// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
namespace ash {
namespace video_conference {
class VcTileUiController;
} // namespace video_conference
class VcEffectsDelegate;
enum class VcEffectId;
class VcHostedEffect;
// The interface used to construct the UI that exposes video
// conferencing camera/microphone effects to the user.
class ASH_EXPORT VideoConferenceTrayEffectsManager {
VideoConferenceTrayEffectsManager(const VideoConferenceTrayEffectsManager&) =
VideoConferenceTrayEffectsManager& operator=(
const VideoConferenceTrayEffectsManager&) = delete;
virtual ~VideoConferenceTrayEffectsManager();
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Called when an affect has change its support state.
virtual void OnEffectSupportStateChanged(VcEffectId effect_id,
bool is_supported) = 0;
// Adds/removes `VideoConferenceTrayEffectsManager::Observer`.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Register/unregister a delegate that hosts one or more effects. When VcDlcUi
// is enabled, tile controllers will be added/removed for supported effects.
// Note: `UnregisterDelegate()` should only be overridden for testing
// purposes, and only by `FakeVideoConferenceTrayEffectsManager`.
void RegisterDelegate(VcEffectsDelegate* delegate);
virtual void UnregisterDelegate(VcEffectsDelegate* delegate);
// Returns 'true' if `delegate` is registered, 'false' otherwise.
bool IsDelegateRegistered(VcEffectsDelegate* delegate);
// A vector (or row) of `VcHostedEffect` objects of type
// `VcEffectType::kToggle`.
using EffectDataVector = std::vector<const VcHostedEffect*>;
// A table of `VcHostedEffect` objects, intended to
// represent the arrangement of toggle effect buttons in the bubble.
using EffectDataTable = std::vector<EffectDataVector>;
// Returns 'true' if there are any `VcHostedEffect`
// objects of type `VcEffectType::kToggle`, 'false'
// otherwise.
bool HasToggleEffects();
// Returns a pre-arranged table of `VcEffectsDelegate`
// objects.
EffectDataTable GetToggleEffectButtonTable();
// Returns 'true' if there are any `VcHostedEffect`
// objects of type `VcEffectType::kSetValue`, 'false'
// otherwise.
bool HasSetValueEffects();
// Returns a vector of `VcHostedEffect` objects of type
// `VcEffectType::kSetValue`, in no special order.
EffectDataVector GetSetValueEffects();
// Returns a vector of `VcHostedEffect` objects of type
// `VcEffectType::kToggle`, in no special order.
EffectDataVector GetToggleEffects();
// Notifies all observers about effect support state changed.
void NotifyEffectSupportStateChanged(VcEffectId effect_id, bool is_supported);
// Records the current state of all effects to metrics.
void RecordInitialStates();
// Returns a pointer to the UI controller of the tile associated with the
// given `effect_id`. May return nullptr, for instance if there is no
// associated UI controller for the given `effect_id`.
// Should only be called when `VcDlcUi` is enabled.
// Note: This should only be overridden for testing purposes, and only by
// `FakeVideoConferenceTrayEffectsManager`.
virtual video_conference::VcTileUiController* GetUiControllerForEffectId(
VcEffectId effect_id);
// Returns the DLC ids associated with `effect_id`. A VC effect may be
// associated with zero, one, or multiple DLCs; the length of the returned
// vector corresponds to how many DLCs are associated with the effect.
// Note: This should only be overridden for testing purposes, and only by
// `FakeVideoConferenceTrayEffectsManager`.
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetDlcIdsForEffectId(VcEffectId effect_id);
// Returns a vector of `VcHostedEffect` objects of type
// `VcEffectType::kToggle`, in no special order.
EffectDataVector GetTotalToggleEffectButtons();
// Removes tile controllers for each toggle effect hosted by `delegate`. Note:
// until http://b/298692153 is completed not every toggle effect will
// necessarily have an associated tile controller.
void RemoveTileControllers(VcEffectsDelegate* delegate);
// A map from `VcEffectId` to (unique pointer to)
// `video_conference::VcTileUiController`. This (potentially) gets updated
// whenever a client requests a tile controller or whenever a
// `VcEffectsDelegate` is unregistered.
// This list of registered effect delegates, unowned.
std::vector<raw_ptr<VcEffectsDelegate, VectorExperimental>> effect_delegates_;
base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<VideoConferenceTrayEffectsManager> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash