// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromecast/starboard/media/media/mime_utils.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "chromecast/public/media/decoder_config.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace media {
namespace {
using ::testing::StrEq;
// Holds codec info and the corresponding mime type.
struct CodecInfoAndMime {
CodecProfileLevel codec_profile_level;
std::string mime;
// Returns a list of supported codecs and the corresponding MIME strings. See
// https://developers.google.com/cast/docs/media for supported codecs.
// TODO(b/275430044): expand this to cover all supported codecs.
std::vector<CodecInfoAndMime> GetCodecMimeValues() {
std::vector<CodecInfoAndMime> out;
// Profile 5.
out.push_back({.codec_profile_level = {.codec = kCodecDolbyVisionHEVC,
.profile = kDolbyVisionProfile5,
.level = 6},
.mime = R"-(video/mp4; codecs="dvhe.05.06")-"});
out.push_back({.codec_profile_level = {.codec = kCodecDolbyVisionHEVC,
.profile = kDolbyVisionProfile5,
.level = 7},
.mime = R"-(video/mp4; codecs="dvhe.05.07")-"});
out.push_back({.codec_profile_level = {.codec = kCodecDolbyVisionHEVC,
.profile = kDolbyVisionProfile5,
.level = 9},
.mime = R"-(video/mp4; codecs="dvhe.05.09")-"});
// Profile 8.
out.push_back({.codec_profile_level = {.codec = kCodecDolbyVisionHEVC,
.profile = kDolbyVisionProfile8,
.level = 6},
.mime = R"-(video/mp4; codecs="dvhe.08.06")-"});
out.push_back({.codec_profile_level = {.codec = kCodecDolbyVisionHEVC,
.profile = kDolbyVisionProfile8,
.level = 7},
.mime = R"-(video/mp4; codecs="dvhe.08.07")-"});
out.push_back({.codec_profile_level = {.codec = kCodecDolbyVisionHEVC,
.profile = kDolbyVisionProfile8,
.level = 9},
.mime = R"-(video/mp4; codecs="dvhe.08.09")-"});
// Unsupported cases should return an empty string for the MIME type.
out.push_back({.codec_profile_level = {.codec = kCodecDolbyVisionHEVC,
.profile = kDolbyVisionProfile5,
.level = 11},
.mime = ""});
out.push_back({.codec_profile_level = {.codec = kCodecDolbyVisionHEVC,
.profile = kDolbyVisionProfile8,
.level = 11},
.mime = ""});
return out;
// The parameter is a codec/profile/level and the corresponding MIME type.
using MimeUtilsTest = ::testing::TestWithParam<CodecInfoAndMime>;
TEST_P(MimeUtilsTest, ConvertsToMimeType) {
const CodecProfileLevel codec_profile_level = GetParam().codec_profile_level;
const std::string expected_mime = GetParam().mime;
GetMimeType(codec_profile_level.codec, codec_profile_level.profile,
} // namespace
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast