// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromecast/media/cma/backend/android/volume_cache.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace media {
VolumeCache::VolumeCache(AudioContentType type, SystemVolumeTableAccessApi* api)
: kMaxVolumeIndex(api->GetMaxVolumeIndex(type)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Build volume cache for type " << static_cast<int>(type) << ":";
cache_.resize(kMaxVolumeIndex + 1);
for (size_t v_idx = 0; v_idx < cache_.size(); v_idx++) {
float v_level = static_cast<float>(v_idx) / kMaxVolumeIndex;
float dbVolume = api->VolumeToDbFS(type, v_level);
if (isinf(dbVolume)) {
// In Android volume tables, -inf started to be used for mute. Use a value
// that is effectively mute, but allows math to be performed.
dbVolume = -120.0;
cache_[v_idx] = dbVolume;
LOG(INFO) << " " << v_idx << "(" << v_level << ") -> " << cache_[v_idx];
VolumeCache::~VolumeCache() = default;
float VolumeCache::VolumeToDbFS(float vol_level) {
if (vol_level <= 0.0f)
return cache_[0];
if (vol_level >= 1.0f)
return cache_[kMaxVolumeIndex];
float vol_idx = vol_level * kMaxVolumeIndex;
// Find the nearest integers below and above vol_idx.
float vol_idx_high = std::ceil(vol_idx);
float vol_idx_low = std::floor(vol_idx);
float db_high = cache_[static_cast<int>(vol_idx_high)];
if (vol_idx_high == vol_idx_low) {
return db_high;
// We are in between two consecutive volume points, so interpolate.
// Note that vol_idx_high = vol_idx_low + 1.
float db_low = cache_[static_cast<int>(vol_idx_low)];
float m = (db_high - db_low) / 1.0f;
float db_interpolated = db_low + m * (vol_idx - vol_idx_low);
return db_interpolated;
float VolumeCache::DbFSToVolume(float db) {
auto db_high_it = std::lower_bound(cache_.begin(), cache_.end(), db);
if (db_high_it == cache_.end())
return 1.0f;
if (db_high_it == cache_.begin())
return 0.0f;
int vol_idx_high = db_high_it - cache_.begin();
if (db == *db_high_it)
return static_cast<float>(vol_idx_high) / kMaxVolumeIndex;
// We are in between two consecutive volume points, so interpolate.
// Note that vol_idx_high = vol_idx_low + 1.
auto db_low_it = std::prev(db_high_it);
float m = 1.0f / (*db_high_it - *db_low_it);
float vol_idx = static_cast<float>(vol_idx_high) - m * (*db_high_it - db);
return vol_idx / kMaxVolumeIndex;
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast