// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module chromecast.mojom;
import "chromecast/browser/webui/mojom/webui.mojom";
import "chromecast/browser/mojom/cast_content_window.mojom";
import "chromecast/browser/mojom/cast_web_contents.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// Background color for the WebContents window.
enum BackgroundColor {
// Mirrored from content/public/common/media_playback_renderer_type.mojom.
enum RendererType {
// Selects a prelaunch renderer pool, which restricts the number of app
// instances that can be prelaunched for a given type.
enum RendererPool {
// Don't use a renderer pool for prelaunching. This means launching the
// render process eagerly is un-restricted and will always succeed.
// Pool for overlay apps, which allows up to one pre-cached site.
// Gesture handler priority. If multiple handlers can process a gesture event,
// then the highest-priority handler is the one which receives the event.
enum GesturePriority {
// Handler with NONE priority will never receive a gesture event.
NONE = 0,
ROOT_UI = 1,
// Params for creating a CastWebView. Upon creation, CastWebContents and
// CastContentWindow remotes are provided for controlling the page and window
// respectively.
struct CastWebViewParams {
// Cast Application/Activity ID for the web view.
string activity_id = "";
// Cast Application/Activity session ID.
string session_id = "";
// ID of the target display to create the web view. The value is zero if the
// target display is the platform default display or if the target display is
// not available and falls back to the platform default display.
int32 display_id = 0;
// Cast Receiver SDK version of the application (if available).
string sdk_version = "";
// Grants user media access permissions for the web view. This is primarily
// used for camera streaming.
bool allow_media_access = false;
// Force 720p resolution for the web view.
bool force_720p_resolution = false;
// Whether the web view is managed by the Assistant window manager. If
// false, then the window is managed by the full-screen Aura window manager.
bool managed = true;
// Whether JS console logs should be appended to the device logs.
bool log_js_console_messages = false;
// Prefix for JS console logs. This can be used to help identify the source
// of console log messages.
string log_prefix = "";
// Delays web view deletion after remote<CastWebContents> is disconnected. The
// default value is zero, which means the web view will be deleted immediately
// and synchronously.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta shutdown_delay;
// Pool for pre-launched renderers.
RendererPool renderer_pool = RendererPool.NONE;
// Eagerly pre-launches a render process for |prelaunch_url| if it is valid.
url.mojom.Url prelaunch_url;
// Enable development mode for the CastWebContents. This allows certain
// functionality for the WebContents, like remote debugging and debugging
// interfaces.
bool enabled_for_dev = false;
// Chooses a media renderer for the WebContents.
RendererType renderer_type = RendererType.DEFAULT_RENDERER;
// Whether the WebContents is a root native window, or if it is embedded in
// another WebContents (see Delegate::InnerContentsCreated()).
bool is_root_window = false;
// Whether inner WebContents events should be handled. If this is set to
// true, then inner WebContents will automatically have a CastWebContents
// created and notify the delegate.
bool handle_inner_contents = false;
// Construct internal media blocker and enable BlockMediaLoading().
bool use_media_blocker = false;
// Background color for the WebContents view. If not provided, the color
// will fall back to the platform default.
BackgroundColor background_color = BackgroundColor.NONE;
// Enable WebSQL database for this CastWebContents.
bool enable_websql = false;
// Enable mixer audio support for this CastWebContents.
bool enable_mixer_audio = false;
// Whether to provide a URL filter applied to network requests for the
// activity hosted by this CastWebContents.
// No filters implies no restrictions.
array<string>? url_filters;
// Whether WebRTC peer connections are allowed to use legacy versions of the
// TLS/DTLS protocols.
bool webrtc_allow_legacy_tls_protocols = false;
// Enable touch input for the CastContentWindow instance.
bool enable_touch_input = false;
// Enable if this CastContentWindow is for running a remote control app.
bool is_remote_control_mode = false;
// Turns on the device screen when the window is made visible.
bool turn_on_screen = true;
// Keeps the screen on and suppresses the screensaver while the app is visible.
bool keep_screen_on = true;
// Window's gesture priority for when it is visible.
GesturePriority gesture_priority = GesturePriority.NONE;
// Enables mojo and WebUi bindings permission for the page. Note that this
// setting alone does not guarantee the bindings will be added, just that
// they have the appropriate permissions.
bool enable_webui_bindings_permission = false;
// Determines whether URL Rewrite Rules should be supported.
bool enable_url_rewrite_rules = true;
// Service interface for creating/managing web pages in the Cast Browser. The
// only user of this interface is the Cast Service, which will eventually live
// in its own process.
interface CastWebService {
// Creates a new web view hosted by CastWebService. The lifetime of the web
// view is scoped to the CastWebContents.
CreateWebView(CastWebViewParams params,
pending_receiver<CastWebContents> web_contents,
pending_receiver<CastContentWindow> window);
// Sets the WebUiClient for the Cast Browser. |hosts| is a list of hostnames
// which the browser should create a Web UI for. See the WebUiClient interface
// for details on how Web UIs are used in the Cast Browser.
RegisterWebUiClient(pending_remote<WebUiClient> client,
array<string> hosts);
// Write all DOM localStorage to disk.
// Clears all localStorage data from the device. The response callback is
// called when data deletion is done.
ClearLocalStorage() => ();