// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "third_party/breakpad/breakpad/src/third_party/curl/curl.h"
namespace chromecast {
class LibcurlWrapper {
virtual ~LibcurlWrapper();
virtual bool Init();
virtual bool AddFile(const std::string& upload_file_path,
const std::string& basename);
virtual bool SendRequest(const std::string& url,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& parameters,
long* http_status_code,
std::string* http_header_data,
std::string* http_response_data);
// This function initializes class state corresponding to function
// pointers into the CURL library.
bool SetFunctionPointers();
bool SendRequestInner(const std::string& url,
long* http_status_code,
std::string* http_header_data,
std::string* http_response_data);
void Reset();
bool CheckInit();
bool init_ok_; // Whether init succeeded
void* curl_lib_; // Pointer to result of dlopen() on
// curl library
std::string last_curl_error_; // The text of the last error when
// dealing
// with CURL.
CURL* curl_; // Pointer for handle for CURL calls.
CURL* (*easy_init_)(void);
// Stateful pointers for calling into curl_formadd()
struct curl_httppost* formpost_;
struct curl_httppost* lastptr_;
struct curl_slist* headerlist_;
// Function pointers into CURL library
CURLcode (*easy_setopt_)(CURL*, CURLoption, ...);
CURLFORMcode (*formadd_)(struct curl_httppost**, struct curl_httppost**, ...);
struct curl_slist* (*slist_append_)(struct curl_slist*, const char*);
void (*slist_free_all_)(struct curl_slist*);
CURLcode (*easy_perform_)(CURL*);
const char* (*easy_strerror_)(CURLcode);
void (*easy_cleanup_)(CURL*);
CURLcode (*easy_getinfo_)(CURL*, CURLINFO info, ...);
void (*easy_reset_)(CURL*);
void (*formfree_)(struct curl_httppost*);
} // namespace chromecast