// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chromecast/public/bluetooth/gatt.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace bluetooth {
class RemoteService;
// A proxy to for a remote GATT server device.
class RemoteDevice : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<RemoteDevice> {
enum : int {
kDefaultMtu = 20,
enum class ConnectStatus {
using StatusCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
using ConnectCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(ConnectStatus)>;
RemoteDevice(const RemoteDevice&) = delete;
RemoteDevice& operator=(const RemoteDevice&) = delete;
// Initiate a connection to this device. Callback will return |true| if
// connected successfully, otherwise false. Only one pending call is allowed
// at a time.
virtual void Connect(
ConnectCallback cb,
bluetooth_v2_shlib::Gatt::Client::Transport transport = bluetooth_v2_shlib::Gatt::Client::Transport::kAuto) = 0;
// Disconnect from this device. Callback will return |true| if disconnected
// successfully, otherwise false. Only one pending call is allowed at a time.
virtual void Disconnect(StatusCallback cb) = 0;
// Create bond to this device. Callback will return |true| if
// bonded successfully, otherwise false. Device must be connected.
virtual void CreateBond(StatusCallback cb) = 0;
// Remove bond to this device. Callback will return |true| if
// bond is removed, otherwise false.
virtual void RemoveBond(StatusCallback cb) = 0;
// Read this device's RSSI. The result will be sent in |callback|. Only one
// pending call is allowed at a time.
using RssiCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool success, int rssi)>;
virtual void ReadRemoteRssi(RssiCallback cb) = 0;
// Request an MTU update to |mtu|. Callback will return |true| if MTU is
// updated successfully, otherwise false. Only one pending call is allowed at
// a time.
virtual void RequestMtu(int mtu, StatusCallback cb) = 0;
// Request an update to connection parameters.
virtual void ConnectionParameterUpdate(int min_interval,
int max_interval,
int latency,
int timeout,
StatusCallback cb) = 0;
// Returns true if this device is connected.
virtual bool IsConnected() = 0;
// Returns true if this device is bonded.
virtual bool IsBonded() = 0;
// Returns the current MTU of the connection with this device.
virtual int GetMtu() = 0;
// Returns a list of all discovered services on this device. After
// GattClientManager::Observer::OnServicesUpdated is called, these may point
// to old services, so services need to be reobtained.
virtual void GetServices(
cb) = 0;
// TODO(bcf): Deprecated. Replace usage with async version.
virtual std::vector<scoped_refptr<RemoteService>> GetServicesSync() = 0;
// Returns the service corresponding to |uuid|, or nullptr if none exist.
virtual void GetServiceByUuid(
const bluetooth_v2_shlib::Uuid& uuid,
base::OnceCallback<void(scoped_refptr<RemoteService>)> cb) = 0;
// TODO(bcf): Deprecated. Replace usage with async version.
virtual scoped_refptr<RemoteService> GetServiceByUuidSync(
const bluetooth_v2_shlib::Uuid& uuid) = 0;
virtual const bluetooth_v2_shlib::Addr& addr() const = 0;
friend base::RefCountedThreadSafe<RemoteDevice>;
RemoteDevice() = default;
virtual ~RemoteDevice() = default;
} // namespace bluetooth
} // namespace chromecast