// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "cast_key_status.h"
#include "chromecast_export.h"
#include "decoder_config.h"
namespace chromecast {
class TaskRunner;
struct Size;
namespace media {
class CastDecoderBuffer;
// Interface for platform-specific output of media.
// A new MediaPipelineBackend will be instantiated for each media player
// instance and raw audio stream. If a backend has both video and audio
// decoders, they must be synchronized.
// If more backends are requested than the platform supports, the unsupported
// extra backends may return nullptr for CreateAudioDecoder/CreateVideoDecoder.
// The basic usage pattern is:
// * Decoder objects created and delegates set, then Initialize called
// * Start/Stop/Pause/Resume used to manage playback state
// * Decoder objects are used to pass actual stream data buffers
// * Backend must make appropriate callbacks on the provided Delegate
// All functions will be called on the media thread. Delegate callbacks
// must be made on this thread also (using provided TaskRunner if necessary).
class MediaPipelineBackend {
// Return code for PushBuffer
enum BufferStatus {
class Decoder {
using BufferStatus = MediaPipelineBackend::BufferStatus;
// Delegate methods must be called on the main CMA thread.
class Delegate {
using BufferStatus = MediaPipelineBackend::BufferStatus;
// See comments on PushBuffer. Must not be called with kBufferPending.
virtual void OnPushBufferComplete(BufferStatus status) = 0;
// Must be called after an end-of-stream buffer has been rendered (ie, the
// last real buffer has been sent to the output hardware).
virtual void OnEndOfStream() = 0;
// May be called if a decoder error occurs. No more calls to PushBuffer()
// should be made after this is called.
virtual void OnDecoderError() = 0;
// Must be called when a decryption key status changes.
virtual void OnKeyStatusChanged(const std::string& key_id,
CastKeyStatus key_status,
uint32_t system_code) = 0;
// Must be called when video resolution change is detected by the decoder.
// Only relevant for video decoders.
virtual void OnVideoResolutionChanged(const Size& size) = 0;
virtual ~Delegate() {}
// Provides the delegate for this decoder. Called once before the backend
// is initialized; is never called after the backend is initialized.
virtual void SetDelegate(Delegate* delegate) = 0;
// Pushes a buffer of data for decoding and output. If the implementation
// cannot push the buffer now, it must store the buffer, return
// |kBufferPending| and execute the push at a later time when it becomes
// possible to do so. The implementation must then invoke
// Delegate::OnPushBufferComplete once the push has been completed. Pushing
// a pending buffer should be aborted if Stop is called;
// OnPushBufferComplete need not be invoked in this case.
// If |kBufferPending| is returned, the pipeline will stop pushing any
// further buffers until OnPushBufferComplete is invoked.
// OnPushBufferComplete should be only be invoked to indicate completion of
// a pending buffer push - not for the immediate |kBufferSuccess| return
// case.
// The buffer's lifetime is managed by the caller code - it MUST NOT be
// deleted by the MediaPipelineBackend implementation, and MUST NOT be
// dereferenced after completion of buffer push (i.e.
// returning kBufferSuccess/kBufferFailure for synchronous completion,
// calling OnPushBufferComplete() for kBufferPending case).
virtual BufferStatus PushBuffer(CastDecoderBuffer* buffer) = 0;
virtual ~Decoder() {}
class AudioDecoder : public Decoder {
// Info on pipeline latency: amount of data in pipeline not rendered yet,
// and timestamp of system clock (must be CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW) at which
// delay measurement was taken. Both times in microseconds.
struct RenderingDelay {
: delay_microseconds(0), timestamp_microseconds(INT64_MIN) {}
RenderingDelay(int64_t delay_microseconds_in,
int64_t timestamp_microseconds_in)
: delay_microseconds(delay_microseconds_in),
timestamp_microseconds(timestamp_microseconds_in) {}
int64_t delay_microseconds;
int64_t timestamp_microseconds;
// Statistics (computed since last call to backend Start).
struct Statistics {
// Reported as webkitAudioBytesDecoded. Counts number of source bytes
// decoded (not decoder output bytes).
uint64_t decoded_bytes;
// Android AudioTrack timestamp information.
struct AudioTrackTimestamp {
: audio_track_frame_position(0),
audio_track_nano_time(INT64_MIN) {}
AudioTrackTimestamp(int64_t audio_track_frame_position_in,
int64_t audio_track_frame_position_without_silence_in,
int64_t audio_track_nano_time_in)
: audio_track_frame_position(audio_track_frame_position_in),
audio_track_nano_time(audio_track_nano_time_in) {}
// Position in frames relative to start of an assumed audio stream in the
// Android AudioTrack.
int64_t audio_track_frame_position;
// Position in frames relative to start of an assumed audio stream in the
// Android AudioTrack, excluding frames of silence buffers which don't
// have timestamps.
int64_t audio_track_frame_position_without_silence;
// Time associated with the frame in the Android audio pipeline.
int64_t audio_track_nano_time;
// Provides the audio configuration. Called once before the backend is
// initialized, and again any time the configuration changes (in any state).
// Note that SetConfig() may be called before SetDelegate() is called.
// Returns true if the configuration is a supported configuration.
virtual bool SetConfig(const AudioConfig& config) = 0;
// Sets the volume multiplier for this audio stream.
// The multiplier is in the range [0.0, 1.0]. If not called, a default
// multiplier of 1.0 is assumed. Returns true if successful.
// Only called after the backend has been initialized.
virtual bool SetVolume(float multiplier) = 0;
// Returns the pipeline latency: i.e. the amount of data
// in the pipeline that have not been rendered yet, in microseconds.
// Returns a RenderingDelay.timestamp = INT64_MIN if the latency is not
// available.
// Only called when the backend is playing.
virtual RenderingDelay GetRenderingDelay() = 0;
// Returns the playback statistics since last call to backend Start. Only
// called when playing or paused.
virtual void GetStatistics(Statistics* statistics) = 0;
// Returns the Android AudioTrack timestamp information.
// Returns a AudioTrackTimestamp.audio_track_nano_time = INT64_MIN if the
// timestamp is not available.
virtual AudioTrackTimestamp GetAudioTrackTimestamp() = 0;
// Returns the streaming start threshold of the current audio track.
// Returns zero if the start threshold is not available.
virtual int GetStartThresholdInFrames() = 0;
// Returns the minimum amount of audio data buffered (in microseconds)
// necessary to prevent underrun for the given |config|; ie, if the
// rendering delay falls below this value, then underrun may occur.
static int64_t GetMinimumBufferedTime(const AudioConfig& config)
// Returns true if the audio decoder requires that encrypted buffers be
// decrypted before being passed to PushBuffer().
CHROMECAST_EXPORT static bool RequiresDecryption()
~AudioDecoder() override {}
class VideoDecoder : public Decoder {
// Statistics (computed since last call to backend Start).
struct Statistics {
// Counts number of source bytes decoded (not decoder output).
uint64_t decoded_bytes; // Reported as webkitVideoBytesDecoded.
uint64_t decoded_frames; // Reported as webkitDecodedFrames.
uint64_t dropped_frames; // Reported as webkitDroppedFrames.
// FrameDisplayInfoDelegate methods must be called on the main CMA thread.
class FrameDisplayInfoDelegate {
// OnFrameDisplayed is called either when the frame is displayed
// successfully (with valid |display_time|), or when the frame is dropped
// but it's meant to displayed(with |display_time|==INT64_MIN).
// If a pushed frame is repeated on screen, OnFrameDisplayed() is called
// only once.
// For this API to work properly, the pts fields in CastDecoderBuffer must
// be unique.
virtual void OnFrameDisplayed(
int64_t push_time, // Time when the frame is pushed to backend,
// in microseconds, relative to
// When it's not available it's INT64_MIN.
int64_t display_time, // Time when the frame is displayed on screen,
// in microseconds, relative to
// If it's INT64_MIN, the frame is not
// displayed but dropped.
int64_t pts // The |timestamp| within the CastDecoderBuffer that's
// pushed to backend, in microseconds.
) = 0;
virtual ~FrameDisplayInfoDelegate() = default;
// Provides the video configuration. Called once with the configuration for
// the primary stream before the backend is initialized, and the
// configuration may contain a pointer to additional configuration for a
// secondary stream. Called again with the configuration for either the
// primary or secondary stream when either changes after the backend is
// initialized.
// Note that SetConfig() may be called before SetDelegate() is called.
// Returns true if the configuration is a supported configuration.
virtual bool SetConfig(const VideoConfig& config) = 0;
// Returns the playback statistics since last call to backend Start. Only
// called when playing or paused.
virtual void GetStatistics(Statistics* statistics) = 0;
// Register |frame_display_info_delegate| on |video_decoder| to receive
// OnFrameDisplayed.
// TODO(guohuideng): make this a virtual method on VideoDecoder at next API
// update.
CHROMECAST_EXPORT static void SetFrameDisplayInfoDelegate(
FrameDisplayInfoDelegate* frame_display_info_delegate,
VideoDecoder* video_decoder) __attribute__((weak));
// The optional APIs below are for low latency playback performance
// improvement and they are only available and sensible on very limited
// implementations. Only intended users should be concerned with them.
// Get number of frames available for display in last Vsync, in
// |num_of_frames_available_last_vsync|. It returns false if it fails.
CHROMECAST_EXPORT static bool GetNumberOfFramesAvailableLastVsync(
uint32_t* num_of_frames_available_last_vsync,
VideoDecoder* video_decoder) __attribute__((weak));
// Get number of frames pushed but not decoded yet, in
// |num_of_frames_enqueued_pre_decode|. It returns false if it fails.
CHROMECAST_EXPORT static bool GetNumberOfFramesEnqueuedPreDecode(
uint32_t* num_of_frames_enqueued_pre_decode,
VideoDecoder* video_decoder) __attribute__((weak));
// Change the max number of frames that output module would hold before it
// drops frame. It returns false if it fails.
CHROMECAST_EXPORT static bool SetFreeRunDropThreshold(
uint32_t free_run_drop_threshold,
VideoDecoder* video_decoder) __attribute__((weak));
// Set max output buffer count at post decoding stage. It returns false if
// it fails.
CHROMECAST_EXPORT static bool SetMaxOutputBufferCount(
uint32_t max_output_buffer_count,
VideoDecoder* video_decoder) __attribute__((weak));
~VideoDecoder() override {}
// This is created/deleted on media thread. All the methods and delegate
// methods should be called on media thread.
class AudioDecryptor {
using BufferStatus = MediaPipelineBackend::BufferStatus;
// Delegate methods must be called on media thread.
class Delegate {
// Called to indicate decryptor can accept more buffers, after
// PushBufferForDecrypt returns |kBufferPending|.
virtual void OnPushBufferForDecryptComplete(BufferStatus status) = 0;
// Must be called for each pushed buffer (both clear and encrypted).
// Returns false if decryption fails, e.g. license policy violation.
virtual void OnDecryptComplete(bool success) = 0;
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Aborts all the pending operations once the object is deleted.
virtual ~AudioDecryptor() = default;
// Provides delegate for this decryptor. Called once before any other APIs.
virtual void SetDelegate(Delegate* delegate) = 0;
// Pushes a buffer of data for decrypting. Decrypted data will be put in
// |output|. Implementation MUST check the license policy before returning
// the clear buffer back.
// Similar to Decoder::PushBuffer, implementation can return
// |kBufferPending| to stop caller from pushing more buffers. See comments
// of Decoder::PushBuffer for more details on buffer pushing.
// Implementation must invoke Delegate::OnDecryptComplete once data is
// decrypted. Both encrypted and clear buffers will be pushed.
// Implementation should call the delegate methods in the same sequence as
// pushing buffer.
// Once EOS buffer is pushed, implementation should decrypt and return all
// the buffers.
// |buffer| and |output| are owned by caller. Caller must not destroy them
// until Delegate::OnDecryptComplete is called. |output| must be long
// enough to hold clear data. |output| may overlap with the memory carried
// by |buffer|. The size of decrypted data should be same as encrypted data.
virtual BufferStatus PushBufferForDecrypt(CastDecoderBuffer* buffer,
uint8_t* output) = 0;
virtual ~MediaPipelineBackend() {}
// Creates a new AudioDecoder attached to this pipeline. MediaPipelineBackend
// maintains ownership of the decoder object (and must not delete before it's
// destroyed). Will be called zero or more times, all calls made before
// Initialize. May return nullptr if the platform implementation cannot
// support any additional simultaneous playback at this time.
virtual AudioDecoder* CreateAudioDecoder() = 0;
// Creates a new VideoDecoder attached to this pipeline. MediaPipelineBackend
// maintains ownership of the decoder object (and must not delete before it's
// destroyed). Will be called zero or more times, all calls made before
// Initialize. Note: Even if your backend only supports audio, you must
// provide a default implementation of VideoDecoder; one way to do this is to
// inherit from MediaPipelineBackendDefault. May return nullptr if the
// platform implementation cannot support any additional simultaneous playback
// at this time.
virtual VideoDecoder* CreateVideoDecoder() = 0;
// Initializes the backend. This will be called once, after Decoder creation
// but before all other functions. Hardware resources for all decoders should
// be acquired here. Backend is then considered in Initialized state.
// Returns false for failure.
virtual bool Initialize() = 0;
// Places pipeline into playing state. Playback will start at given time once
// buffers are pushed. Called only when in Initialized state. |start_pts| is
// the start playback timestamp in microseconds.
virtual bool Start(int64_t start_pts) = 0;
// Returns pipeline to 'Initialized' state. May be called while playing or
// paused. Buffers cannot be pushed in Initialized state.
virtual void Stop() = 0;
// Pauses media playback. Called only when in playing state.
virtual bool Pause() = 0;
// Resumes media playback. Called only when in paused state.
virtual bool Resume() = 0;
// Gets the current playback timestamp in microseconds. Only called when in
// the "playing" or "paused" states. Returns INT64_MIN if the PTS is not
// available.
virtual int64_t GetCurrentPts() = 0;
// Sets the playback rate. |rate| > 0. If this is not called, a default rate
// of 1.0 is assumed. Returns true if successful. Only called when in
// the "playing" or "paused" states.
virtual bool SetPlaybackRate(float rate) = 0;
// Creates a new AudioDecryptor for extracting clear audio buffers. Caller
// owns the object. This will be called multiple times on media thread. When
// the object is deleted, the implementation should abort all the pending
// operations.
// This function is optional. The correct implementation must return a valid
// object. Platforms which support standard CDM decryption APIs do not need to
// implement this function.
CHROMECAST_EXPORT static AudioDecryptor* CreateAudioDecryptor(
EncryptionScheme scheme,
TaskRunner* task_runner) __attribute__((weak));
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast