// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <starboard/egl.h>
#include <starboard/event.h>
#include <starboard/gles.h>
#include <starboard/player.h>
#include <starboard/window.h>
#include <cast_starboard_api.h>
#endif // SB_API_VERSION < 15
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 15
int SbRunStarboardMain(int argc, char** argv, SbEventHandleCallback callback) {
SbEvent* fake_start = new SbEvent;
fake_start->type = kSbEventTypeStart;
return 0;
#else // SB_API_VERSION >= 15
int StarboardMain(int argc, char** argv) {
return 0;
int CastStarboardApiInitialize(int argc,
char** argv,
SbEventHandleCB callback) {
SbEvent* fake_start = new SbEvent;
fake_start->type = kSbEventTypeStart;
return 0;
void CastStarboardApiFinalize() {}
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 15
const SbGlesInterface* SbGetGlesInterface() {
return nullptr;
const SbEglInterface* SbGetEglInterface() {
return nullptr;
SbWindow SbWindowCreate(const SbWindowOptions* options) {
return nullptr;
void* SbWindowGetPlatformHandle(SbWindow window) {
return nullptr;
SbPlayer SbPlayerCreate(
SbWindow window,
const SbPlayerCreationParam* creation_param,
SbPlayerDeallocateSampleFunc sample_deallocate_func,
SbPlayerDecoderStatusFunc decoder_status_func,
SbPlayerStatusFunc player_status_func,
SbPlayerErrorFunc player_error_func,
void* context,
SbDecodeTargetGraphicsContextProvider* context_provider) {
return nullptr;
void SbPlayerSetBounds(SbPlayer player,
int z_index,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height) {}
void SbPlayerWriteEndOfStream(SbPlayer player, SbMediaType stream_type) {}
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 15
void SbPlayerSeek(SbPlayer player, SbTime seek_to_timestamp, int ticket) {}
void SbPlayerWriteSamples(SbPlayer player,
SbMediaType sample_type,
const SbPlayerSampleInfo* sample_infos,
int number_of_sample_infos) {}
void SbPlayerGetInfo(SbPlayer player, SbPlayerInfo* out_player_info2) {}
#else // SB_API_VERSION >= 15
void SbPlayerSeek2(SbPlayer player, SbTime seek_to_timestamp, int ticket) {}
void SbPlayerWriteSample2(SbPlayer player,
SbMediaType sample_type,
const SbPlayerSampleInfo* sample_infos,
int number_of_sample_infos) {}
void SbPlayerGetInfo2(SbPlayer player, SbPlayerInfo2* out_player_info2) {}
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 15
void SbPlayerSetVolume(SbPlayer player, double volume) {}
bool SbPlayerSetPlaybackRate(SbPlayer player, double playback_rate) {
return false;
void SbPlayerDestroy(SbPlayer player) {}
SbDrmSystem SbDrmCreateSystem(
const char* key_system,
void* context,
SbDrmSessionUpdateRequestFunc update_request_callback,
SbDrmSessionUpdatedFunc session_updated_callback,
SbDrmSessionKeyStatusesChangedFunc key_statuses_changed_callback,
SbDrmServerCertificateUpdatedFunc server_certificate_updated_callback,
SbDrmSessionClosedFunc session_closed_callback) {
return kSbDrmSystemInvalid;
void SbDrmGenerateSessionUpdateRequest(SbDrmSystem drm_system,
int ticket,
const char* type,
const void* initialization_data,
int initialization_data_size) {}
void SbDrmUpdateSession(SbDrmSystem drm_system,
int ticket,
const void* key,
int key_size,
const void* session_id,
int session_id_size) {}
void SbDrmCloseSession(SbDrmSystem drm_system,
const void* session_id,
int session_id_size) {}
bool SbDrmIsServerCertificateUpdatable(SbDrmSystem drm_system) {
return false;
void SbDrmUpdateServerCertificate(SbDrmSystem drm_system,
int ticket,
const void* certificate,
int certificate_size) {}
const void* SbDrmGetMetrics(SbDrmSystem drm_system, int* size) {
return nullptr;
void SbDrmDestroySystem(SbDrmSystem drm_system) {}
SbMediaSupportType SbMediaCanPlayMimeAndKeySystem(const char* mime,
const char* key_system) {
return kSbMediaSupportTypeMaybe;