// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "chromecast/media/audio/mixer_service/mixer_connection.h"
#include "chromecast/media/audio/mixer_service/mixer_socket.h"
#include "chromecast/public/volume_control.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace media {
namespace mixer_service {
// Mixer service connection for controlling general mixer properties, such as
// device volume and postprocessor configuration. Not thread-safe; all usage of
// a given instance must be on the same sequence. Must be created on an IO
// thread.
class ControlConnection : public MixerConnection, public MixerSocket::Delegate {
using ConnectedCallback = base::RepeatingClosure;
// Callback to receive mixer stream count changes.
using StreamCountCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(int primary_streams, int sfx_streams)>;
// Callback that handles ListPostProcessors response.
using ListPostprocessorsCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::vector<std::string>&)>;
ControlConnection(const ControlConnection&) = delete;
ControlConnection& operator=(const ControlConnection&) = delete;
~ControlConnection() override;
// Connects to the mixer. If the mixer connection is lost, this will
// automatically reconnect. If |callback| is nonempty, it will be called each
// time a connection is (re)established with the mixer. This can be used to
// re-send postprocessor messages, since they are not persisted across
// disconnects.
void Connect(ConnectedCallback callback = ConnectedCallback());
// Sets volume multiplier for all streams of a given content type.
void SetVolume(AudioContentType type, float volume_multiplier);
// Sets mute state all streams of a given content type.
void SetMuted(AudioContentType type, bool muted);
// Sets the maximum effective volume multiplier for a given content type.
void SetVolumeLimit(AudioContentType type, float max_volume_multiplier);
// Returns a set of registered builtin post-processors.
void ListPostprocessors(ListPostprocessorsCallback callback);
// Sends arbitrary config data to a specific postprocessor. Config is saved
// for each unique |name| and will be resent if the mixer disconnects and then
// reconnects. If the |postprocessor_name| contains a '?', that character and
// the remainder of the name string will not be sent to the mixer; this is
// useful for configuring multiple subprocessors (eg for the dynamic range
// processor).
void ConfigurePostprocessor(std::string postprocessor_name,
std::string config);
// Sends a message a specific postprocessor. Messages are not saved and will
// not be resent if the mixer disconnects and then reconnects.
void SendPostprocessorMessage(std::string postprocessor_name,
std::string message);
// Instructs the mixer to reload postprocessors based on the config file.
void ReloadPostprocessors();
// Sets a callback to receive mixer stream count changes. |callback| may be an
// empty callback to remove it.
void SetStreamCountCallback(StreamCountCallback callback);
// Sets the desired number of output channels used by the mixer. This will
// cause an audio interruption on any currently active streams. The actual
// output channel count is determined by the output implementation and may not
// match |num_channels|.
void SetNumOutputChannels(int num_channels);
bool SendPostprocessorMessageInternal(std::string postprocessor_name,
std::string message);
void OnSendFailed();
// MixerConnection implementation:
void OnConnected(std::unique_ptr<MixerSocket> socket) override;
void OnConnectionError() override;
// MixerSocket::Delegate implementation:
bool HandleMetadata(const Generic& message) override;
std::unique_ptr<MixerSocket> socket_;
ConnectedCallback connect_callback_;
base::flat_map<AudioContentType, float> volume_;
base::flat_map<AudioContentType, bool> muted_;
base::flat_map<AudioContentType, float> volume_limit_;
base::flat_map<std::string, std::string> postprocessor_config_;
StreamCountCallback stream_count_callback_;
// Uses std::list to trigger callbacks in FIFO order.
std::list<ListPostprocessorsCallback> list_postprocessors_callbacks_;
int num_output_channels_ = 0;
} // namespace mixer_service
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast