
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module chromecast.mojom;

import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";

// Renderer-side system gesture handler.
// Security: This interface is hosted by the renderer.
interface GestureHandler {
  // Invoked when the back gesture is triggered.
  OnBackGesture() => (bool was_handled);

  // Invoked while the back gesture is in progress.
  OnBackGestureProgress(gfx.mojom.Point touch_location);

  // Invoked while a top-drag is in progress.
  OnTopDragGestureProgress(gfx.mojom.Point touch_location);

  // Invoked when a top-drag gesture completes (finger lifted).

  // Invoked while a right-drag is in progress.
  OnRightDragGestureProgress(gfx.mojom.Point touch_location);

  // Invoked when a right-drag gesture completes (finger lifted).

  // Invoked when the back gesture has been cancelled (for example by the
  // finger lifting before the gesture can complete.

  // Invoked when the tap gesture is triggered.

  // Invoked when the tap down gesture is triggered.

// Subscription interface for a handler to receive gesture events. Subscribing
// indicates that the renderer is equipped to handle events, and expects to
// receive them.
// Security: This interface is hosted by the Cast Browser. It allows a renderer
// to handle special screen gestures before the system. None of these methods
// expose sensitive capabilities. This is only enabled for apps with media
// browse UIs.
interface GestureSource {
  // Subscribe to events from this source. If there is already a registered
  // handler, it will be replaced.
  Subscribe(pending_remote<GestureHandler> handler);

  // Specify if the "back" gesture can be handled by the subscriber. If
  // |can_go_back| is false, then the GestureHandler will not receive back
  // gesture events.
  SetCanGoBack(bool can_go_back);

  // Specify if the "top drag" gesture can be handled by the subscriber. If
  // |can_top_drag| is false, then the GestureHandler will not receive top
  // drag gesture events.
  SetCanTopDrag(bool can_top_drag);

  // Specify if the "right drag" gesture can be handled by the subscriber. If
  // |can_right_drag| is false, then the GestureHandler will not receive right
  // drag gesture events.
  SetCanRightDrag(bool can_top_drag);