// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chromecast.base;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* Interface for Observable state.
* Observables can have some data associated with them, which is provided to observers when the
* Observable activates.
* @param <T> The type of the activation data.
public interface Observable<T> {
* Tracks this Observable with the given observer.
* When this Observable is activated, the observer will be opened with the activation data to
* produce a scope. When this Observable is deactivated, that scope will be closed.
* When the returned Scope (referred to as a "subscription") is closed, the observer's scopes
* will be closed and the observer will no longer be notified of updates.
Scope subscribe(Observer<? super T> observer);
* Creates an Observable that opens observers's scopes only if both `this` and `other` are
* activated, and closes those scopes if either of `this` or `other` are deactivated.
* This is useful for creating an event handler that should only activate when two events
* have occurred, but those events may occur in any order.
default <U> Observable<Both<T, U>> and(Observable<U> other) {
return flatMap(t -> other.flatMap(u -> just(Both.both(t, u))));
* Creates an Observable out of the activations of `this` and `other`. An observer that is
* subscribed to the result will be subscribed to both `this` and `other` at the same time.
* This combines Observables in the same way that concatenation combines lists. This operation
* forms a monoid over Observables with empty() as the identity element. I.e. for all
* Observables `x`:
* x.or(empty()) == x
* empty().or(x) == x
default Observable<T> or(Observable<T> other) {
return observer -> subscribe(observer).and(other.subscribe(observer));
* Returns an Observable that is only activated with the values added after subscription.
* Some Observables synchronously notify observers of their current state the moment they are
* subscribed. This operator filters these out and only notifies the observer of changes that
* occur after the moment of subscription.
default Observable<T> after() {
return observer -> {
Box<Boolean> after = new Box<Boolean>(false);
Scope sub = subscribe(t -> after.value ? observer.open(t) : Scope.NO_OP);
after.value = true;
return sub;
* Returns an Observable that is activated when `this` and `other` are activated in order.
* This is similar to `and()`, but does not activate if `other` is activated before `this`.
default <U> Observable<Both<T, U>> andThen(Observable<U> other) {
return and(other.after());
* Returns an Observable that applies the given Function to this Observable's activation values.
default <R> Observable<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> f) {
return flatMap(t -> just(f.apply(t)));
* Returns an Observable that applies the given Function to this Observable's activation data,
* and notifies observers with the activation data of the Observable returned by the Function.
* If you have a function that returns an Observable, you can use this to avoid using map() to
* create an Observable of Observables.
* This is an extremely powerful operation! Observables are a monad where flatMap() is the
* "bind" operation that combines an Observable with a function that returns an Observable to
* create a new Observable.
* One use case could be using Observables as "promises" and using flatMap() with "async
* functions" that return Observables to create asynchronous programs:
* Observable<Foo> getFooAsync();
* Observable<Bar> getBarAsync(Foo foo);
* Scope useBar(Bar bar);
* getFooAsync().flatMap(foo -> getBarAsync(foo)).subscribe(bar -> useBar(bar));
default <R> Observable<R> flatMap(
Function<? super T, ? extends Observable<? extends R>> f) {
return observer -> subscribe(t -> f.apply(t).subscribe(r -> observer.open(r)));
* Returns an Observable that is only activated when `this` is activated with a value such that
* the given `predicate` returns true.
default Observable<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
return flatMap(t -> predicate.test(t) ? just(t) : empty());
* Returns an Observable with its type mapped to Unit.
default Observable<Unit> opaque() {
return map(x -> Unit.unit());
* Returns an Observable that accumulates this Observable's data into another Observable by
* invoking |acc| whenever data are added to this, and closing the Scope it returns whenever
* the data that added it is removed from this.
* The |factory| must create some object that extends Observable. Typically, this is a mutable
* object like Cell (used in the implementation of fold()). This mutable Observable is passed
* alongside the data from this Observable to the |acc| function, which can decide to mutate the
* mutable Observable with whatever transformation of the data it chooses. The |acc| function
* then returns a Scope which can defer another mutation operation until when the data are
* removed from this Observable.
* This has a number of use cases. The fold() operator uses this with Cell to aggregate all the
* simultaneous activations of the source into an Observable of a single value, which is useful
* for computing sums or counts of the data (which in turn is used by the not() operator).
* Another use case is taking the most recent activation from the source Observable and
* deduplicating equal activations.
* Observable<Foo> source = ...;
* // |deduped| will have only one activation at a time, will not drop those activations if
* // the |source| revokes them, and will not deactivate and reactivate if |source| produces
* // data that .equals() the most recent data that preceded it.
* Observable<Foo> deduped = source.accumulate(() -> new Controller<Foo>(), (a, foo) -> {
* a.set(foo);
* return Scope.NO_OP;
* });
default <U, A extends Observable<U>> Observable<U> accumulate(
Supplier<A> factory, BiFunction<A, T, ? extends Scope> acc) {
return observer -> {
A current = factory.get();
return subscribe(t -> acc.apply(current, t)).and(current.subscribe(observer));
* Returns an Observable that emits the most recent activation from |this|. Even if data is
* revoked from |this|, the distinctUntilChanged() observable does not revoke it, and will only
* do so once it receives a new *distinct* activation from |this|. If a new activation is
* equivalent to the previous one, it is ignored.
* This provides a way to conveniently "break seams" in streams of data. If, for example, an
* Observable emits `true`, `true`, `false`, `true`, in that order, the distinctUntilChanged()
* Observable will emit `true`, `false`, `true` (dropping the redundant `true`).
default Observable<T> distinctUntilChanged() {
return accumulate(Controller::new, (c, t) -> {
return Scope.NO_OP;
* Returns an Observable that combines the state of all of this Observable's data into
* a single activation of type A, where the state is combined by successively applying |acc|
* when this Observable adds data, and |dim| when this Observable removes data.
* By default, if |this| is empty, then the result Observable will be activated with the value
* of |start|. If |this| is activated with data, then that T-typed data and the current A-typed
* data from the result Observable will be fed to |acc| to calculate the new A-typed data for
* the result Observable. If |this| has data deactivated, then that data, along with the current
* A-typed data from the result Observable, will be fed to |dim| to calculate the new A-typed
* data for the result Observable.
* There is always exactly one activation in the result Observable.
* This method provides a generic way to combine the state of multiple activations, "remember"
* previous activations, or keep track of ordering in a way that can't be done with pure monadic
* operations.
default <A> Observable<A> fold(A start, BiFunction<A, T, A> acc, BiFunction<A, T, A> dim) {
return accumulate(() -> new Cell<A>(start), (current, t) -> {
current.mutate(a -> acc.apply(a, t));
return () -> current.mutate(a -> dim.apply(a, t));
* Returns an Observable that contains the number of activations in |this|, which updates
* dynamically as |this| updates.
default Observable<Integer> count() {
return fold(0, (n, x) -> n + 1, (n, x) -> n - 1);
* Returns an Observable that is activated only when the given Observable is not activated.
static Observable<?> not(Observable<?> observable) {
return observable.count().filter(n -> n == 0);
* A degenerate Observable that has no data.
static <T> Observable<T> empty() {
return observer -> Scope.NO_OP;
* Creates an Observable that notifies subscribers with a single immutable value.
* This is the "return" operation in the Observable monad.
static <T> Observable<T> just(T value) {
if (value == null) return empty();
return observer -> observer.open(value);
* Push debug info about subscriptions and state transitions to a logger.
* The logger is a consumer of strings. Typically, the consumer should be a lambda that prints
* the input using org.chromium.base.Log with any extra info you want to include. See
* chromium/base/reactive_java.md for an example.
* By passing a Consumer instead of having debug() call logger methods directly, you can 1)
* control the logging level, or use alternative loggers, and 2) when using chromium's logger,
* see the right file name and line number in the logs.
default Observable<T> debug(Consumer<String> logger) {
return observer -> {
Scope subscription = subscribe(data -> {
logger.accept(new StringBuilder("open ").append(data).toString());
Scope scope = observer.open(data);
Scope debugClose =
() -> logger.accept(new StringBuilder("close ").append(data).toString());
return scope.and(debugClose);
Scope debugUnsubscribe = () -> logger.accept("unsubscribe");
return subscription.and(debugUnsubscribe);
* An abstraction over posting a delayed task. Implementations should run the posted Runnable
* after a certain amount of time has elapsed, preferably on the same thread that posted the
* Runnable.
interface Scheduler {
void postDelayed(Runnable runnable, long delay);
* Return an Observable that activates a given amount of time (in milliseconds) after it is
* subscribed to.
* Note that the alarm countdown starts when subscribed, not when the Observable is constructed.
* Therefore, if there are multiple observers, each will have its own timer.
* If you use an alarm as the argument to an `.and()` operator, for example, a unique timer will
* start for each activation of the left-hand side of the `.and()` call.
* The Scheduler is responsible for executing a Runnable after the given delay has elapsed,
* preferably on the same thread that invoked its postDelayed() method, unless the observers of
* this Observable are thread-safe.
static Observable<?> alarm(Scheduler scheduler, long ms) {
return observer -> {
Controller<Unit> activation = new Controller<>();
scheduler.postDelayed(() -> activation.set(Unit.unit()), ms);
return activation.subscribe(observer);
* An Observable that delays any activations by the given amount of time.
* If the activation is revoked before the given amount of time elapses, the activation is
* effectively "canceled" from the perspective of observers.
* The Scheduler is responsible for executing a Runnable after the given delay has elapsed,
* preferably on the same thread that invoked its postDelayed() method, unless the observers of
* this Observable are thread-safe.
default Observable<T> delay(Scheduler scheduler, long ms) {
return flatMap(t -> alarm(scheduler, ms).map(x -> t));