// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chromecast.shell;
* A namespace for constants to uniquely describe certain public Intents that can be used to control
* the life cycle of CastWebContentsActivity.
public class CastIntents {
public static final String ACTION_SCREEN_OFF =
* Used by CastWebContentsComponent to tell CastWebContentsSurfaceHelper to tear down the web
* contents.
public static final String ACTION_STOP_WEB_CONTENT = "com.google.assistant.STOP_WEB_CONTENT";
* Action type of intent from CastWebContentsComponent to notify host activity of WebContents,
* either CastWebContentsActivity or external activity, the web content has been stopped.
* <p>
* ACTION_ON_WEB_CONTENT_STOP is filed after intent ACTION_STOP_WEB_CONTENT is handled.
* Both CastWebContentsAcitivty and external activity should handle this intent to either stop
* itself or remove the fragment, or anything else base on its own logic.
public static final String ACTION_ON_WEB_CONTENT_STOPPED =
public static final String ACTION_START_CAST_BROWSER =