// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/color/color_id.h"
#include "ui/views/background.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
namespace gfx {
struct VectorIcon;
class Insets;
} // namespace gfx
namespace views {
class FlexLayoutView;
class ImageButton;
class ImageView;
class InkDropContainerView;
class Label;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
// The main button used in FeatureTilesContainerView, which acts as an entry
// point for features in QuickSettingsView.
// Note: Once http://b/298692153 is complete then this will be the type of tile
// used in the VC controls bubble as well.
// There are two TileTypes: Primary and Compact.
// The primary tile has an icon and title, and may have a subtitle. The icon may
// or may not be separately clickable. The tile has one of the following
// behaviors:
// 1. Launch surface (e.g. Screen Capture)
// 2. Toggle (e.g. Toggle Dark Theme)
// 3. Drill-in (e.g. Go to Accessibility detailed view)
// 4. Toggle with drill-in (e.g. Toggle Wi-Fi | Go to Network details)
// 5. Togglable tile with decorative drill-in (e.g. Selecting a VPN network)
// The compact tile has an icon and a single title, which may be
// multi-line. They are always placed in pairs side by side to take up the
// space of a regular FeatureTile. Regular tiles may switch to their compact
// version when necessary, e.g. when entering TabletMode. It presents one
// of the following behaviors:
// 1. Launch surface (e.g. Screen Capture)
// 2. Toggle (e.g. Toggle Auto-rotate)
// 3. Drill-in (e.g. Go to Cast detailed view)
// Support for download UI is in the process of being added. This will allow a
// compact tile to indicate the progress of a download it is associated with.
// The initial use-case will be DLC downloading for the "Live caption" feature
// tile in the VC controls bubble, though the API for setting download state
// should be general enough that it can be used for anything download-related.
// See http://b/298692153 for details.
class ASH_EXPORT FeatureTile : public views::Button {
METADATA_HEADER(FeatureTile, views::Button)
// Used in the FeatureTile constructor to set the tile view type.
enum class TileType {
kPrimary = 0,
kCompact = 1,
kMaxValue = kCompact,
// The possible states the download progress UI can be in. The download
// progress UI is currently only supported for compact tiles.
// TODO(b/315188874): Add full support for all download states.
enum class DownloadState {
kNone, // The default state, e.g. this tile is not associated
// with a download. If this tile is of type
// `TileType::kPrimary` then it should always be in this
// download state.
kPending, // The download has not yet started. The tile's label is
// changed to "Download pending". The tile is not
// interactable while in this state.
kDownloading, // The download is in progress. The tile's label is changed
// to "Downloading X%" and a download progress indicator is
// made visible. The tile is not interactable while in this
// state.
kDownloaded, // The download finished successfully.
kError, // The download finished with an error. The tile is not
// interactable while in this state.
// Constructor for FeatureTiles. `callback` will be called when interacting
// with the main part of the button, which accounts for the whole tile.
// If the icon is not separately clickable (the default), `callback` will
// also be called when clicking on the icon.
explicit FeatureTile(PressedCallback callback,
bool is_togglable = true,
TileType type = TileType::kPrimary);
FeatureTile(const FeatureTile&) = delete;
FeatureTile& operator=(const FeatureTile&) = delete;
~FeatureTile() override;
// Implement this class to get notified of certain state changes to this tile.
// Currently this only exists for testing purposes.
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Called when this tile's download state changes. `download_state` is the
// new download state, and `progress` is the new download progress
// (currently only meaningful when the download state is
// `DownloadState::kDownloading`).
virtual void OnDownloadStateChanged(DownloadState download_state,
int progress) = 0;
// Adds/removes an observer of this tile.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Sets whether the icon on the left is clickable, separate from clicking on
// the tile itself. Use SetIconClickCallback() to set the callback. This
// function is separate from SetIconClickCallback() because it's likely that
// FeatureTile users will want to set the callback once but may want to switch
// the icon between being clickable or not (e.g. the network icon based on
// Ethernet vs. Wi-Fi).
void SetIconClickable(bool clickable);
// Sets the `callback` for clicks on `icon_button_`.
void SetIconClickCallback(base::RepeatingCallback<void()> callback);
// Sets the `on_title_container_bounds_changed_` callback.
void SetOnTitleBoundsChangedCallback(
base::RepeatingCallback<void()> callback);
// Creates a decorative `drill_in_arrow_` on the right side of the tile. This
// indicates to the user that the tile shows a detailed view when pressed.
void CreateDecorativeDrillInArrow();
// Updates the colors of the background and elements of the button.
void UpdateColors();
// Updates the `toggled_` state of the tile. If the tile is not togglable,
// `toggled_` will always be false.
void SetToggled(bool toggled);
bool IsToggled() const;
// Sets the vector icon.
void SetVectorIcon(const gfx::VectorIcon& icon);
// Sets margins for 'title_container_' in the tile.
void SetTitleContainerMargins(const gfx::Insets& insets);
// Setters to apply custom background colors.
void SetBackgroundColorId(ui::ColorId background_color_id);
void SetBackgroundToggledColorId(ui::ColorId background_toggled_color_id);
void SetBackgroundDisabledColorId(ui::ColorId background_disabled_color_id);
// Sets the radius determining the tile's curved edges.
void SetButtonCornerRadius(const int radius);
// Setters to apply custom foreground colors.
void SetForegroundColorId(ui::ColorId foreground_color_id);
void SetForegroundToggledColorId(ui::ColorId foreground_toggled_color_id);
void SetForegroundDisabledColorId(ui::ColorId foreground_disabled_color_id);
void SetForegroundOptionalColorId(ui::ColorId foreground_optional_color_id);
void SetForegroundOptionalToggledColorId(
ui::ColorId foreground_optional_toggled_color_id);
// Sets a custom color for the tile's ink drop, when its toggled.
void SetInkDropToggledBaseColorId(ui::ColorId ink_drop_toggled_base_color_id);
// Sets the tile icon from an ImageSkia.
void SetImage(gfx::ImageSkia image);
// Sets the tooltip text of `icon_button_`.
void SetIconButtonTooltipText(const std::u16string& text);
// Sets the text of `label_`. If `VcDlcUi` is enabled and there is an on-going
// download associated with this tile then the new label won't be reflected in
// the UI until the download finishes. Also note that download-related labels
// (like "Downloading 7%" or "Download pending") should not be specified using
// this method - those labels are automatically set when the download state
// changes.
void SetLabel(const std::u16string& label);
// Returns the maximum width for `sub_label_`.
int GetSubLabelMaxWidth() const;
// Sets the text of the `sub_label_`.
void SetSubLabel(const std::u16string& sub_label);
// Sets visibility of `sub_label_`.
void SetSubLabelVisibility(bool visible);
// Sets the state of this tile's download progress UI. See the documentation
// for the `DownloadState` enum for more details on how a particular download
// state affects the tile. `progress` is an integer in the range [0, 100], and
// is ignored when `state` is not `DownloadState::kDownloading`.
void SetDownloadState(DownloadState state, int progress);
// views::View:
void AddLayerToRegion(ui::Layer* layer, views::LayerRegion region) override;
void RemoveLayerFromRegions(ui::Layer* layer) override;
// views::ViewObserver:
void OnViewBoundsChanged(views::View* observed_view) override;
base::WeakPtr<FeatureTile> GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
TileType tile_type() { return type_; }
bool is_icon_clickable() const { return is_icon_clickable_; }
views::ImageButton* icon_button() { return icon_button_; }
views::Label* label() { return label_; }
views::Label* sub_label() { return sub_label_; }
views::ImageView* drill_in_arrow() { return drill_in_arrow_; }
int corner_radius() const { return corner_radius_; }
DownloadState download_state_for_testing() const { return download_state_; }
int download_progress_for_testing() const {
return download_progress_percent_;
friend class BluetoothFeaturePodControllerTest;
friend class HotspotFeaturePodControllerTest;
friend class NotificationCounterViewTest;
// A `views::Background` that visually indicates download progress.
// Automatically handles both LTR and RTL layouts.
class ProgressBackground : public views::Background {
ProgressBackground(ui::ColorId progress_color_id,
ui::ColorId background_color_id);
ProgressBackground(const ProgressBackground&) = delete;
ProgressBackground& operator=(const ProgressBackground&) = delete;
~ProgressBackground() override = default;
// views::Background:
void Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas, views::View* view) const override;
// The `ui::ColorId`s for both the progress- and non-progress-(i.e.
// "background-") portions of the background.
const ui::ColorId progress_color_id_;
const ui::ColorId background_color_id_;
// views::Button:
void OnSetTooltipText(const std::u16string& tooltip_text) override;
// Creates child views of Feature Tile. The constructed view will vary
// depending on the button's `type_`.
void CreateChildViews();
// Returns the color id to use for the `icon_button_` and `drill_in_arrow_`
// based on the tile's enabled and toggled state.
ui::ColorId GetIconColorId() const;
// Updates the ink drop hover color and ripple color for `icon_button_`.
void UpdateIconButtonRippleColors();
// Updates the focus ring color for `icon_button_` for better visibility.
void UpdateIconButtonFocusRingColor();
// Updates the color of `drill_in_arrow_` for better visibility.
void UpdateDrillInArrowColor();
// Updates the accessibility properties directly in the cache, like the role
// and the toggle state.
void UpdateAccessibilityProperties();
// Updates `label_` attributes depending on whether a sub-label will be
// visible.
void SetCompactTileLabelPreferences(bool has_sub_label);
// Sets the tile's label to its download-related version (e.g. "Downloading
// 7%" or "Download pending"). This is different from `SetLabel()` because
// `SetLabel()` is intended to be used externally for setting the tile's
// non-download-related label (i.e. the "client-specified" label), whereas
// this method is only used internally by this class to temporarily switch to
// a different label during download. An optional tooltip can be included if
// the tooltip should differ from the `download_label`.
void SetDownloadLabel(const std::u16string& download_label,
std::optional<std::u16string> tooltip = std::nullopt);
// Updates the tile's label according to the current download state. Note that
// this method assumes the download-related state (e.g. `download_state_` and
// `download_progress_percent_`) is current, so it is up to the client to
// perform any download-related state changes prior to calling this.
void UpdateLabelForDownloadState();
// Notifies all observers of this tile's current download state. Should only
// be called when the download state actually changes.
void NotifyDownloadStateChanged();
// A list of this tile's observers.
base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
// Ensures the ink drop is painted above the button's background.
raw_ptr<views::InkDropContainerView> ink_drop_container_ = nullptr;
// The vector icon for the tile, if one is set.
raw_ptr<const gfx::VectorIcon> vector_icon_ = nullptr;
// Customized value for the tile's background color and foreground color.
std::optional<ui::ColorId> background_color_;
std::optional<ui::ColorId> background_toggled_color_;
std::optional<ui::ColorId> background_disabled_color_;
std::optional<ui::ColorId> foreground_color_;
std::optional<ui::ColorId> foreground_toggled_color_;
std::optional<ui::ColorId> foreground_optional_color_;
std::optional<ui::ColorId> foreground_optional_toggled_color_;
std::optional<ui::ColorId> foreground_disabled_color_;
// Customized value for the tile's ink drop color.
std::optional<ui::ColorId> ink_drop_toggled_base_color_;
// Owned by views hierarchy.
raw_ptr<views::ImageButton> icon_button_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::Label> label_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::Label> sub_label_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::ImageView> drill_in_arrow_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::FlexLayoutView> title_container_ = nullptr;
// The radius of the tile's curved edges.
int corner_radius_;
// Whether the icon is separately clickable.
bool is_icon_clickable_ = false;
// Whether this button is togglable.
const bool is_togglable_ = false;
// Whether the button is currently toggled.
bool toggled_ = false;
// The non-download-related (a.k.a. "client-specified") text of this tile's
// label/tooltip. The tile's label/tooltip may change when its downloading
// state changes, so this is used to store the original, client-specified
// label/tooltip for later reference (e.g. when a download finishes and the
// tile needs to show the original label again).
std::u16string client_specified_label_text_;
std::u16string client_specified_tooltip_text_;
// The type of the feature tile that determines how it lays out its view.
TileType type_;
// Used to update tile colors and to set the drill-in button enabled state
// when the button state changes.
base::CallbackListSubscription enabled_changed_subscription_;
// The download state this tile is in. A tile is not associated with a
// download by default.
DownloadState download_state_ = DownloadState::kNone;
// True when `UpdateLabelForDownloadState()` is happening.
bool updating_download_state_labels_ = false;
// The download progress, as an integer percentage in the range [0, 100]. Only
// has meaning when the tile is in an active download state.
int download_progress_percent_ = 0;
// Runs when `title_container_`'s bounds is changed.
base::RepeatingClosure on_title_container_bounds_changed_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<FeatureTile> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash