// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ash {
// TODO(emaamari): Most of the constants in this file are taking from
// `ash/login/ui/login_password_view.cc`. Resolve the duplication of code by
// making `ash/login/ui/login_password_view.cc` use the constants in this file
// instead.
// Spacing between glyphs, used when password is in hidden state.
constexpr int kPasswordGlyphSpacing = 6;
// External padding on the submit button, used for the focus ring.
constexpr const int kBorderForFocusRingDp = 3;
// Spacing between the password row and the submit button.
constexpr int kSpacingBetweenPasswordRowAndSubmitButtonDp =
8 - kBorderForFocusRingDp;
// Size (width/height) of the submit button.
constexpr int kSubmitButtonContentSizeDp = 32;
// Size (width/height) of the submit button, border included.
constexpr int kSubmitButtonSizeDp =
kSubmitButtonContentSizeDp + 2 * kBorderForFocusRingDp;
// Left padding of the password view allowing the view to have its center
// aligned with the one of the user pod.
constexpr int kLeftPaddingPasswordView =
kSubmitButtonSizeDp + kSpacingBetweenPasswordRowAndSubmitButtonDp;
// Width of the password row, placed at the center of the password view
// (which also contains the submit button).
constexpr int kPasswordRowWidthDp = 204 + kBorderForFocusRingDp;
// Total width of the password view (left margin + password row + spacing +
// submit button).
constexpr int kPasswordTotalWidthDp =
kLeftPaddingPasswordView + kPasswordRowWidthDp + kSubmitButtonSizeDp +
// Size (width/height) of the different icons belonging to the password row
// (the display password icon and the caps lock icon).
constexpr const int kIconSizeDp = 20;
// Delta between normal font and font of the typed text.
constexpr int kPasswordVisibleFontDeltaSize = 1;
// Spacing between the icons (caps lock, display password) and the
// borders of the password row. Note that if there is no icon, the padding will
// appear to be 8dp since the password textfield has a 2dp margin.
constexpr const int kInternalHorizontalPaddingPasswordRowDp = 6;
// Horizontal spacing between the end of the password textfield and the display
// password button. Note that the password textfield has a 2dp margin so the
// ending result will be 8dp.
constexpr const int kHorizontalSpacingBetweenIconsAndTextfieldDp = 6;
// Delta between normal font and font of glyphs.
constexpr int kPasswordHiddenFontDeltaSize = 12;
// Line-height of the password hidden font, used to limit the height of the
// cursor.
constexpr int kPasswordHiddenLineHeight = 20;
// The password textfield has an external margin because we want these specific
// visual results following in these different cases:
// icon-textfield-icon: 6dp - icon - 8dp - textfield - 8dp - icon - 6dp
// textfield-icon: 8dp - textfield - 8dp - icon - 6dp
// icon-textfield: 6dp - icon - 8dp - textfield - 8dp
// textfield: 8dp - textfield - 8dp
// This translates by having a 6dp spacing between children of the paassword
// row, having a 6dp padding for the password row and having a 2dp margin for
// the password textfield.
constexpr const int kPasswordTextfieldMarginDp = 2;
constexpr const int kPasswordRowCornerRadiusDp = 4;
constexpr const int kLoginPasswordRowRoundedRectRadius = 8;
} // namespace ash