// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/metrics/user_metrics.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation_traits.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/audio/audio_device.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/audio/audio_device_metrics_handler.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/audio/audio_devices_pref_handler.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/audio/audio_pref_observer.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/audio/audio_selection_notification_handler.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/audio/audio_node.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/audio/cras_audio_client.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/audio/fake_cras_audio_client.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/audio/volume_state.h"
#include "media/base/video_facing.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "services/media_session/public/mojom/media_controller.mojom.h"
#include "services/media_session/public/mojom/media_session.mojom.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/microphone_mute_switch_monitor.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
namespace ash {
class AudioDevicesPrefHandler;
// Callback to handle response of methods without result.
// |result| is true if the method call is successfully completed, otherwise
// false.
using VoidCrasAudioHandlerCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool result)>;
// Callback to handle the dbus message for whether noise cancellation is
// supported by the board.
using OnNoiseCancellationSupportedCallback = base::OnceCallback<void()>;
// Callback to handle the dbus message for whether style transfer is
// supported by the board.
using OnStyleTransferSupportedCallback = base::OnceCallback<void()>;
// Callback to handle the dbus message for whether hfp_mic_sr is
// supported by the board.
using OnHfpMicSrSupportedCallback = base::OnceCallback<void()>;
// This class is not thread safe. The public functions should be called on
// browser main thread.
: public CrasAudioClient::Observer,
public ui::MicrophoneMuteSwitchMonitor::Observer,
public AudioPrefObserver,
public media::VideoCaptureObserver,
public media_session::mojom::MediaControllerObserver {
typedef std::vector<uint64_t> NodeIdList;
enum class SurveyType {
static constexpr char kSurveyNameKey[] = "SurveyName";
static constexpr char kSurveyNameGeneral[] = "GENERAL";
static constexpr char kSurveyNameBluetooth[] = "BLUETOOTH";
static constexpr char kSurveyNameOutputProc[] = "OUTPUTPROC";
// Key-value mapping type for audio survey specific data.
// For audio satisfaction survey, it contains
// - StreamType: Usage of the stream, e.g., multimedia.
// - ClientType: Client of the stream, e.g., Chrome or ARC++.
// - NodeType: Pair of the active input/output device types, e.g., USB_USB.
// The content can be extended when other types of survey is added.
typedef base::flat_map<std::string, std::string> AudioSurveyData;
class AudioSurvey {
AudioSurvey(const AudioSurvey&) = delete;
AudioSurvey& operator=(const AudioSurvey&) = delete;
SurveyType type() const { return type_; }
AudioSurveyData data() const { return data_; }
void set_type(SurveyType type) { type_ = type; }
void clear_data() { data_.clear(); }
void AddData(std::string key, std::string value) {
data_.emplace(key, value);
SurveyType type_;
AudioSurveyData data_;
// A Delegate class to expose chrome browser functionality to ash.
class Delegate {
Delegate() = default;
Delegate(const Delegate&) = delete;
Delegate& operator=(const Delegate&) = delete;
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Opens the OS Settings audio page.
virtual void OpenSettingsAudioPage() const = 0;
static constexpr int32_t kSystemAecGroupIdNotAvailable = -1;
// Grace period for removing notification.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kRemoveNotificationDelay =
enum class InputMuteChangeMethod {
// This enum is used to record UMA histogram values and should not be
// reordered. Please keep in sync with `AudioSettingsChangeSource` in
// src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum class AudioSettingsChangeSource {
kSystemTray = 0,
kMaxValue = kVideoConferenceTray,
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kMetricsDelayTimerInterval =
static constexpr char kForceRespectUiGainsHistogramName[] =
static constexpr char kInputGainChangedSourceHistogramName[] =
static constexpr char kInputGainChangedHistogramName[] =
static constexpr char kInputGainMuteSourceHistogramName[] =
static constexpr char kOutputVolumeChangedSourceHistogramName[] =
static constexpr char kOutputVolumeMuteSourceHistogramName[] =
static constexpr char kNoiseCancellationEnabledSourceHistogramName[] =
class AudioObserver {
AudioObserver(const AudioObserver&) = delete;
AudioObserver& operator=(const AudioObserver&) = delete;
// Called when an active output volume changed.
virtual void OnOutputNodeVolumeChanged(uint64_t node_id, int volume);
// Called when output mute state changed.
virtual void OnOutputMuteChanged(bool mute_on);
// Called when active input node's gain changed.
virtual void OnInputNodeGainChanged(uint64_t node_id, int gain);
// Called when input mute state changed.
virtual void OnInputMuteChanged(bool mute_on, InputMuteChangeMethod method);
// Called when the state of input mute hw switch state changes.
virtual void OnInputMutedByMicrophoneMuteSwitchChanged(bool muted);
// Called when the state of input mute by security curtain changes.
virtual void OnInputMutedBySecurityCurtainChanged(bool muted);
// Called when audio nodes changed.
virtual void OnAudioNodesChanged();
// Called when active audio node changed.
virtual void OnActiveOutputNodeChanged();
// Called when active audio input node changed.
virtual void OnActiveInputNodeChanged();
// Called when output channel remixing changed.
virtual void OnOutputChannelRemixingChanged(bool mono_on);
// Called when noise cancellation state changed.
virtual void OnNoiseCancellationStateChanged();
// Called when style transfer state changed.
virtual void OnStyleTransferStateChanged();
// Called when force respect ui gains state changed.
virtual void OnForceRespectUiGainsStateChanged();
// Called when hfp_mic_sr state changed.
virtual void OnHfpMicSrStateChanged();
// Called when hotword is detected.
virtual void OnHotwordTriggered(uint64_t tv_sec, uint64_t tv_nsec);
// Called when the battery level change is reported over the Hands-Free
// Profile for a Bluetooth headset.
// The address is a Bluetooth address as 6 bytes written in hexadecimal and
// separated by colons. Example: 00:11:22:33:44:FF
// The level ranges from 0 to 100. Erroneous value reported by the headset
// will be ignored and won't trigger this callback.
virtual void OnBluetoothBatteryChanged(const std::string& address,
uint32_t level);
// Called when the number of input streams with permission per client type
// changed.
virtual void OnNumberOfInputStreamsWithPermissionChanged();
// Called when an initial output stream is opened.
virtual void OnOutputStarted();
// Called when the last output stream is closed.
virtual void OnOutputStopped();
// Called when an initial output stream, not in chrome, is opened.
virtual void OnNonChromeOutputStarted();
// Called when the last output stream is closed, not in chrome.
virtual void OnNonChromeOutputStopped();
// Called when the audio survey like to trigger an audio survey.
// CRAS owns the trigger to send out an audio survey as opposed to trigger
// from any Chrome/UI elements as CRAS has the most context to determine
// when to sent out audio survey, for example when an input stream living
// for >= 30 seconds is closed.
// CRAS also has full control on what data to send to Chrome. These survey
// specific data will be attached with each survey response for analysis.
// Currently this supports general audio and Bluetooth audio surveys.
// The survey to trigger is determined by the type of the `AudioSurvey`
// passed in.
virtual void OnSurveyTriggered(const AudioSurvey& survey);
// Called when a speak-on-mute is detected.
virtual void OnSpeakOnMuteDetected();
// Called when num-stream-ignore-ui-gains state is changed.
virtual void OnNumStreamIgnoreUiGainsChanged(int32_t num);
// Called when number of ARC streams is changed.
virtual void OnNumberOfArcStreamsChanged(int32_t num);
virtual ~AudioObserver();
enum class ClientType {
// Sets the global instance. Must be called before any calls to Get().
static void Initialize(
scoped_refptr<AudioDevicesPrefHandler> audio_pref_handler);
// Same as Initialize function but also initializing a delegate class.
static void InitializeDelegate(
scoped_refptr<AudioDevicesPrefHandler> audio_pref_handler,
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate);
// Sets the global instance for testing.
// Consider using |ScopedCrasAudioHandlerForTesting| instead, as that
// guarantees things get properly cleaned up.
static void InitializeForTesting();
// Destroys the global instance.
static void Shutdown();
// Gets the global instance. Initialize must be called first.
static CrasAudioHandler* Get();
CrasAudioHandler(const CrasAudioHandler&) = delete;
CrasAudioHandler& operator=(const CrasAudioHandler&) = delete;
// Overrides media::VideoCaptureObserver.
void OnVideoCaptureStarted(media::VideoFacingMode facing) override;
void OnVideoCaptureStopped(media::VideoFacingMode facing) override;
// Overrides media_session::mojom::MediaControllerObserver.
void MediaSessionInfoChanged(
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionInfoPtr session_info) override;
void MediaSessionMetadataChanged(
const std::optional<media_session::MediaMetadata>& metadata) override;
void MediaSessionActionsChanged(
const std::vector<media_session::mojom::MediaSessionAction>& actions)
override {}
void MediaSessionChanged(
const std::optional<base::UnguessableToken>& request_id) override {}
void MediaSessionPositionChanged(
const std::optional<media_session::MediaPosition>& position) override;
// ui::MicrophoneMuteSwitchMonitor::Observer:
void OnMicrophoneMuteSwitchValueChanged(bool muted) override;
// Adds an audio observer.
void AddAudioObserver(AudioObserver* observer);
// Removes an audio observer.
void RemoveAudioObserver(AudioObserver* observer);
// Returns true if keyboard mic exists.
bool HasKeyboardMic();
// Returns true if hotword input device exists.
bool HasHotwordDevice();
// Returns true if audio output is muted for the system.
bool IsOutputMuted();
// Returns true if audio output is muted for a device.
bool IsOutputMutedForDevice(uint64_t device_id);
// Returns true if audio output is muted for the system by policy.
bool IsOutputMutedByPolicy();
// Returns true if audio output is muted for the system by security curtain.
bool IsOutputMutedBySecurityCurtain();
// Returns true if audio input is muted.
bool IsInputMuted();
// Returns true if audio input is muted for the system by security curtain.
bool IsInputMutedBySecurityCurtain();
// Returns true if audio input is muted for a device.
bool IsInputMutedForDevice(uint64_t device_id);
// Returns true if the output volume is below the default mute volume level.
bool IsOutputVolumeBelowDefaultMuteLevel();
// Returns volume level in 0-100% range at which the volume should be muted.
int GetOutputDefaultVolumeMuteThreshold() const;
// Gets volume level in 0-100% range (0 being pure silence) for the current
// active node.
int GetOutputVolumePercent();
// Gets volume level in 0-100% range (0 being pure silence) for a device.
int GetOutputVolumePercentForDevice(uint64_t device_id);
// Gets gain level in 0-100% range (0 being pure silence) for the current
// active node.
int GetInputGainPercent();
// Gets volume level in 0-100% range (0 being pure silence) for a device.
int GetInputGainPercentForDevice(uint64_t device_id);
// Returns node_id of the primary active output node.
uint64_t GetPrimaryActiveOutputNode() const;
// Returns the node_id of the primary active input node.
uint64_t GetPrimaryActiveInputNode() const;
// Gets the audio devices back in |device_list|.
void GetAudioDevices(AudioDeviceList* device_list) const;
// Gets the simple usage input or output audio devices.
static AudioDeviceList GetSimpleUsageAudioDevices(
const AudioDeviceMap& audio_devices,
bool is_input);
const AudioDeviceMap& GetAudioDevicesMapForTesting(
bool is_current_device) const;
// Gets the primary active output device in |device|.
// Returns true if the primary active output device is successfully obtained.
// Returns false if no active device is obtained or |device| is null.
bool GetPrimaryActiveOutputDevice(AudioDevice* device) const;
// Gets the primary active input device in |device|.
// Returns true if the primary active input device is successfully obtained.
// Returns false if no active device is obtained or |device| is null.
bool GetPrimaryActiveInputDevice(AudioDevice* device) const;
// Returns the device matched with |type|. Assuming there is only one device
// matched the |type|, if there is more than one matched devices, it will
// return the first one found.
const AudioDevice* GetDeviceByType(AudioDeviceType type);
// Returns a map contains number of input streams with permission per
// ClientType. If a ClientType is not in the map, we assume the number is 0.
base::flat_map<ClientType, uint32_t> GetNumberOfInputStreamsWithPermission()
// Gets the default output buffer size in frames.
void GetDefaultOutputBufferSize(int32_t* buffer_size) const;
// Returns noise cancellation supported if:
// - Overall board/device supports noise cancellation
// - Audio device has bit for Noise Cancellation set in `audio_effect`.
bool IsNoiseCancellationSupportedForDevice(uint64_t device_id);
// Gets the pref state of input noise cancellation.
bool GetNoiseCancellationState() const;
// Refreshes the input device noise cancellation state.
void RefreshNoiseCancellationState();
// Updates noise cancellation state in `CrasAudioClient` and
// `AudioDevicesPrefHandler` to the provided value. `source` records to
// metrics who changed the noise cancellation state.
void SetNoiseCancellationState(bool noise_cancellation_on,
AudioSettingsChangeSource source);
// Get if noise cancellation is supported by the board.
void RequestNoiseCancellationSupported(
OnNoiseCancellationSupportedCallback callback);
// Simulate noise cancellation support in a test.
void SetNoiseCancellationSupportedForTesting(bool supported);
// Returns style transfer supported if:
// - Overall board/device supports style transfer
// - Audio device has bit for style transfer set in `audio_effect`.
bool IsStyleTransferSupportedForDevice(uint64_t device_id);
// Gets the pref state of input style transfer.
bool GetStyleTransferState() const;
// Refreshes the input device style transfer state.
void RefreshStyleTransferState();
// Updates style transfer state in `CrasAudioClient` and
// `AudioDevicesPrefHandler` to the provided value.
void SetStyleTransferState(bool style_transfer_on);
// Get if style transfer is supported by the board.
void RequestStyleTransferSupported(OnStyleTransferSupportedCallback callback);
// Simulate style transfer support in a test.
void SetStyleTransferSupportedForTesting(bool supported);
// Gets the state of input force respect ui gains state.
bool GetForceRespectUiGainsState() const;
// Refreshes the input device force respect ui gains state.
void RefreshForceRespectUiGainsState();
// Makes a DBus call to set the state of input force respect ui gains.
void SetForceRespectUiGainsState(bool state);
// Returns hfp_mic_sr supported.
bool IsHfpMicSrSupportedForDevice(uint64_t device_id);
// Gets if hfp_mic_sr is supported by the board.
void RequestHfpMicSrSupported(OnHfpMicSrSupportedCallback callback);
// Simulates hfp_mic_sr support in a test.
void SetHfpMicSrSupportedForTesting(bool supported);
// Gets the pref state of hfp_mic_sr.
bool GetHfpMicSrState() const;
// Refreshes the input device hfp_mic_sr state.
void RefreshHfpMicSrState();
// Updates hfp_mic_sr state in `CrasAudioClient` and
// `AudioDevicesPrefHandler` to the provided value. `source` records to
// metrics who changed the hfp_mic_sr state.
void SetHfpMicSrState(bool hfp_mic_sr_on, AudioSettingsChangeSource source);
// Whether there is alternative input/output audio device.
bool has_alternative_input() const;
bool has_alternative_output() const;
// Sets the current display |rotation| to CrasAudioHandler and updates the
// |rotation| to the internal speaker.
void SetDisplayRotation(cras::DisplayRotation rotation);
// Sets all active output devices' volume levels to |volume_percent|, whose
// range is from 0-100%.
void SetOutputVolumePercent(int volume_percent);
// Sets all active input devices' gain level to |gain_percent|, whose range is
// from 0-100%.
void SetInputGainPercent(int gain_percent);
// Adjusts all active output devices' volume up (positive percentage) or down
// (negative percentage).
void AdjustOutputVolumeByPercent(int adjust_by_percent);
// Adjusts all active output devices' volume higher by one volume step.
void IncreaseOutputVolumeByOneStep(int one_step_percent);
// Adjusts all active output devices' volume lower by one volume step
void DecreaseOutputVolumeByOneStep(int one_step_percent);
// Adjusts all active output devices' volume to a minimum audible level if it
// is too low.
void AdjustOutputVolumeToAudibleLevel();
// Mutes or unmutes audio output device.
void SetOutputMute(bool mute_on);
// Mutes or unmutes audio output device including the `source` to record to
// metrics.
void SetOutputMute(bool mute_on,
CrasAudioHandler::AudioSettingsChangeSource source);
// Mutes or unmutes audio output device by security curtain
void SetOutputMuteLockedBySecurityCurtain(bool mute_on);
// Mutes or unmutes audio input device.
void SetInputMute(bool mute_on, InputMuteChangeMethod method);
// Mutes or unmutes audio input device including the `source` to record to
// metrics.
void SetInputMute(bool mute_on,
InputMuteChangeMethod method,
CrasAudioHandler::AudioSettingsChangeSource source);
// Mutes or unmutes audio input device by security curtain
void SetInputMuteLockedBySecurityCurtain(bool mute);
// Switches active audio device to |device|. |activate_by| indicates why
// the device is switched to active: by user's manual choice, by priority,
// or by restoring to its previous active state.
void SwitchToDevice(const AudioDevice& device,
bool notify,
DeviceActivateType activate_by);
// Opens the OS Settings audio page.
void OpenSettingsAudioPage();
// Sets volume/gain level for a device.
void SetVolumeGainPercentForDevice(uint64_t device_id, int value);
// Sets the mute for device.
void SetMuteForDevice(uint64_t device_id, bool mute_on);
// Sets the mute for device including the `source` to record to metrics.
void SetMuteForDevice(uint64_t device_id,
bool mute_on,
CrasAudioHandler::AudioSettingsChangeSource source);
// Activates or deactivates keyboard mic if there's one.
void SetKeyboardMicActive(bool active);
// Enables or disables the speak-on-mute detection.
void SetSpeakOnMuteDetection(bool som_on);
// Enable or disable sidetone;
void SetSidetoneEnabled(bool enabled);
// Enable or disable input stream ewma power report.
void SetEwmaPowerReportEnabled(bool enabled);
// Returns the last reported ewma power.
double GetEwmaPower();
// Get whether the sidetone is enabled or not
bool GetSidetoneEnabled() const;
// Based on the output device, get whether sidetone is available or not.
bool IsSidetoneSupported() const;
// Request to CRAS to check whether the current device support sidetone or
// not.
void UpdateSidetoneSupportedState();
// Handles dbus callback for GetNodes.
void HandleGetSidetoneSupported(std::optional<bool> available);
// Changes the active nodes to the nodes specified by |new_active_ids|.
// The caller can pass in the "complete" active node list of either input
// nodes, or output nodes, or both. If only input nodes are passed in,
// it will only change the input nodes' active status, output nodes will NOT
// be changed; similarly for the case if only output nodes are passed.
// If the nodes specified in |new_active_ids| are already active, they will
// remain active. Otherwise, the old active nodes will be de-activated before
// we activate the new nodes with the same type(input/output).
// DEPRECATED in favor of |SetActiveInputNodes| and |SetActiveOutputNodes|.
void ChangeActiveNodes(const NodeIdList& new_active_ids);
// Sets the set of active input nodes. Empty |node_ids| will deactivate all
// input devices.
// |node_ids| is expected to contain only existing input node IDs - the
// method will fail if this is not the case.
// Returns whether the acive nodes were successfully set.
bool SetActiveInputNodes(const NodeIdList& node_ids);
// Sets the set of active output nodes. Empty |node_ids| will deactivate all
// output devices.
// |node_ids| is expected to contain only existing output node IDs - the
// method will fail if this is not the case.
// Returns whether the acive nodes were successfully set.
bool SetActiveOutputNodes(const NodeIdList& node_ids);
// Sets |hotword_model| to the given |node_id|.
// |hotword_model| is expected to be in format <language>_<region> with lower
// cases. E.g., "en_us".
// The callback will receive a boolean which indicates if the hotword model is
// successfully set.
void SetHotwordModel(uint64_t node_id,
const std::string& hotword_model,
VoidCrasAudioHandlerCallback callback);
// Swaps the left and right channel of the internal speaker.
// Swap the left and right channel if |swap| is true; otherwise, swap the left
// and right channel back to the normal mode.
// If the feature is not supported on the device, nothing happens.
void SwapInternalSpeakerLeftRightChannel(bool swap);
// Accessibility mono audio setting: sets the output mono or not.
void SetOutputMonoEnabled(bool enabled);
// If necessary, sets the starting point for re-discovering the active HDMI
// output device caused by device entering/exiting docking mode, HDMI display
// changing resolution, or chromeos device suspend/resume. If
// |force_rediscovering| is true, it will force to set the starting point for
// re-discovering the active HDMI output device again if it has been in the
// middle of rediscovering the HDMI active output device.
void SetActiveHDMIOutoutRediscoveringIfNecessary(bool force_rediscovering);
const AudioDevice* GetDeviceFromId(uint64_t device_id) const;
// Returns true the device has dual internal microphones(front and rear).
bool HasDualInternalMic() const;
// There are some audio devices which are not meant for simple usage. Keyboard
// mic is an example of a non simple device. There are cases when we need to
// know programmatically if there is an audio input device for simple usage
// available. Checking `active_input_node_id_` being non zero is not
// sufficient in this case. A non simple device can be the active input node
// during cras initialization depeneding the audio device enumeration process.
// This function returns true if an input device for simple usage is
// available.
bool HasActiveInputDeviceForSimpleUsage() const;
// Returns true if |device| is front or rear microphone.
bool IsFrontOrRearMic(const AudioDevice& device) const;
// Switches to either front or rear microphone depending on the
// the use case. It should be called from a user initiated action.
void SwitchToFrontOrRearMic();
bool input_muted_by_microphone_mute_switch() const {
return input_muted_by_microphone_mute_switch_;
// Returns if system AEC is supported in CRAS or not.
bool system_aec_supported() const;
// Returns if noise cancellation is supported in CRAS or not.
bool noise_cancellation_supported() const;
// Returns if style transfer is supported in CRAS or not.
bool style_transfer_supported() const;
// Returns if hfp_mic_sr is supported in CRAS or not.
bool hfp_mic_sr_supported() const;
// Returns the system AEC group ID. If no group ID is specified, -1 is
// returned.
int32_t system_aec_group_id() const;
// Returns if system NS is supported in CRAS or not.
bool system_ns_supported() const;
// Returns if system AGC is supported in CRAS or not.
bool system_agc_supported() const;
// Returns number of streams ignoring UI gains.
int32_t num_stream_ignore_ui_gains() const;
// Asks CRAS to resend BluetoothBatteryChanged signal, used in cases when
// Chrome cleans up the stored battery information but still has the device
// connected afterward. For example: User logout.
void ResendBluetoothBattery();
void SetPrefHandlerForTesting(
scoped_refptr<AudioDevicesPrefHandler> audio_pref_handler);
int32_t NumberOfNonChromeOutputStreams() const;
int32_t NumberOfChromeOutputStreams() const;
int32_t NumberOfArcStreams() const;
// Simulate number of ARC streams changing in a test.
void SetNumberOfArcStreamsForTesting(int32_t num);
scoped_refptr<AudioDevicesPrefHandler> audio_pref_handler);
scoped_refptr<AudioDevicesPrefHandler> audio_pref_handler,
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate);
~CrasAudioHandler() override;
friend class CrasAudioHandlerTest;
// A helper function to set up CrasAudioHandler.
void SetupCrasAudioHandler(
scoped_refptr<AudioDevicesPrefHandler> audio_pref_handler);
// CrasAudioClient::Observer overrides.
void AudioClientRestarted() override;
void NodesChanged() override;
void ActiveOutputNodeChanged(uint64_t node_id) override;
void ActiveInputNodeChanged(uint64_t node_id) override;
void OutputNodeVolumeChanged(uint64_t node_id, int volume) override;
void InputNodeGainChanged(uint64_t node_id, int gain) override;
void HotwordTriggered(uint64_t tv_sec, uint64_t tv_nsec) override;
void BluetoothBatteryChanged(const std::string& address,
uint32_t level) override;
void NumberOfInputStreamsWithPermissionChanged(
const base::flat_map<std::string, uint32_t>& num_input_streams) override;
void NumberOfActiveStreamsChanged() override;
void SurveyTriggered(const base::flat_map<std::string, std::string>&
survey_specific_data) override;
void SpeakOnMuteDetected() override;
void EwmaPowerReported(double power) override;
void NumberOfNonChromeOutputStreamsChanged() override;
void NumStreamIgnoreUiGains(int32_t num) override;
void NumberOfArcStreamsChanged() override;
void SidetoneSupportedChanged(bool supported) override;
// AudioPrefObserver overrides.
void OnAudioPolicyPrefChanged() override;
// Sets the |active_device| to be active.
// If |notify|, notifies Active*NodeChange.
// Saves device active states in prefs. |activate_by| indicates how
// the device was activated.
void SetActiveDevice(const AudioDevice& active_device,
bool notify,
DeviceActivateType activate_by);
// Shared implementation for |SetActiveInputNodes| and |SetActiveOutputNodes|.
bool SetActiveNodes(const NodeIdList& node_ids, bool is_input);
// Sets list of active input or output nodes to |devices|.
// If |is_input| is set, active input nodes will be set, otherwise active
// output nodes will be set.
// For each device in |devices| it is expected device.is_input == is_input.
void SetActiveDevices(const AudioDeviceList& devices, bool is_input);
// Saves |device|'s state in pref. If |active| is true, |activate_by|
// indicates how |device| is activated.
void SaveDeviceState(const AudioDevice& device,
bool active,
DeviceActivateType activate_by);
// Sets up the audio device state based on audio policy and audio settings
// saved in prefs.
void SetupAudioInputState();
void SetupAudioOutputState();
// Sets up the additional active audio node's state.
void SetupAdditionalActiveAudioNodeState(uint64_t node_id);
AudioDevice ConvertAudioNodeWithModifiedPriority(const AudioNode& node);
const AudioDevice* GetDeviceFromStableDeviceId(
bool is_input,
uint64_t stable_device_id) const;
const AudioDevice* GetKeyboardMic() const;
const AudioDevice* GetHotwordDevice() const;
// Initializes audio state, which should only be called when CrasAudioHandler
// is created or cras audio client is restarted.
void InitializeAudioState();
void InitializeAudioAfterCrasServiceAvailable(bool service_is_available);
// Applies the audio muting policies whenever the user logs in or policy
// change notification is received.
void ApplyAudioPolicy();
// Helper method to apply the conditional audio output mute change.
void UpdateAudioOutputMute();
// Sets output volume of |node_id| to |volume|.
void SetOutputNodeVolume(uint64_t node_id, int volume);
void SetOutputNodeVolumePercent(uint64_t node_id, int volume_percent);
// Sets output mute state to |mute_on| internally, returns true if output mute
// is set.
bool SetOutputMuteInternal(bool mute_on);
// Sets input gain of |node_id| to |gain|.
void SetInputNodeGain(uint64_t node_id, int gain);
void SetInputNodeGainPercent(uint64_t node_id, int gain_percent);
// Sets input mute state to |mute_on| internally.
void SetInputMuteInternal(bool mute_on);
// Calls CRAS over D-Bus to get nodes data.
void GetNodes();
// Calls CRAS over D-Bus to get the number of active output streams.
void GetNumberOfOutputStreams();
void GetNumberOfNonChromeOutputStreams();
// Calls CRAS over D-Bus to get the number of ARC streams.
void GetNumberOfArcStreams();
// Updates the current audio nodes list and switches the active device
// if needed.
void UpdateDevicesAndSwitchActive(const AudioNodeList& nodes);
// Returns true if the current active device is changed to
// |new_active_device|.
bool ChangeActiveDevice(const AudioDevice& new_active_device);
// Returns true if there are any device changes for input or output
// specified by |is_input|, by comparing |audio_devices_| with |new_nodes|.
// Passes the new nodes discovered in *|new_discovered|.
// *|device_removed| indicates if any devices have been removed.
// *|active_device_removed| indicates if the current active device has been
// removed.
bool HasDeviceChange(const AudioNodeList& new_nodes,
bool is_input,
AudioDeviceList* new_discovered,
AudioDeviceList* removed_devices,
bool* active_device_removed);
// Handles dbus callback for GetNodes.
void HandleGetNodes(std::optional<AudioNodeList> node_list);
void HandleGetNumActiveOutputStreams(
std::optional<int> num_active_output_streams);
// Adds an active node.
// If there is no active node, |node_id| will be switched to become the
// primary active node. Otherwise, it will be added as an additional active
// node.
void AddActiveNode(uint64_t node_id, bool notify);
// Adds |node_id| into additional active nodes.
void AddAdditionalActiveNode(uint64_t node_id, bool notify);
// Removes |node_id| from additional active nodes.
void RemoveActiveNodeInternal(uint64_t node_id, bool notify);
void UpdateAudioAfterHDMIRediscoverGracePeriod();
bool IsHDMIPrimaryOutputDevice() const;
void StartHDMIRediscoverGracePeriod();
bool hdmi_rediscovering() const { return hdmi_rediscovering_; }
void SetHDMIRediscoverGracePeriodForTesting(int duration_in_ms);
bool ShouldSwitchToHotPlugDevice(const AudioDevice& hotplug_device) const;
enum DeviceStatus {
// Checks if |device| is a newly discovered, changed, or existing device for
// the nodes sent from NodesChanged signal.
DeviceStatus CheckDeviceStatus(const AudioDevice& device);
void NotifyActiveNodeChanged(bool is_input);
// Returns true if it retrieves an active audio device from user preference
// among the current |audio_devices_|.
bool GetActiveDeviceFromUserPref(bool is_input, AudioDevice* device);
// Pauses all active streams.
void PauseAllStreams();
// Handles either input or output device changes, specified by |is_input|.
void HandleAudioDeviceChange(bool is_input,
const AudioDeviceList& devices,
const AudioDeviceList& hotplug_nodes,
bool has_device_change,
bool has_device_removed,
bool active_device_removed);
// Handles non-hotplug nodes change cases.
void HandleNonHotplugNodesChange(bool is_input,
const AudioDeviceList& devices,
const AudioDeviceList& hotplug_nodes,
bool has_device_change,
bool has_device_removed,
bool active_device_removed);
// Handles the regular user hotplug case with user priority.
void HandleHotPlugDeviceByUserPriority(const AudioDevice& hotplug_device);
// Switch to the top priority device in |devices|. |devices| must be a list
// of devices with the same direction.
void SwitchToTopPriorityDevice(const AudioDeviceList& devices);
// Switch to previous active device if it is found, otherwise, switch
// to the top priority device.
void SwitchToPreviousActiveDeviceIfAvailable(bool is_input,
const AudioDeviceList& devices);
// Activates the internal mic attached with the camera specified by
// |camera_facing|.
void ActivateMicForCamera(media::VideoFacingMode camera_facing);
// Activates the front or rear mic that is consistent with the active camera.
// Note: This should only be called for the dural camera/mic use case.
void ActivateInternalMicForActiveCamera();
// Returns the microphone for the camera with |camera_facing|.
const AudioDevice* GetMicForCamera(media::VideoFacingMode camera_facing);
bool IsCameraOn() const;
// Returns true if there are any external devices.
bool HasExternalDevice(bool is_input) const;
// Calling dbus to get default output buffer size.
void GetDefaultOutputBufferSizeInternal();
// Handle dbus callback for GetDefaultOutputBufferSize.
void HandleGetDefaultOutputBufferSize(std::optional<int> buffer_size);
// Calling dbus to get current number of input streams with permission and
// storing the result in number_of_input_streams_with_permission_.
void GetNumberOfInputStreamsWithPermissionInternal();
// Static function converts |client_type_str| to ClientType which used by
// HandleGetNumberOfInputStreamsWithPermission.
static ClientType ConvertClientTypeStringToEnum(std::string client_type_str);
// Handle dbus callback for GetNumberOfInputStreamsWithPermission.
void HandleGetNumberOfInputStreamsWithPermission(
std::optional<base::flat_map<std::string, uint32_t>> num_input_streams);
void HandleGetNumberOfNonChromeOutputStreams(
std::optional<int32_t> num_output_streams);
// Handle dbus callback for GetNumberOfArcStreams.
void HandleGetNumberOfArcStreams(std::optional<int32_t> num_arc_streams);
// Calling dbus to get system AEC supported flag.
void GetSystemAecSupported();
// Handle dbus callback for GetSystemNoiseCancellationSupported.
void HandleGetNoiseCancellationSupported(
OnNoiseCancellationSupportedCallback callback,
std::optional<bool> system_noise_cancellation_supported);
// Handle dbus callback for GetSystemStyleTransferSupported.
void HandleGetStyleTransferSupported(
OnStyleTransferSupportedCallback callback,
std::optional<bool> system_style_transfer_supported);
// Handle dbus callback for IsHfpMicSrSupported.
void HandleGetHfpMicSrSupported(OnHfpMicSrSupportedCallback callback,
std::optional<bool> hfp_mic_sr_supported);
// Handle dbus callback for GetSystemAecSupported.
void HandleGetSystemAecSupported(std::optional<bool> system_aec_supported);
// Calling dbus to get the system AEC group id if available.
void GetSystemAecGroupId();
// Handle dbus callback for GetSystemAecGroupId.
void HandleGetSystemAecGroupId(std::optional<int32_t> system_aec_group_id);
// Calling dbus to get system NS supported flag.
void GetSystemNsSupported();
// Handle dbus callback for GetSystemNsSupported.
void HandleGetSystemNsSupported(std::optional<bool> system_ns_supported);
// Calling dbus to get system AGC supported flag.
void GetSystemAgcSupported();
// Handle dbus callback for GetSystemAgcSupported.
void HandleGetSystemAgcSupported(std::optional<bool> system_agc_supported);
void OnVideoCaptureStartedOnMainThread(media::VideoFacingMode facing);
void OnVideoCaptureStoppedOnMainThread(media::VideoFacingMode facing);
void BindMediaControllerObserver();
// Handle null Metadata from MediaSession.
void HandleMediaSessionMetadataReset();
// Calls CRAS over D-Bus to get the number of streams ignoring Ui Gains.
void GetNumStreamIgnoreUiGains();
// Handle dbus callback for GetNumStreamIgnoreUiGains.
void HandleGetNumStreamIgnoreUiGains(
std::optional<int32_t> num_stream_ignore_ui_gains);
// Checks if a given set of devices is seen before. If seen, return the
// preferred device.
const std::optional<AudioDevice> GetPreferredDeviceIfDeviceSetSeenBefore(
bool is_input,
const AudioDeviceList& devices) const;
// Syncs device preference set map with currently activated device, called
// whenever user perefences have changed.
void SyncDevicePrefSetMap(bool is_input);
// Handles the regular user hotplug case. Show notification for unseen device
// set.
void HandleHotPlugDeviceWithNotification(const AudioDevice& hotplug_device);
// Handles the audio selection notification being removed.
void HandleRemoveNotification(bool is_input);
// Handles the system boots or restarts case.
// - If the device boots with only one device, activate it automatically.
// - If the device set was seen before, activate the preferred one.
// - Otherwise if a 3.5mm headphone is connected, activate it and don't show
// notification.
// - Otherwise activate the most recent activated device and show
// notification.
// - Otherwise if there is an internal device, activate it and show
// notification.
// - Otherwise when no most recent activated device and no internal device (a
// brand new chromebox), activate the highest priority device based on the
// pre-determined priority list and show notification.
void HandleSystemBoots(bool is_input, const AudioDeviceList& devices);
// Activates the most recently active device. Return false if no device in the
// most recently active device list is currently connected, otherwise
// return true.
bool ActivateMostRecentActiveDevice(bool is_input);
// Static helper function to abstract the |AudioSurvey| from input
// |survey_specific_data|.
static std::unique_ptr<CrasAudioHandler::AudioSurvey> AbstractAudioSurvey(
const base::flat_map<std::string, std::string>& survey_specific_data);
scoped_refptr<AudioDevicesPrefHandler> audio_pref_handler_;
base::ObserverList<AudioObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
// Handles firing of audio selection related metrics.
AudioDeviceMetricsHandler audio_device_metrics_handler_;
// Handles creation and display of audio selection notification.
AudioSelectionNotificationHandler audio_selection_notification_handler_;
// Timer for remove notification.
base::OneShotTimer remove_notification_timer_for_input_;
base::OneShotTimer remove_notification_timer_for_output_;
// Audio data and state.
AudioDeviceMap audio_devices_;
// Previous audio devices before new device is connected or current device is
// disconnected. Used for histogram purpose to understand the context when the
// system makes a switch or not switch decision.
AudioDeviceMap previous_audio_devices_;
bool output_mute_on_ = false;
bool input_mute_on_ = false;
int output_volume_ = 0;
int input_gain_ = 0;
uint64_t active_output_node_id_ = 0;
uint64_t active_input_node_id_ = 0;
bool has_alternative_input_ = false;
bool has_alternative_output_ = false;
bool output_mute_forced_by_policy_ = false;
bool output_mute_forced_by_security_curtain_ = false;
bool input_mute_forced_by_security_curtain_ = false;
// Audio output channel counts.
int32_t output_channels_ = 2;
bool output_mono_enabled_ = false;
// Timer for HDMI re-discovering grace period.
base::OneShotTimer hdmi_rediscover_timer_;
int hdmi_rediscover_grace_period_duration_in_ms_ = 2000;
bool hdmi_rediscovering_ = false;
bool cras_service_available_ = false;
bool initializing_audio_state_ = false;
int init_volume_;
uint64_t init_node_id_;
int init_volume_count_ = 0;
bool front_camera_on_ = false;
bool rear_camera_on_ = false;
// Default output buffer size in frames.
int32_t default_output_buffer_size_ = 512;
base::flat_map<ClientType, uint32_t> number_of_input_streams_with_permission_;
bool system_aec_supported_ = false;
bool noise_cancellation_supported_ = false;
bool style_transfer_supported_ = false;
int32_t system_aec_group_id_ = kSystemAecGroupIdNotAvailable;
bool system_ns_supported_ = false;
bool system_agc_supported_ = false;
bool hfp_mic_sr_supported_ = false;
int num_active_output_streams_ = 0;
int32_t num_active_nonchrome_output_streams_ = 0;
bool fetch_media_session_duration_ = false;
// Whether the audio input is muted because the microphone mute switch is on.
// In this case, input mute changes will be disabled.
bool input_muted_by_microphone_mute_switch_ = false;
// Whether the speak-on-mute detection is enabled in CRAS.
bool speak_on_mute_detection_on_ = false;
// Whether the sidetone is enabled in CRAS.
bool sidetone_enabled_ = false;
// Whether the current has sidetone available or not.
bool sidetone_supported_ = false;
// Whether the ewma power report is enabled in CRAS.
bool ewma_power_report_enabled_ = false;
// The last reported ewma power.
double ewma_power_ = 0;
// Indicates whether the audio selection notification should be displayed.
bool should_show_notification_ = false;
// Task runner of browser main thread. All member variables should be accessed
// on this thread.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner_;
cras::DisplayRotation display_rotation_ = cras::DisplayRotation::ROTATE_0;
int num_stream_ignore_ui_gains_ = 0;
int32_t num_arc_streams_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CrasAudioHandler> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
// Helper class that will initialize the `CrasAudioHandler` for testing in its
// constructor, and clean things up in its destructor.
ScopedCrasAudioHandlerForTesting {
// `ScopedCrasAudioHandlerForTesting` expects that there is no audio client
// running. This class starts and shuts down an audio client automatically at
// its constructor and destructor.
ScopedCrasAudioHandlerForTesting(const ScopedCrasAudioHandlerForTesting&) =
ScopedCrasAudioHandlerForTesting& operator=(
const ScopedCrasAudioHandlerForTesting&) = delete;
CrasAudioHandler& Get();
std::unique_ptr<FakeCrasAudioClient> fake_cras_audio_client_;
} // namespace ash
namespace base {
template <>
struct ScopedObservationTraits<ash::CrasAudioHandler,
ash::CrasAudioHandler::AudioObserver> {
static void AddObserver(ash::CrasAudioHandler* source,
ash::CrasAudioHandler::AudioObserver* observer) {
static void RemoveObserver(ash::CrasAudioHandler* source,
ash::CrasAudioHandler::AudioObserver* observer) {
} // namespace base