// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/tray_background_view.h"
#include "ash/system/unified/unified_system_tray.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
namespace ui {
class Event;
} // namespace ui
namespace ash {
class Shelf;
class TimeTrayItemView;
class TrayBubbleView;
class GlanceableTrayBubble;
// This date tray is next to the `UnifiedSystemTray`. Activating this tray
// results in the `GlanceableTrayBubble` showing in the `UnifiedSystemTray`'s
// bubble.
class ASH_EXPORT DateTray : public TrayBackgroundView,
public UnifiedSystemTray::Observer {
METADATA_HEADER(DateTray, TrayBackgroundView)
DateTray(Shelf* shelf, UnifiedSystemTray* tray);
DateTray(const DateTray&) = delete;
DateTray& operator=(const DateTray&) = delete;
~DateTray() override;
// TrayBackgroundView:
std::u16string GetAccessibleNameForBubble() override;
std::u16string GetAccessibleNameForTray() override;
void HandleLocaleChange() override;
void UpdateLayout() override;
void UpdateAfterLoginStatusChange() override;
void ShowBubble() override;
void CloseBubbleInternal() override;
void HideBubbleWithView(const TrayBubbleView* bubble_view) override;
void HideBubble(const TrayBubbleView* bubble_view) override;
void ClickedOutsideBubble(const ui::LocatedEvent& event) override;
void UpdateTrayItemColor(bool is_active) override;
// UnifiedSystemTray::Observer:
void OnOpeningCalendarView() override;
void OnLeavingCalendarView() override;
// Callback called when this tray is pressed.
void OnButtonPressed(const ui::Event& event);
// `from_keyboard` - whether `ShowGlanceableBubble()` is being shown in
// response to a keyboard event.
void ShowGlanceableBubble(bool from_keyboard);
void HideGlanceableBubble();
GlanceableTrayBubble* glanceables_bubble_for_test() const {
return bubble_.get();
friend class DateTrayTest;
// Owned by the views hierarchy.
raw_ptr<TimeTrayItemView> time_view_ = nullptr;
// Owned by `StatusAreaWidget`.
raw_ptr<UnifiedSystemTray> unified_system_tray_ = nullptr;
// Bubble container for Glanceable UI.
std::unique_ptr<GlanceableTrayBubble> bubble_;
base::ScopedObservation<UnifiedSystemTray, UnifiedSystemTray::Observer>
} // namespace ash