// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/unified/feature_tile.h"
#include "ash/system/video_conference/effects/video_conference_tray_effects_manager_types.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/dlcservice/dlcservice.pb.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/dlcservice/dlcservice_client.h"
namespace ash {
class VcEffectState;
enum class VcEffectId;
namespace video_conference {
// The controller for the UI of toggle tiles in the VC controls bubble. There is
// one controller per tile. Non-UI logic for the tiles is handled by
// `ash::VcEffectsDelegate`.
// Note: This class is only used when `VcDlcUi` is enabled.
class ASH_EXPORT VcTileUiController : public DlcserviceClient::Observer {
explicit VcTileUiController(const VcHostedEffect* effect);
VcTileUiController(const VcTileUiController&) = delete;
VcTileUiController& operator=(const VcTileUiController&) = delete;
~VcTileUiController() override;
// Creates and returns the `FeatureTile` associated with this controller.
std::unique_ptr<FeatureTile> CreateTile();
// Returns the effect id associated with this controller, for testing purposes
// only.
VcEffectId effect_id_for_testing() const { return effect_id_; }
friend class VcTileUiControllerTest;
// Starts a request for DLC download state. Multiple DLCs may be available.
class DlcDownloadStateRequest {
const base::flat_set<std::string>& dlc_ids,
base::OnceCallback<void(FeatureTile::DownloadState download_state,
int progress)> set_progress_callback);
DlcDownloadStateRequest(const DlcDownloadStateRequest&) = delete;
DlcDownloadStateRequest& operator=(const DlcDownloadStateRequest&) = delete;
// A collection of information related to the download state of a particular
// DLC.
struct DlcDownloadState {
const std::string id;
const std::string error_code;
const dlcservice::DlcState dlc_state;
// Callback passed to `DlcServiceClient` to record DlcState. May be called
// multiple times if multiple `dlc_id`'s need to be checked.
void OnDlcStateRetrieved(
std::string dlc_id,
base::OnceCallback<void(DlcDownloadState)> merge_callback,
std::string_view error,
const dlcservice::DlcState& dlc_state);
// Callback called when all dlc states have been retrieved.
void OnAllDlcStatesRetrieved(
std::vector<DlcDownloadState> dlc_download_states);
// Callback called after all DLC states are received. Results in destruction
// of the `DlcDownloadStateRequest`.
base::OnceCallback<void(FeatureTile::DownloadState download_state,
int progress)>
base::WeakPtrFactory<DlcDownloadStateRequest> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
// DlcserviceClient::Observer:
void OnDlcStateChanged(const dlcservice::DlcState& dlc_state) override;
// Called when the `FeatureTile` associated with this controller is pressed.
void OnPressed(const ui::Event& event);
// Sets the tooltip text based on the associated tile's toggle state.
void UpdateTooltip();
// Tracks the toggling behavior. Obtains the histogram name with the help of
// `GetEffectId()`.
void TrackToggleUMA(bool target_toggle_state);
// Plays a haptic effect based on `target_toggle_state`.
void PlayToggleHaptic(bool target_toggle_state);
// Updates the UI of the tile managed by this controller based on the download
// progress of the tile's associated DLC.
void UpdateDlcDownloadUi();
// Callback passed to `dlc_download_state_request_`, called when all download
// states related to `dlc_ids_` have been fetched.
void OnDlcDownloadStateFetched(FeatureTile::DownloadState download_state,
int progress);
// A weak pointer to the `FeatureTile` associated with this controller. Note
// that this is guaranteed to be nullptr before `CreateTile()` is called, and
// may even be nullptr after `CreateTile()` is called (the tile is owned by
// the Views hierarchy, not this controller).
base::WeakPtr<FeatureTile> tile_ = nullptr;
// The effect id which is used for UMA tracking.
VcEffectId effect_id_;
// Information about the associated video conferencing effect needed to
// display the UI of the tile controlled by this controller. WeakPtr's are
// saved because the `VcTileUiController` may outlive its dependencies.
base::WeakPtr<const VcEffectState> effect_state_;
base::WeakPtr<const VcHostedEffect> effect_;
// The initial label for `effect_state_`, used for debugging.
std::u16string effect_state_label_for_debug_;
// A list of ids for the DLCs associated with the tile managed by this
// controller. This is empty for tiles not associated with any DLC.
base::flat_set<std::string> dlc_ids_;
// A request which asynchronously fetches 0->many DLC download states, and
// updates the controller on combined progress or any errors.
std::unique_ptr<DlcDownloadStateRequest> dlc_download_state_request_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<VcTileUiController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace video_conference
} // namespace ash