// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package carrier_lock;
message Timestamp {
// Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch
// 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to
// 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.
optional int64 seconds = 1;
// Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative
// second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values
// that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999
// inclusive.
optional int32 nanos = 2;
// The SIM identifier.
message SimIdentifier {
// IMSI of the SIM card
optional string imsi = 1;
// SPN (Service Provider Name) on the SIM card
optional string spn = 2;
// Group Identifier Level 1. EF_GID1 file on the SIM card
optional string gid1 = 3;
// The device identifier.
// Next ID: 12
message DeviceIdentifier {
// The hardware identifier.
oneof hardware_id {
// The IMEI of the device.
string imei = 1;
// The MEID of the device.
string meid = 2;
// The 2nd hardware identifier, for dual-SIM devices.
oneof hardware_id2 {
// The IMEI of the device.
string imei2 = 10;
// The MEID of the device.
string meid2 = 11;
// The serial number of the device, i.e. android.os.Build.SERIAL.
optional string serial_number = 3;
// The brand identifier of the device, i.e. android.os.Build.BRAND.
optional string brand = 4;
// The product identifier of the device, i.e. android.os.Build.PRODUCT.
optional string product = 5;
// The device identifier of the device, i.e. android.os.Build.DEVICE.
optional string device = 6;
// The manufacturer identifier of the device,
// i.e. android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER.
optional string manufacturer = 7;
// The model identifier of the device, i.e. android.os.Build.MODEL.
optional string model = 8;
// The SIM card(s) currently present in the device. Only SIM cards that are
// in READY state are reported, so the number does not reflect the number of
// SIM slots in the device.
repeated SimIdentifier sim_cards = 9;
// The configuration for the client-side config fetcher app.
message FetcherConfig {
// Indicates whether the client device should fetch the device provisioning
// record on every boot.
optional bool fetch_on_boot = 1;
// If this DeviceProvisioningConfig causes a Sim-Unlock, OobConfig
// (the SimLock client app) usually shows a notification. Setting this to true
// suppress the notification (Q or later only)
optional bool should_suppress_sim_unlock_notification = 2;
// Identifies a GSM network.
message MobileNetwork {
// The 3 digit network country code. The character '?' is used as wildcard
// character to match any single digit, eg. 31? matches all mcc values from
// 310 to 319.
optional string mobile_country_code = 1;
// The 2 or 3 digit mobile network code. The character '?' is used as wildcard
// character to match any single digit, eg. mcc/mnc=310??? matches any network
// with mcc equal to 310 and 3-digit mnc.
optional string mobile_network_code = 2;
// Additional match data to identify a carrier.
// If not set, all carriers with above mcc/mnc are included.
// If set, mcc/mnc combined with the specified value can identify virtual
// carrier, eg. mcc/mnc=310120 and spn="Project Fi" will match only Project
// Fi, but not other Sprint(310120) carriers.
oneof carrier_match_data {
// SPN (Service Provider Name) on the sim card
string spn = 3;
// IMSI prefix for the IMSI range of the carrier
string imsi_prefix = 4;
// Group Identifier Level 1. EF_GID1 file on the sim card
string gid1 = 5;
// Group Identifier Level 2. EF_GID2 file on the sim card
string gid2 = 6;
// Contact information which is shown to the user.
message ContactInformation {
// Name of the contact.
optional string name = 1;
// URL of a website showing additional information from the contact.
optional string url = 2;
// SimLock v3 carrier restrictions type
// This determines the behaviour of SimLock in these 2 cases:
// - if the carrier is in both the allowed list and the disallowed list
// - if the carrier is in neither of these lists.
// Android.
enum CarrierRestrictionsMode {
// Not listed carriers are disallowed. We use this as the default value
// because this is the behaviour before SimLock v3.
// Not listed carriers are allowed.
// SimLock v3 multisim restriction policy type
// This determines the behaviour of SimLock for multisim devices:
// This will be translated to MULTISIM_POLICY_NONE and
// Android.
enum MultiSimRestrictionPolicy {
// The same configuration is applied to all SIM slots independently.
NONE = 0;
// Any SIM card can be used as far as one SIM card matching the configuration
// is present.
// The SIM lock configuration sent to the device.
message SimLockConfig {
// Whitelist of allowed networks. If non-empty, the blacklist must be an
// empty list. If both the whitelist and the blacklist are empty, then all
// networks are allowed.
repeated MobileNetwork allowed_networks = 1;
// Blacklist of networks. If non-empty, the whitelist must be an empty list.
repeated MobileNetwork disallowed_networks = 4;
// GCM/FCM topic to subscribe to learn about updates for this SimLockConfig.
optional string gcm_topic = 2;
// Contact information to the owner of the profile.
optional ContactInformation contact_info = 3;
// The carrier restriction mode (used since SimLock v3).
optional CarrierRestrictionsMode carrier_restrictions_mode = 5;
// Restriction of multi SIM functionality
optional bool is_multisim_restricted = 6;
// MultiSim carrier restriction policy
optional MultiSimRestrictionPolicy multisim_restriction_policy = 7;
// Signed SIM lock configuration (see go/simlock-signature)
optional bytes signed_configuration = 8;
// This configuration section contains restrictions that constrain the use of
// the device.
message DeviceRestrictionsConfig {
// If set to true the device will not allow unlocking of its bootloader. If
// set to false the unlocking is not prohibited by this setting but may be
// unavailable due to other configuration settings, e.g. the presence of a
// SIM lock configuration.
optional bool disallow_oem_unlock = 1;
// GCM/FCM topic to subscribe to learn about updates for this
// DeviceRestrictionsConfig.
optional string gcm_topic = 2;
// Contact information to the owner of the profile.
optional ContactInformation contact_info = 3;
// The device provisioning record.
message DeviceProvisioningRecord {
// Serialized device provisioning config.
optional bytes device_provisioning_config = 1;
message DeviceProvisioningConfig {
// Next ID: 8
// The device identifier.
optional DeviceIdentifier device_identifier = 1;
// Server timestamp indicating when this config was fetched from the server.
optional Timestamp fetch_timestamp = 2;
// The configuration for the client-side config fetcher app.
optional FetcherConfig fetcher_config = 5;
// The SIM lock configuration for the device.
optional SimLockConfig sim_lock_config = 3;
// A configuration section setting device restrictions.
optional DeviceRestrictionsConfig device_restrictions_config = 6;
// Enable OEM unlock blob.
optional bytes enable_oem_unlock_blob = 7;