// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "chromecast/media/audio/mixer_service/mixer_connection.h"
#include "chromecast/media/audio/mixer_service/mixer_socket.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
namespace chromecast {
class CastEventBuilder;
class IOBufferPool;
namespace media {
namespace mixer_service {
class Generic;
class OutputStreamParams;
// Mixer service connection for an audio output stream. Not thread-safe; all
// usage of a given instance must be on the same sequence.
class OutputStreamConnection : public MixerConnection,
public MixerSocket::Delegate {
class Delegate {
// Keep in sync with mixer_service.proto:MixerUnderrun.Type
enum class MixerUnderrunType {
// An underrun was detected on mixer input.
kStream = 0,
// An underrun was detected on mixer output.
kMixer = 1,
// Called to fill more audio data. The implementation should write up to
// |frames| frames of audio data into |buffer|, and then call
// SendNextBuffer() with the actual number of frames that were filled (or
// 0 to indicate end-of-stream). The |playout_timestamp| indicates the
// audio clock timestamp in microseconds when the first frame of the filled
// data is expected to play out.
virtual void FillNextBuffer(void* buffer,
int frames,
int64_t delay_timestamp,
int64_t delay) = 0;
// Called when audio is ready to begin playing out, ie the start threshold
// has been reached. |mixer_delay| is the delay before the first buffered
// audio will start playing out, in microseconds.
virtual void OnAudioReadyForPlayback(int64_t mixer_delay) {}
// Called when the end of the stream has been played out. At this point it
// is safe to delete the delegate without dropping any audio.
virtual void OnEosPlayed() = 0;
// Called when a mixer error has occurred; audio from this stream will no
// longer be played out.
virtual void OnMixerError() {}
// Called when an underrun happens on mixer input/output.
virtual void OnMixerUnderrun(MixerUnderrunType type) {}
// Called when OutputStreamConnection records a cast event. It allows
// the Delegate to provide some extra data to the event.
virtual void ProcessCastEvent(CastEventBuilder* event) {}
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
OutputStreamConnection(Delegate* delegate, const OutputStreamParams& params);
OutputStreamConnection(const OutputStreamConnection&) = delete;
OutputStreamConnection& operator=(const OutputStreamConnection&) = delete;
~OutputStreamConnection() override;
// Connects to the mixer. After this is called, delegate methods may start
// to be called. If the mixer connection is lost, this will automatically
// reconnect.
void Connect();
// Sends filled audio data (written into the buffer provided to
// FillNextBuffer()) to the mixer. |filled_frames| indicates the number of
// frames of audio that were actually written into the buffer, or 0 to
// indicate end-of-stream. |pts| is the PTS of the first frame of filled
// audio; this is only meaningful when params.use_start_timestamp is |true|.
void SendNextBuffer(int filled_frames, int64_t pts = 0);
// Sends a preallocated audio buffer. The buffer does not need to be prepared
// first using MixerSocket::PrepareAudioBuffer(), since that is done inside
// this method.
void SendAudioBuffer(scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> audio_buffer,
int filled_frames,
int64_t pts);
// Sets the volume multiplier for this audio stream.
void SetVolumeMultiplier(float multiplier);
// Indicates that playback should (re)start playing PTS |pts| at time
// |start_timestamp| in microseconds relative to the audio clock.
void SetStartTimestamp(int64_t start_timestamp, int64_t pts);
// Informs the mixer how fast the PTS increases per frame. For example if the
// playback rate is 2.0, then each frame increases the PTS by
// 2.0 / sample_rate seconds.
void SetPlaybackRate(float playback_rate);
// Changes the audio output clock rate. If the provided |rate| is outside of
// the supported range, the rate will be clamped to the supported range.
void SetAudioClockRate(double rate);
// Pauses playback.
void Pause();
// Resumes playback.
void Resume();
// Adjusts timestamps.
void SendTimestampAdjustment(int64_t timestamp_adjustment);
// MixerConnection implementation:
void OnConnected(std::unique_ptr<MixerSocket> socket) override;
void OnConnectionError() override;
// MixerSocket::Delegate implementation:
bool HandleMetadata(const Generic& message) override;
Delegate* const delegate_;
std::unique_ptr<OutputStreamParams> params_;
const int frame_size_;
const int fill_size_frames_;
const scoped_refptr<IOBufferPool> buffer_pool_;
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> audio_buffer_;
std::unique_ptr<MixerSocket> socket_;
float volume_multiplier_ = 1.0f;
int64_t start_timestamp_ = INT64_MIN;
int64_t start_pts_ = INT64_MIN;
float playback_rate_ = 1.0f;
double audio_clock_rate_ = 1.0;
bool paused_ = false;
bool sent_eos_ = false;
bool dropping_audio_ = false;
} // namespace mixer_service
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast