// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The structs/enums in this file represent corresponding structs/enums in
// starboard. By using these types instead of Starboard's, we can abstract away
// minor changes (e.g. function renames) in Starboard without having to change
// the rest of the MediaPipelineBackend. Additionally, these types can be
// converted to different version-specific Starboard types.
// Users of this header should interact with Starboard via a StarboardApiWrapper
// created via GetStarboardApiWrapper(). For testing purposes, a mock
// StarboardApiWrapper can be used instead.
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
namespace chromecast {
namespace media {
// Copy of SbMediaSupportType from starboard.
enum StarboardMediaSupportType {
// Copy of SbMediaType from starboard.
enum StarboardMediaType {
// Copy of SbMediaAudioCodec from starboard.
enum StarboardAudioCodec {
// Copy of SbMediaVideoCodec from starboard.
enum StarboardVideoCodec {
// Copy of SbPlayerSampleSideDataType from starboard.
enum StarboardSampleSideDataType {
// Copy of SbPlayerDecoderState from starboard.
enum StarboardDecoderState {
// Copy of SbPlayerOutputMode from starboard.
enum StarboardPlayerOutputMode {
// Copy of SbPlayerState from starboard.
enum StarboardPlayerState {
// Copy of SbPlayerError from starboard.
enum StarboardPlayerError {
// Copy of SbDrmEncryptionScheme from starboard.
enum StarboardDrmEncryptionScheme {
// Copy of SbDrmStatus from starboard.
enum StarboardDrmStatus {
// Copy of SbDrmSessionRequestType from starboard.
enum StarboardDrmSessionRequestType {
// Copy of SbDrmKeyStatus from starboard.
enum StarboardDrmKeyStatus {
// Copy of SbMediaMasteringMetadata from starboard.
struct StarboardMediaMasteringMetadata {
float primary_r_chromaticity_x;
float primary_r_chromaticity_y;
float primary_g_chromaticity_x;
float primary_g_chromaticity_y;
float primary_b_chromaticity_x;
float primary_b_chromaticity_y;
float white_point_chromaticity_x;
float white_point_chromaticity_y;
float luminance_max;
float luminance_min;
// Copy of SbMediaMasteringMetadata from starboard.
struct StarboardColorMetadata {
unsigned int bits_per_channel;
unsigned int chroma_subsampling_horizontal;
unsigned int chroma_subsampling_vertical;
unsigned int cb_subsampling_horizontal;
unsigned int cb_subsampling_vertical;
unsigned int chroma_siting_horizontal;
unsigned int chroma_siting_vertical;
StarboardMediaMasteringMetadata mastering_metadata;
unsigned int max_cll;
unsigned int max_fall;
// See SbMediaPrimaryId from starboard.
int primaries;
// See SbMediaTransferId from starboard.
int transfer;
// See SbMediaMatrixId from starboard.
int matrix;
// See SbMediaRangeId from starboard.
int range;
float custom_primary_matrix[12];
// Copy of SbMediaAudioSampleInfo from starboard.
struct StarboardAudioSampleInfo {
StarboardAudioCodec codec;
const char* mime;
uint16_t format_tag;
uint16_t number_of_channels;
uint32_t samples_per_second;
uint32_t average_bytes_per_second;
uint16_t block_alignment;
uint16_t bits_per_sample;
uint16_t audio_specific_config_size;
const void* audio_specific_config;
// Copy of SbMediaVideoSampleInfo from starboard.
struct StarboardVideoSampleInfo {
StarboardVideoCodec codec;
const char* mime;
const char* max_video_capabilities;
bool is_key_frame;
int frame_width;
int frame_height;
StarboardColorMetadata color_metadata;
// Copy of SbPlayerSampleSideData from starboard.
struct StarboardSampleSideData {
StarboardSampleSideDataType type;
const uint8_t* data;
size_t size;
// Copy of SbDrmEncryptionPattern from starboard.
struct StarboardDrmEncryptionPattern {
uint32_t crypt_byte_block;
uint32_t skip_byte_block;
// Copy of SbDrmSubSampleMapping from starboard.
struct StarboardDrmSubSampleMapping {
// How many bytes of the corresponding subsample are not encrypted
int32_t clear_byte_count;
// How many bytes of the corresponding subsample are encrypted.
int32_t encrypted_byte_count;
// Copy of SbDrmSampleInfo from starboard.
struct StarboardDrmSampleInfo {
StarboardDrmEncryptionScheme encryption_scheme;
// The encryption pattern of this sample.
StarboardDrmEncryptionPattern encryption_pattern;
// The Initialization Vector needed to decrypt this sample.
uint8_t initialization_vector[16];
int initialization_vector_size;
// The ID of the license (or key) required to decrypt this sample. For
// PlayReady, this is the license GUID in packed little-endian binary form.
uint8_t identifier[16];
int identifier_size;
// The number of subsamples in this sample, must be at least 1.
int32_t subsample_count;
// The clear/encrypted mapping of each subsample in this sample. This must be
// an array of |subsample_count| mappings.
const StarboardDrmSubSampleMapping* subsample_mapping;
// Copy of SbPlayerSampleInfo from starboard.
struct StarboardSampleInfo {
// See SbMediaType.
int type;
// Points to the buffer containing the sample data.
const void* buffer;
// Size of the data pointed to by |buffer|.
int buffer_size;
// The timestamp of the sample.
int64_t timestamp;
// Points to an array of side data for the input, when available.
StarboardSampleSideData* side_data;
// The number of side data pointed by |side_data|. It should be set to 0 if
// there is no side data for the input.
int side_data_count;
union {
// Information about an audio sample. This value can only be used when
// |type| is kSbMediaTypeAudio.
StarboardAudioSampleInfo audio_sample_info;
// Information about a video sample. This value can only be used when |type|
// is kSbMediaTypeVideo.
StarboardVideoSampleInfo video_sample_info;
// The DRM system related info for the media sample. This value is required
// for encrypted samples. Otherwise, it must be |NULL|.
const StarboardDrmSampleInfo* drm_info;
// Copy of SbPlayerCreationParam from starboard.
struct StarboardPlayerCreationParam {
// Note: a DRM system is not included in this struct. Due to the architecture
// of cast, the MediaPipelineBackend does not have direct access to the CDM.
// So instead we pass a global to Starboard (in starboard_media_api.cc).
// Contains a populated SbMediaAudioSampleInfo if |audio_sample_info.codec|
// isn't |kSbMediaAudioCodecNone|. When |audio_sample_info.codec| is
// |kSbMediaAudioCodecNone|, the video doesn't have an audio track.
StarboardAudioSampleInfo audio_sample_info;
// Contains a populated SbMediaVideoSampleInfo if |video_sample_info.codec|
// isn't |kSbMediaVideoCodecNone|. When |video_sample_info.codec| is
// |kSbMediaVideoCodecNone|, the video is audio only.
StarboardVideoSampleInfo video_sample_info;
// Selects how the decoded video frames will be output. For example,
// |kSbPlayerOutputModePunchOut| indicates that the decoded video frames will
// be output to a background video layer by the platform, and
// |kSbPlayerOutputDecodeToTexture| indicates that the decoded video frames
// should be made available for the application to pull via calls to
// SbPlayerGetCurrentFrame().
StarboardPlayerOutputMode output_mode;
// Copy of SbPlayerInfo2 from starboard.
struct StarboardPlayerInfo {
// The position of the playback head, as precisely as possible, in
// microseconds.
int64_t current_media_timestamp_micros;
// The known duration of the currently playing media stream, in microseconds.
int64_t duration_micros;
// The result of getStartDate for the currently playing media stream, in
// microseconds since the epoch of January 1, 1601 UTC.
int64_t start_date;
// The width of the currently displayed frame, in pixels, or 0 if not provided
// by this player.
int frame_width;
// The height of the currently displayed frame, in pixels, or 0 if not
// provided by this player.
int frame_height;
// Whether playback is currently paused.
bool is_paused;
// The current player volume in [0, 1].
double volume;
// The number of video frames sent to the player since the creation of the
// player.
int total_video_frames;
// The number of video frames decoded but not displayed since the creation of
// the player.
int dropped_video_frames;
// The number of video frames that failed to be decoded since the creation of
// the player.
int corrupted_video_frames;
// The rate of playback. The video is played back in a speed that is
// proportional to this. By default it is 1.0 which indicates that the
// playback is at normal speed. When it is greater than one, the video is
// played in a faster than normal speed. When it is less than one, the video
// is played in a slower than normal speed. Negative speeds are not supported.
double playback_rate;
// Copy of SbDrmKeyId from starboard.
struct StarboardDrmKeyId {
uint8_t identifier[16];
int identifier_size;
// Copy of SbPlayerDecoderStatusFunc from starboard.
using StarboardPlayerDecoderStatusFunc =
void (*)(void* player,
void* context,
StarboardMediaType type,
StarboardDecoderState decoder_state,
int ticket);
// Copy of SbPlayerDeallocateSampleFunc from starboard.
using StarboardPlayerDeallocateSampleFunc = void (*)(void* player,
void* context,
const void* sample_buffer);
// Copy of SbPlayerStatusFunc from starboard.
using StarboardPlayerStatusFunc = void (*)(void* player,
void* context,
StarboardPlayerState state,
int ticket);
// Copy of SbPlayerErrorFunc from starboard.
using StarboardPlayerErrorFunc = void (*)(void* player,
void* context,
StarboardPlayerError error,
const char* message);
// Copy of SbDrmSessionUpdateRequestFunc from starboard.
using StarboardDrmSessionUpdateRequestFunc =
void (*)(void* drm_system,
void* context,
int ticket,
StarboardDrmStatus status,
StarboardDrmSessionRequestType type,
const char* error_message,
const void* session_id,
int session_id_size,
const void* content,
int content_size,
const char* url);
// Copy of SbDrmSessionUpdatedFunc from starboard.
using StarboardDrmSessionUpdatedFunc = void (*)(void* drm_system,
void* context,
int ticket,
StarboardDrmStatus status,
const char* error_message,
const void* session_id,
int session_id_size);
// Copy of SbDrmSessionKeyStatusesChangedFunc from starboard.
using StarboardDrmSessionKeyStatusesChangedFunc =
void (*)(void* drm_system,
void* context,
const void* session_id,
int session_id_size,
int number_of_keys,
const StarboardDrmKeyId* key_ids,
const StarboardDrmKeyStatus* key_statuses);
// Copy of SbDrmServerCertificateUpdatedFunc from starboard.
using StarboardDrmServerCertificateUpdatedFunc =
void (*)(void* drm_system,
void* context,
int ticket,
StarboardDrmStatus status,
const char* error_message);
// Copy of SbDrmSessionClosedFunc from starboard.
using StarboardDrmSessionClosedFunc = void (*)(void* drm_system,
void* context,
const void* session_id,
int session_id_size);
// A wrapper for the player-related callbacks that starboard calls.
struct StarboardPlayerCallbackHandler {
// The context that will be passed to all functions.
void* context;
StarboardPlayerDecoderStatusFunc decoder_status_fn;
StarboardPlayerDeallocateSampleFunc deallocate_sample_fn;
StarboardPlayerStatusFunc player_status_fn;
StarboardPlayerErrorFunc player_error_fn;
// A wrapper for the DRM-related callbacks that starboard calls.
struct StarboardDrmSystemCallbackHandler {
// The context that will be passed to all functions.
void* context;
StarboardDrmSessionUpdateRequestFunc update_request_fn;
StarboardDrmSessionUpdatedFunc session_updated_fn;
StarboardDrmSessionKeyStatusesChangedFunc key_statuses_changed_fn;
StarboardDrmServerCertificateUpdatedFunc server_certificate_updated_fn;
StarboardDrmSessionClosedFunc session_closed_fn;
// A wrapper around the Starboard API, allowing a mock to be used for testing.
// It also abstracts away details specific to certain versions of Starboard, by
// utilizing the structs defined above. Internally, those structs will be
// converted to the relevant starboard structs for the given starboard version.
class StarboardApiWrapper {
virtual ~StarboardApiWrapper();
// This function matches the EnsureInitialized function in
// cast_starboard_api_adapter.h. It blocks until Starboard has started and
// returns true, or returns false if initialization fails.
// This function is included in this wrapper so we can avoid calling the
// production implementation in unit tests, thus removing a dependency on
// Starboard.
virtual bool EnsureInitialized() = 0;
// Version-agnostic functions for SbPlayer. See starboard/player.h for more
// info about the corresponding functions.
// StarboardPlayerCallbackHandler is used to wrap multiple callbacks that are
// passed to starboard.
virtual void* CreatePlayer(
const StarboardPlayerCreationParam* creation_param,
const StarboardPlayerCallbackHandler* callback_handler) = 0;
virtual void SetPlayerBounds(void* player,
int z_index,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height) = 0;
virtual void SeekTo(void* player, int64_t time, int seek_ticket) = 0;
virtual void WriteSample(void* player,
StarboardMediaType type,
StarboardSampleInfo* sample_infos,
int sample_infos_count) = 0;
virtual void WriteEndOfStream(void* player, StarboardMediaType type) = 0;
virtual void GetPlayerInfo(void* player,
StarboardPlayerInfo* player_info) = 0;
virtual void SetVolume(void* player, double volume) = 0;
virtual bool SetPlaybackRate(void* player, double playback_rate) = 0;
virtual void DestroyPlayer(void* player) = 0;
// Version-agnostic functions for SbDrmSystem. See starboard/drm.h for more
// info about the corresponding functions.
// StarboardDrmSystemCallbackHandler is used to wrap multiple callbacks that
// are passed to starboard.
virtual void* CreateDrmSystem(
const char* key_system,
const StarboardDrmSystemCallbackHandler* callback_handler) = 0;
virtual void DrmGenerateSessionUpdateRequest(
void* drm_system,
int ticket,
const char* type,
const void* initialization_data,
int initialization_data_size) = 0;
virtual void DrmUpdateSession(void* drm_system,
int ticket,
const void* key,
int key_size,
const void* session_id,
int session_id_size) = 0;
virtual void DrmCloseSession(void* drm_system,
const void* session_id,
int session_id_size) = 0;
virtual void DrmUpdateServerCertificate(void* drm_system,
int ticket,
const void* certificate,
int certificate_size) = 0;
virtual bool DrmIsServerCertificateUpdatable(void* drm_system) = 0;
virtual void DrmDestroySystem(void* drm_system) = 0;
// Version-agnostic functions for starboard/media.h.
virtual StarboardMediaSupportType CanPlayMimeAndKeySystem(
const char* mime,
const char* key_system) = 0;
// Returns a StarboardApiWrapper that calls into libcast_starboard_api.so. This
// function is defined for each starboard version supported by cast. For
// example, there is a starboard 15 version that calls the starboard 15 APIs, a
// starboard 14 version that calls the starboard 14 APIs, etc.
std::unique_ptr<StarboardApiWrapper> GetStarboardApiWrapper();
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast