// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include "chromecast/public/media/mixer_output_stream.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace media {
class AlsaWrapper;
// MixerOutputStream implementation for ALSA
class MixerOutputStreamAlsa : public MixerOutputStream {
MixerOutputStreamAlsa(const MixerOutputStreamAlsa&) = delete;
MixerOutputStreamAlsa& operator=(const MixerOutputStreamAlsa&) = delete;
~MixerOutputStreamAlsa() override;
void SetAlsaWrapperForTest(std::unique_ptr<AlsaWrapper> alsa);
// MixerOutputStream implementation:
bool Start(int requested_sample_rate, int channels) override;
int GetNumChannels() override;
int GetSampleRate() override;
MediaPipelineBackend::AudioDecoder::RenderingDelay GetRenderingDelay()
int OptimalWriteFramesCount() override;
bool Write(const float* data,
int data_size,
bool* out_playback_interrupted) override;
void Stop() override;
// Reads the buffer size, period size, start threshold, and avail min value
// from the provided command line flags or uses default values if no flags are
// provided.
void DefineAlsaParameters();
// Takes the provided ALSA config and sets all ALSA output hardware/software
// playback parameters. It will try to select sane fallback parameters based
// on what the output hardware supports and will log warnings if it does so.
// If any ALSA function returns an unexpected error code, the error code will
// be returned by this function. Otherwise, it will return 0.
int SetAlsaPlaybackParams(int requested_rate);
// Determines output sample rate based on the requested rate and the sample
// rate the device supports.
int DetermineOutputRate(int requested_rate);
void UpdateRenderingDelay();
// Checks ALSA output for current state and if it's suspended, tries to
// recover.
// Returns true if ALSA device is recovered successfully.
bool MaybeRecoverDeviceFromSuspendedState();
std::unique_ptr<AlsaWrapper> alsa_;
snd_pcm_t* pcm_ = nullptr;
snd_pcm_hw_params_t* pcm_hw_params_ = nullptr;
snd_pcm_status_t* pcm_status_ = nullptr;
snd_pcm_format_t pcm_format_ = SND_PCM_FORMAT_UNKNOWN;
int num_output_channels_ = 0;
int sample_rate_ = kInvalidSampleRate;
// User-configurable ALSA parameters. This caches the results, so the code
// only has to interact with the command line parameters once.
snd_pcm_uframes_t alsa_buffer_size_ = 0;
snd_pcm_uframes_t alsa_period_size_ = 0;
snd_pcm_uframes_t alsa_start_threshold_ = 0;
snd_pcm_uframes_t alsa_avail_min_ = 0;
bool first_write_ = false;
MediaPipelineBackend::AudioDecoder::RenderingDelay rendering_delay_;
std::vector<uint8_t> output_buffer_;
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast