
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/pagination/pagination_model_observer.h"
#include "ash/system/brightness/unified_brightness_view.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/view_utils.h"

namespace views {
class FlexLayoutView;
}  // namespace views

namespace ash {

class FeatureTile;
class FeatureTilesContainerView;
class PaginationView;
class QuickSettingsFooter;
class QuickSettingsHeader;
class QuickSettingsMediaViewContainer;
class UnifiedSystemTrayController;

// View class of the bubble in status area tray.
// The `QuickSettingsView` contains the quick settings controls
class ASH_EXPORT QuickSettingsView : public views::View,
                                     public PaginationModelObserver {
  METADATA_HEADER(QuickSettingsView, views::View)

  explicit QuickSettingsView(UnifiedSystemTrayController* controller);

  QuickSettingsView(const QuickSettingsView&) = delete;
  QuickSettingsView& operator=(const QuickSettingsView&) = delete;

  ~QuickSettingsView() override;

  // Sets the maximum height that the view can take.
  void SetMaxHeight(int max_height);

  // Adds tiles to the FeatureTile container view.
  void AddTiles(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FeatureTile>> tiles);

  // Adds slider view.
  views::View* AddSliderView(std::unique_ptr<views::View> slider_view);

  // Adds media view to `media_view_container_`.
  void AddMediaView(std::unique_ptr<views::View> media_view);

  // Sets whether the quick settings view should show the media view.
  void SetShowMediaView(bool show_media_view);

  // Hides the main view and shows the given `detailed_view`.
  void SetDetailedView(std::unique_ptr<views::View> detailed_view);

  // Removes the detailed view set by SetDetailedView, and shows the main view.
  // It deletes `detailed_view` and children.
  void ResetDetailedView();

  // Saves and restores keyboard focus of the currently focused element. Called
  // before transitioning into a detailed view.
  void SaveFocus();
  void RestoreFocus();

  // Gets current height of the view (including the message center).
  int GetCurrentHeight() const;

  // Calculates how many rows to use based on the max available height.
  // FeatureTilesContainer can adjust it's height by reducing the number of rows
  // it uses.
  int CalculateHeightForFeatureTilesContainer();

  // Gets the accessible name for the currently shown detailed view.
  std::u16string GetDetailedViewAccessibleName() const;

  // Returns true if a detailed view is being shown in the tray. (e.g Bluetooth
  // Settings).
  bool IsDetailedViewShown() const;

  // PaginationModelObserver:
  void TotalPagesChanged(int previous_page_count, int new_page_count) override;

  FeatureTilesContainerView* feature_tiles_container() {
    return feature_tiles_container_;
  views::View* detailed_view_container() { return detailed_view_container_; }

  // Returns the current tray detailed view.
  template <typename T>
  T* GetDetailedViewForTest() {
    views::View* view = detailed_view_container_->children()[0];
    return static_cast<T*>(view);

  PaginationView* pagination_view_for_test() { return pagination_view_; }

  QuickSettingsMediaViewContainer* media_view_container_for_testing() {
    return media_view_container_;
  QuickSettingsHeader* header_for_testing() { return header_; }
  QuickSettingsFooter* footer_for_testing() { return footer_; }

  views::View* GetAccessibilityFocusHelperViewForTesting();

  class SystemTrayContainer;
  friend class UnifiedBrightnessViewTest;
  friend class UnifiedVolumeViewTest;

  // Owned by UnifiedSystemTrayBubble.
  const raw_ptr<UnifiedSystemTrayController> controller_;

  // Owned by views hierarchy.
  raw_ptr<views::FlexLayoutView> system_tray_container_ = nullptr;
  raw_ptr<QuickSettingsHeader> header_ = nullptr;
  raw_ptr<FeatureTilesContainerView> feature_tiles_container_ = nullptr;
  raw_ptr<PaginationView> pagination_view_ = nullptr;
  raw_ptr<views::FlexLayoutView> sliders_container_ = nullptr;
  raw_ptr<QuickSettingsFooter> footer_ = nullptr;
  raw_ptr<views::View> detailed_view_container_ = nullptr;
  raw_ptr<QuickSettingsMediaViewContainer> media_view_container_ = nullptr;

  // The maximum height available to the view.
  int max_height_ = 0;

  // The view that is saved by calling SaveFocus().
  raw_ptr<views::View> saved_focused_view_ = nullptr;

  const std::unique_ptr<ui::EventHandler> interacted_by_tap_recorder_;

}  // namespace ash