// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/video_conference/effects/video_conference_tray_effects_delegate.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
namespace gfx {
struct VectorIcon;
} // namespace gfx
namespace ash {
class FakeVideoConferenceTrayController;
enum class VcEffectId;
namespace fake_video_conference {
// A convenience base class, for creating a delegate that hosts the simplest
// type of effect there is i.e. a toggle with only one state.
class SimpleToggleEffect : public VcEffectsDelegate {
// Simplest of all, no `icon` and no `accessible_name_id`, for unit tests.
explicit SimpleToggleEffect(const std::u16string& label_text);
// Allows setting `icon` and `accessible_name_id` if desired, for unit tests
// or the emulator.
SimpleToggleEffect(const std::u16string& label_text,
std::optional<const gfx::VectorIcon*> icon,
std::optional<int> accessible_name_id);
SimpleToggleEffect(const SimpleToggleEffect&) = delete;
SimpleToggleEffect& operator=(const SimpleToggleEffect&) = delete;
~SimpleToggleEffect() override;
// VcEffectsDelegate:
std::optional<int> GetEffectState(VcEffectId effect_id) override;
void OnEffectControlActivated(VcEffectId effect_id,
std::optional<int> state) override;
int num_activations_for_testing() { return num_activations_for_testing_; }
// Number of times the control has been activated, used by unit tests.
int num_activations_for_testing_ = 0;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SimpleToggleEffect> weak_factory_{this};
// Delegates that host a series of "fake" effects used in unit tests and the
// bubble (for the emulator).
class ASH_EXPORT CatEarsEffect : public SimpleToggleEffect {
CatEarsEffect(const CatEarsEffect&) = delete;
CatEarsEffect& operator=(const CatEarsEffect&) = delete;
~CatEarsEffect() override = default;
class ASH_EXPORT DogFurEffect : public SimpleToggleEffect {
DogFurEffect(const DogFurEffect&) = delete;
DogFurEffect& operator=(const DogFurEffect&) = delete;
~DogFurEffect() override = default;
class ASH_EXPORT SpaceshipEffect : public SimpleToggleEffect {
SpaceshipEffect(const SpaceshipEffect&) = delete;
SpaceshipEffect& operator=(const SpaceshipEffect&) = delete;
~SpaceshipEffect() override = default;
class ASH_EXPORT OfficeBunnyEffect : public SimpleToggleEffect {
OfficeBunnyEffect(const OfficeBunnyEffect&) = delete;
OfficeBunnyEffect& operator=(const OfficeBunnyEffect&) = delete;
~OfficeBunnyEffect() override = default;
class ASH_EXPORT CalmForestEffect : public SimpleToggleEffect {
CalmForestEffect(const CalmForestEffect&) = delete;
CalmForestEffect& operator=(const CalmForestEffect&) = delete;
~CalmForestEffect() override = default;
class ASH_EXPORT StylishKitchenEffect : public SimpleToggleEffect {
StylishKitchenEffect(const StylishKitchenEffect&) = delete;
StylishKitchenEffect& operator=(const StylishKitchenEffect&) = delete;
~StylishKitchenEffect() override = default;
// A fake toggle effect with long text label (used to text multi-line label in
// the toggle effect button).
class ASH_EXPORT FakeLongTextLabelToggleEffect : public SimpleToggleEffect {
FakeLongTextLabelToggleEffect(const FakeLongTextLabelToggleEffect&) = delete;
FakeLongTextLabelToggleEffect& operator=(
const FakeLongTextLabelToggleEffect&) = delete;
~FakeLongTextLabelToggleEffect() override = default;
// Delegate that hosts a set-value effect.
class ASH_EXPORT ShaggyFurEffect : public VcEffectsDelegate {
enum class FurShagginess {
kBald = 0,
kBuzzcut = 1,
kThick = 2,
kMaxNumValues = 3,
ShaggyFurEffect(const ShaggyFurEffect&) = delete;
ShaggyFurEffect& operator=(const ShaggyFurEffect&) = delete;
~ShaggyFurEffect() override;
// VcEffectsDelegate:
std::optional<int> GetEffectState(VcEffectId effect_id) override;
void OnEffectControlActivated(VcEffectId effect_id,
std::optional<int> state) override;
// Returns the number of times the button for `state_value` has been
// activated.
int GetNumActivationsForTesting(int state_value);
// Adds a `std::unique_ptr<VcEffectState>` to `effect`.
void AddStateToEffect(VcHostedEffect* effect,
int state_value,
std::u16string label_text);
// Number of times each value has been clicked, one count for each value in
// `FurShagginess`.
std::vector<int> num_activations_for_testing_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ShaggyFurEffect> weak_factory_{this};
class ASH_EXPORT SuperCutnessEffect : public VcEffectsDelegate {
enum class HowCute {
kUglyDog = 0,
kTeddyBear = 1,
kZara = 2,
kMaxNumValues = 3,
SuperCutnessEffect(const SuperCutnessEffect&) = delete;
SuperCutnessEffect& operator=(const SuperCutnessEffect&) = delete;
~SuperCutnessEffect() override;
// VcEffectsDelegate:
std::optional<int> GetEffectState(VcEffectId effect_id) override;
void OnEffectControlActivated(VcEffectId effect_id,
std::optional<int> state) override;
// Returns the number of times the button for `state` has been activated.
int GetNumActivationsForTesting(int state);
void set_has_invalid_effect_state_for_testing(bool has_invalid_state) {
has_invalid_effect_state_for_testing_ = has_invalid_state;
bool has_invalid_effect_state_for_testing() {
return has_invalid_effect_state_for_testing_;
// Adds a `std::unique_ptr<VcEffectState>` to `effect`.
void AddStateToEffect(VcHostedEffect* effect,
int state_value,
std::u16string label_text);
// Number of times each value has been clicked, one count for each value in
// `HowCute`.
std::vector<int> num_activations_for_testing_;
// Set to 'true' for testing the case where a valid effect state cannot be
// obtained.
bool has_invalid_effect_state_for_testing_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SuperCutnessEffect> weak_factory_{this};
// A simple residence for any fake effects used for testing. For all of these
// fake effects to be registered, the feature `VcControlsUiFakeEffects` must be
// enabled.
class EffectRepository {
explicit EffectRepository(FakeVideoConferenceTrayController* controller);
EffectRepository(const EffectRepository&) = delete;
EffectRepository& operator=(const EffectRepository&) = delete;
raw_ptr<FakeVideoConferenceTrayController> controller_;
std::unique_ptr<CatEarsEffect> cat_ears_;
std::unique_ptr<DogFurEffect> dog_fur_;
std::unique_ptr<SpaceshipEffect> spaceship_;
std::unique_ptr<OfficeBunnyEffect> office_bunny_;
std::unique_ptr<CalmForestEffect> calm_forest_;
std::unique_ptr<StylishKitchenEffect> stylish_kitchen_;
std::unique_ptr<FakeLongTextLabelToggleEffect> long_text_label_effect_;
std::unique_ptr<ShaggyFurEffect> shaggy_fur_;
std::unique_ptr<SuperCutnessEffect> super_cuteness_;
} // namespace fake_video_conference
} // namespace ash