into the
// |leaf_data_| buffer.
bool read_current_leaf_;
// The node data for |current_leaf_number_| copied from |stream_|.
std::vector<uint8_t> leaf_data_;
size_t current_leaf_offset_; // The offset in |leaf_data_|.
// Pointer to |leaf_data_| as a BTNodeDescriptor.
raw_ptr<const BTNodeDescriptor> current_leaf_;
Entry current_record_; // The record read at |current_leaf_offset_|.
// Constant, string16 versions of the __APPLE_API_PRIVATE values.
const std::u16string kHFSMetadataFolder{u"\0\0\0\0HFS+ Private Data", 21};
const std::u16string kHFSDirMetadataFolder =
u".HFS+ Private Directory Data\r";
HFSIterator::HFSIterator(ReadStream* stream)
: stream_(stream),
volume_header_() {
HFSIterator::~HFSIterator() {}
bool HFSIterator::Open() {
if (stream_->Seek(1024, SEEK_SET) != 1024)
return false;
if (!stream_->ReadType(volume_header_)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read volume header";
return false;
if (volume_header_.signature != kHFSPlusSigWord &&
volume_header_.signature != kHFSXSigWord) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized volume header signature "
<< volume_header_.signature;
return false;
if (volume_header_.blockSize == 0) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid volume header block size "
<< volume_header_.blockSize;
return false;
if (!ReadCatalogFile())
return false;
return true;
bool HFSIterator::Next() {
if (!catalog_->HasNext())
return false;
// The iterator should only stop on file and folders, skipping over "thread
// records". In addition, unexported private files and directories should be
// skipped as well.
bool keep_going = false;
do {
keep_going = catalog_->Next();
if (keep_going) {
if (!catalog_->current_record()->unexported &&
(catalog_->current_record()->record_type == kHFSPlusFolderRecord ||
catalog_->current_record()->record_type == kHFSPlusFileRecord)) {
return true;
keep_going = catalog_->HasNext();
} while (keep_going);
return keep_going;
bool HFSIterator::IsDirectory() {
return catalog_->current_record()->record_type == kHFSPlusFolderRecord;
bool HFSIterator::IsSymbolicLink() {
if (IsDirectory())
return S_ISLNK(catalog_->current_record()->folder->bsdInfo.fileMode);
return S_ISLNK(catalog_->current_record()->file->bsdInfo.fileMode);
bool HFSIterator::IsHardLink() {
if (IsDirectory())
return false;
const HFSPlusCatalogFile* file = catalog_->current_record()->file;
return file->userInfo.fdType == kHardLinkFileType &&
file->userInfo.fdCreator == kHFSPlusCreator;
bool HFSIterator::IsDecmpfsCompressed() {
if (IsDirectory())
return false;
const HFSPlusCatalogFile* file = catalog_->current_record()->file;
return file->bsdInfo.ownerFlags & UF_COMPRESSED;
std::u16string HFSIterator::GetPath() {
return catalog_->current_record()->path;
std::unique_ptr<ReadStream> HFSIterator::GetReadStream() {
if (IsDirectory() || IsHardLink())
return nullptr;
DCHECK_EQ(kHFSPlusFileRecord, catalog_->current_record()->record_type);
return std::make_unique<HFSForkReadStream>(
this, catalog_->current_record()->file->dataFork);
bool HFSIterator::SeekToBlock(uint64_t block) {
uint64_t offset = block * volume_header_.blockSize;
off_t rv = stream_->Seek(offset, SEEK_SET);
return rv >= 0 && static_cast<uint64_t>(rv) == offset;
bool HFSIterator::ReadCatalogFile() {
catalog_file_ =
std::make_unique<HFSForkReadStream>(this, volume_header_.catalogFile);
catalog_ = std::make_unique<HFSBTreeIterator>();
return catalog_->Init(catalog_file_.get());
HFSForkReadStream::HFSForkReadStream(HFSIterator* hfs,
const HFSPlusForkData& fork)
: hfs_(hfs),
fork_logical_offset_(0) {}
HFSForkReadStream::~HFSForkReadStream() {}
bool HFSForkReadStream::Read(base::span<uint8_t> buf, size_t* bytes_read) {
size_t buffer_space_remaining = buf.size();
*bytes_read = 0;
if (fork_logical_offset_ == fork_.logicalSize)
return true;
for (; current_extent_ != extents_.end(); ++current_extent_) {
// If the buffer is out of space, do not attempt any reads. Check this
// here, so that current_extent_ is advanced by the loop if the last
// extent was fully read.
if (buffer_space_remaining == 0)
const HFSPlusExtentDescriptor& extent = *current_extent_;
// A zero-length extent means end-of-fork.
if (extent.startBlock == 0 && extent.blockCount == 0) {
auto extent_size =
base::CheckedNumeric<size_t>(extent.blockCount) * hfs_->block_size();
if (extent_size.ValueOrDefault(0) == 0) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Extent blockCount overflows or is 0";
return false;
// Read the entire extent now, to avoid excessive seeking and re-reading.
if (!read_current_extent_) {
if (!hfs_->SeekToBlock(extent.startBlock)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to block " << extent.startBlock;
return false;
if (!hfs_->stream()->ReadExact(current_extent_data_)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read extent";
return false;
read_current_extent_ = true;
size_t extent_offset = (fork_logical_offset_ % extent_size).ValueOrDie();
size_t bytes_to_copy = std::min(
static_cast<size_t>(fork_.logicalSize) - fork_logical_offset_,
static_cast<size_t>((extent_size - extent_offset).ValueOrDie())),
base::span<uint8_t> current_data =
base::span(current_extent_data_).subspan(extent_offset, bytes_to_copy);
buffer_space_remaining -= bytes_to_copy;
*bytes_read += bytes_to_copy;
fork_logical_offset_ += bytes_to_copy;
// If the fork's data have been read, then end the loop.
if (fork_logical_offset_ == fork_.logicalSize)
return true;
// If this extent still has data to be copied out, then the read was
// partial and the buffer is full. Do not advance to the next extent.
if (extent_offset < current_extent_data_.size())
// Advance to the next extent, so reset the state.
read_current_extent_ = false;
return true;
off_t HFSForkReadStream::Seek(off_t offset, int whence) {
DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
DCHECK(offset == 0 || static_cast<uint64_t>(offset) < fork_.logicalSize);
size_t target_block = offset / hfs_->block_size();
size_t block_count = 0;
for (auto it = extents_.begin(); it != extents_.end(); ++it) {
const HFSPlusExtentDescriptor& extent = *it;
// An empty extent indicates end-of-fork.
if (extent.startBlock == 0 && extent.blockCount == 0) {
base::CheckedNumeric<size_t> new_block_count(block_count);
new_block_count += extent.blockCount;
if (!new_block_count.IsValid()) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Seek offset block count overflows";
return false;
if (target_block < new_block_count.ValueOrDie()) {
if (current_extent_ != it) {
read_current_extent_ = false;
current_extent_ = it;
auto iterator_block_offset =
base::CheckedNumeric<size_t>(block_count) * hfs_->block_size();
if (!iterator_block_offset.IsValid()) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Seek block offset overflows";
return false;
fork_logical_offset_ = offset;
return offset;
block_count = new_block_count.ValueOrDie();
return -1;
: stream_(),
current_leaf_() {
HFSBTreeIterator::~HFSBTreeIterator() {}
bool HFSBTreeIterator::Init(ReadStream* stream) {
stream_ = stream;
if (stream_->Seek(0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to header node";
return false;
BTNodeDescriptor node;
if (!stream_->ReadType(node)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read BTNodeDescriptor";
return false;
if (node.kind != kBTHeaderNode) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Initial node is not a header node";
return false;
if (!stream_->ReadType(header_)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read BTHeaderRec";
return false;
if (header_.nodeSize < sizeof(BTNodeDescriptor)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid header: node size smaller than BTNodeDescriptor";
return false;
current_leaf_number_ = header_.firstLeafNode;
return true;
bool HFSBTreeIterator::HasNext() {
return leaf_records_read_ < header_.leafRecords;
bool HFSBTreeIterator::Next() {
if (!ReadCurrentLeaf())
return false;
GetLeafData<uint16_t>(); // keyLength
uint32_t parent_id;
if (auto* parent_id_ptr = GetLeafData<uint32_t>()) {
parent_id = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(*parent_id_ptr);
} else {
return false;
uint16_t key_string_length;
if (auto* key_string_length_ptr = GetLeafData<uint16_t>()) {
key_string_length = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*key_string_length_ptr);
} else {
return false;
// Read and byte-swap the variable-length key string.
std::u16string key(key_string_length, '\0');
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < key_string_length; ++i) {
auto* character = GetLeafData<uint16_t>();
if (!character) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Key string length points past leaf data";
return false;
key[i] = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*character);
// Read the record type and then rewind as the field is part of the catalog
// structure that is read next.
auto* record_type = GetLeafData<int16_t>();
if (!record_type) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read record type";
return false;
current_record_.record_type = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*record_type);
current_record_.unexported = false;
current_leaf_offset_ -= sizeof(int16_t);
switch (current_record_.record_type) {
case kHFSPlusFolderRecord: {
auto* folder = GetLeafData<HFSPlusCatalogFolder>();
// If this key is unexported, or the parent folder is, then mark the
// record as such.
if (IsKeyUnexported(key) ||
unexported_parents_.find(parent_id) != unexported_parents_.end()) {
current_record_.unexported = true;
// Update the CNID map to construct the path tree.
if (parent_id != 0) {
auto parent_name = folder_cnid_map_.find(parent_id);
if (parent_name != folder_cnid_map_.end())
key = parent_name->second + kFilePathSeparator + key;
folder_cnid_map_[folder->folderID] = key;
current_record_.path = key;
current_record_.folder = folder;
case kHFSPlusFileRecord: {
auto* file = GetLeafData<HFSPlusCatalogFile>();
std::u16string path =
folder_cnid_map_[parent_id] + kFilePathSeparator + key;
current_record_.path = path;
current_record_.file = file;
current_record_.unexported =
unexported_parents_.find(parent_id) != unexported_parents_.end();
case kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord:
case kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord: {
// Thread records are used to quickly locate a file or folder just by
// CNID. As these are not necessary for the iterator, skip past the data.
GetLeafData<uint16_t>(); // recordType
GetLeafData<uint16_t>(); // reserved
GetLeafData<uint32_t>(); // parentID
auto string_length = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*GetLeafData<uint16_t>());
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < string_length; ++i)
DLOG(ERROR) << "Unknown record type " << current_record_.record_type;
return false;
// If all the records from this leaf have been read, follow the forward link
// to the next B-Tree leaf node.
if (current_leaf_records_read_ >= current_leaf_->numRecords) {
current_leaf_number_ = current_leaf_->fLink;
read_current_leaf_ = false;
return true;
bool HFSBTreeIterator::SeekToNode(uint32_t node_id) {
if (node_id >= header_.totalNodes)
return false;
size_t offset = node_id * header_.nodeSize;
if (stream_->Seek(offset, SEEK_SET) != -1) {
current_leaf_number_ = node_id;
return true;
return false;
bool HFSBTreeIterator::ReadCurrentLeaf() {
if (read_current_leaf_)
return true;
if (!SeekToNode(current_leaf_number_)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to node " << current_leaf_number_;
return false;
CHECK_EQ(leaf_data_.size(), header_.nodeSize);
if (!stream_->ReadExact(leaf_data_)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read node " << current_leaf_number_;
return false;
auto* leaf = reinterpret_cast<BTNodeDescriptor*>(leaf_data_.data());
if (leaf->kind != kBTLeafNode) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Node " << current_leaf_number_ << " is not a leaf";
return false;
current_leaf_ = leaf;
current_leaf_offset_ = sizeof(BTNodeDescriptor);
current_leaf_records_read_ = 0;
read_current_leaf_ = true;
return true;
template <typename T>
T* HFSBTreeIterator::GetLeafData() {
base::CheckedNumeric<size_t> size = sizeof(T);
auto new_offset = size + current_leaf_offset_;
if (!new_offset.IsValid() || new_offset.ValueOrDie() >= leaf_data_.size())
return nullptr;
T* object = reinterpret_cast<T*>(&leaf_data_[current_leaf_offset_]);
current_leaf_offset_ = new_offset.ValueOrDie();
return object;
bool HFSBTreeIterator::IsKeyUnexported(const std::u16string& key) {
return key == kHFSDirMetadataFolder ||
key == kHFSMetadataFolder;
} // namespace dmg
} // namespace safe_browsing