
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module chromecast.mojom;

import "chromecast/bindings/public/mojom/api_bindings.mojom";
import "chromecast/mojo/mojom/remote_interfaces.mojom";
import "components/url_rewrite/mojom/url_request_rewrite.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

// Page state for the main frame.
enum PageState {
  IDLE,       // Main frame has not started yet.
  LOADING,    // Main frame is loading resources.
  LOADED,     // Main frame is loaded, but sub-frames may still be loading.
  CLOSED,     // Page is closed and should be cleaned up.
  DESTROYED,  // The WebContents is destroyed and can no longer be used.
  ERROR,      // Main frame is in an error state.

// Observer interface for CastWebContents.
interface CastWebContentsObserver {
  // Advertises page state for the CastWebContents.
  PageStateChanged(PageState state);

  // Called when the page has stopped. e.g.: A 404 occurred when loading the
  // page or if the render process for the main frame crashes. |error_code|
  // will return a net::Error describing the failure, or net::OK if the page
  // closed intentionally.
  // After this method, the page state will be one of the following:
  // CLOSED: Page was closed as expected and the WebContents exists. The page
  //     should generally not be reloaded, since the page closure was
  //     triggered intentionally.
  // ERROR: Page is in an error state. It should be reloaded or deleted.
  // DESTROYED: Page was closed due to deletion of WebContents. The
  //     CastWebContents instance is no longer usable and should be deleted.
  PageStopped(PageState state, int32 error_code);

  // A new RenderFrame was created for the WebContents. |settings_manager| is
  // provided by the frame.
      int32 render_process_id,
      int32 render_frame_id);

  // A navigation has finished in the WebContents' main frame.

  // Forwarded from WebContentsObserver.
  UpdateTitle(string title);

  // Forwarded from WebContentsObserver.
  UpdateFaviconURL(url.mojom.Url url);

  // Forwarded from WebContentsObserver.

  // Notifies that a resource for the main frame failed to load.

  // Propagates the process information via observer, in particular to
  // the underlying OnRendererProcessStarted() method.
  OnRenderProcessReady(int32 pid);

  // Notify media playback state changes for the underlying WebContents. Media
  // events in sub-frames will also generate this notification event.
  MediaPlaybackChanged(bool media_playing);

  // Notify that a new WebContents was created in a child frame. This only
  // happens for pages that embed a <webview> (such as certain WebUI pages).
  InnerContentsCreated(pending_remote<CastWebContents> web_contents);

// Wraps a content::WebContents hosted in the Cast Web Service. The lifetime
// of the WebContents is constrained by the lifetime of the mojo::Remote on the
// client side.
interface CastWebContents {
  // ===========================================================================
  // Initialization and Setup
  // ===========================================================================

  // Associates transparent app properties to a given session ID. This data is
  // used elsewhere in the browser to gate output stream selection. We expose
  // this API on CastWebContents for the sake of convenience.
  SetAppProperties(string app_id,
                   string session_id,
                   bool is_audio_app,
                   url.mojom.Url app_web_url,
                   bool enforce_feature_permissions,
                   array<int32> feature_permissions,
                   array<string> additional_feature_permission_origins);

  // Specify if the app session is for a multizone group. |session_id| should
  // match the one which is set in SetAppProperties() above.
  SetGroupInfo(string session_id, bool is_multizone_launch);

  // Dictionary of renderer feature configurations.
  AddRendererFeatures(mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue features);

  // These interfaces will be exposed to RenderFrames. The interfaces are only
  // used as backends for built-in Cast V8 bindings. Sensitive APIs should
  // *never* be exposed through |remote_interfaces|.
  SetInterfacesForRenderer(pending_remote<RemoteInterfaces> remote_interfaces);

  // Sets URL rewrite rules for modifying navigation requests.
  // Note: this must be called before LoadUrl in order for the rules to take
  // effect on the requests.
  SetUrlRewriteRules(url_rewrite.mojom.UrlRequestRewriteRules rules);

  // ===========================================================================
  // Page Lifetime
  // ===========================================================================

  // Navigates the underlying WebContents to |url|. Delegate will be notified of
  // page progression events via OnPageStateChanged().
  LoadUrl(url.mojom.Url url);

  // Initiate closure of the page. This invokes the appropriate unload handlers.
  // Eventually the delegate will be notified with OnPageStopped().

  // ===========================================================================
  // Visibility
  // ===========================================================================

  // Specify if the WebContents should be treated as visible. This triggers a
  // document "visibilitychange" change event, and will paint the WebContents
  // quad if |visible| is true (otherwise it will be blank). Note that this does
  // *not* guarantee the page is visible on the screen, as that depends on if
  // the WebContents quad is present in the screen layout and isn't obscured by
  // another window.
  SetWebVisibilityAndPaint(bool visible);

  // ===========================================================================
  // Media Management
  // ===========================================================================

  // Block/unblock media from loading in all RenderFrames for the WebContents.
  BlockMediaLoading(bool blocked);

  // Block/unblock media from starting in all RenderFrames for the WebContents.
  // As opposed to |BlockMediaLoading|,  |BlockMediaStarting| allows media to
  // load while in blocking state.
  BlockMediaStarting(bool blocked);

  // Allow the page to play media while in a hidden background state.
  EnableBackgroundVideoPlayback(bool enabled);

  // ===========================================================================
  // Page Communication
  // ===========================================================================

  // Connects and fetches JS API bindings from |api_bindings_remote|.
  // This method will fetch bindings scripts from |api_bindings_remote|
  // immediately after the invocation, all of the bindings should be
  // initialized before this point.
      pending_remote<chromecast.mojom.ApiBindings> api_bindings_remote);

  // ===========================================================================
  // Utility Methods
  // ===========================================================================

  // Add an observer. The observer can remove itself by unbinding the receiver.
  AddObserver(pending_remote<CastWebContentsObserver> observer);

  // Enable or disable devtools remote debugging for this WebContents and any
  // inner WebContents that are spawned from it.
  SetEnabledForRemoteDebugging(bool enabled);

  // ===========================================================================
  // Getters
  // ===========================================================================

  // PID for main frame render process.
  GetMainFramePid() => (int32 pid);