// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "chromecast_export.h"
namespace chromecast {
// All methods in the RebootShlib interface can be called from any thread.
class CHROMECAST_EXPORT RebootShlib {
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: com.google.android.apps.cast
enum RebootSource {
// A default value to use if the source of a reboot is not known.
// A reboot that wasn't device-initiated (e.g. power cycle).
// A reboot triggered by the setup API that was not an FDR or an OTA.
// This is a user initiated reboot attempt.
API = 2,
// An automatic reboot of the device that happens once a day.
// A reboot caused by an OTA/update related source.
// Note: Calling RebootNow(RebootSource::OTA) does not imply that
// an OTA must happen upon reboot; it is simply an indicator that a reboot
// request is coming from an OTA-related source.
// Only if SetOtaForNextReboot() has been called must reboot to result
// in an OTA update.
OTA = 4,
// A reboot caused by a watchdog process, which generally indicates
// a device malfunction of some sort.
// A reboot triggered by the Cast ProcessManager, which monitors various
// cast services and will cause a reboot if critical services are failing.
// A reboot triggered by the Cast CrashUploader, which is responsible for
// handling crash reports and will cause a reboot if a high crash rate is
// detected.
// A reboot caused by an FDR related source.
// Note: Calling RebootNow(RebootSource::FDR) does not imply that
// an FDR must happen upon reboot; it is simply an indicator that a reboot
// request is coming from an FDR-related source.
// Only if SetFdrForNextReboot() has been called must reboot to result
// in an OTA update.
FDR = 8,
// A reboot caused by hardware watchdog. This requires additional
// information from the SoC. Otherwise, it can be categorized as forced.
// A reboot caused by other software reason that is not listed above.
SW_OTHER = 10,
// A reboot caused by overheat.
// The device got into a state such that it needs to regenerate the cloud
// device id.
// A reboot is triggered due to successive OOM events.
// A reboot is triggered when the utility process is found to be in
// crash loop.
// Restart of the Cast component following a graceful teardown, e.g.,
// intended by the platform. Device has not rebooted. This only makes sense
// on platforms that allow a component restart without a full device reboot.
// Restart of the Cast component following an ungraceful teardown, e.g.,
// a crash.. Device has not rebooted. This only makes sense on platforms
// that allow a component restart without a full device reboot.
// A dirty reboot is triggered due to multiple services are affected by
// bugs. In that case, business logic can't proceed and busy references
// can't be trusted, so a dirty reboot will be executed.
// Intentional shutdown by power manager of battery powered devices.
// Restart of the Cast component to apply changes due to an experiment flag
// value change. This is only used to handle flag changes that would be more
// risky to attempt without a full process restart. Very few experiments
// trigger this path.
// A reboot is triggered when the anomaly detection service detects a
// system-level anomaly and needs to recover from it with restarting the
// Cast component.
// A reboot is triggered when the kernel panics.
// Initializes any platform-specific reboot systems.
static void Initialize(const std::vector<std::string>& argv);
// Tears down and uninitializes any platform-specific reboot systems.
static void Finalize();
// Returns whether this shlib is supported. If this returns true, it
// indicates that IsRebootSourceSupported will be true for at least one
// RebootSource.
static bool IsSupported();
// Indicates if a particular RebootSource is supported. If |reboot_source|
// is supported, calling RebootNow(|reboot_source|) should cause the system
// to reboot as soon as possible.
static bool IsRebootSourceSupported(RebootSource reboot_source);
// Causes the system to reboot as soon as possible if the supplied
// |reboot_source| is supported.
// Returns true if the reboot is expected to succeed.
// Returns false if there is an error during reboot attempt (or the
// |reboot_source| is not supported).
// NOTE: RebootNow(RebootSource::FDR) does NOT require an FDR to occur upon
// reboot. An FDR is only required to occur upon reboot if
// IsFdrForNextRebootSupported() returns true and SetFdrForNextReboot()
// has been called. If SetFdrForNextReboot() has been called, then a reboot
// must result in an FDR regardless of the RebootSource passed to RebootNow.
// NOTE: RebootNow(RebootSource::OTA) does NOT require an OTA to occur upon
// reboot. An OTA is only required to occur upon reboot if
// IsOtaForNextRebootSupported() returns true and SetOtaForNextReboot()
// has been called. If SetOtaForNextReboot() has been called, then a reboot
// must result in an OTA regardless of the RebootSource passed to RebootNow.
static bool RebootNow(RebootSource reboot_source);
// Indicates if FDR (Factory Data Reset) on next reboot is supported.
// NOTE: This is independent from IsRebootSourceSupported(RebootSource::FDR).
// If IsFdrForNextRebootSupported() returns true and SetFdrForNextReboot()
// has been called, then the device must do an FDR upon reboot, regardless
// of the type of reboot (including power cycle).
static bool IsFdrForNextRebootSupported();
// If IsFdrSupported() returns true, then calling SetFdrForNextReboot()
// must result in FDR occuring upon the next reboot (regardless of the
// RebootSource or cause of reboot).
static void SetFdrForNextReboot();
// Indicates if updates (also known as OTAs) on next reboot are supported.
// NOTE: This is independent from IsRebootSourceSupported(RebootSource::OTA).
// If IsOtaForNextRebootSupported() returns true and SetOtaForNextReboot()
// has been called, then the device must do an OTA upon reboot, regardless
// of the type of reboot (including power cycle).
static bool IsOtaForNextRebootSupported();
// If IsOtaSupported() returns true, then calling SetOtaForNextReboot()
// must result in any available OTA update getting applied upon the next
// reboot (regardless of the RebootSource or cause of reboot).
static void SetOtaForNextReboot();
// If IsClearOtaFromNextRebootSupported() returns true and
// ClearOtaForNextReboot() has been called, then the device will cancel any
// pending OTA waiting to be applied.
static bool IsClearOtaForNextRebootSupported();
// If IsClearOtaForNextRebootSupported() returns true then calling
// ClearOtaForNextReboot voids any prior call to SetOtaForNextReboot.
static void ClearOtaForNextReboot();
} // namespace chromecast