// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
namespace ash::carrier_lock {
// These values are stored in logs and reported in metrics. Entries must not be
// reordered or renumbered. New values should be added at the end.
// Corresponding name in enums.xml: CellularCarrierLockError.
enum class Result {
kSuccess = 0,
/* Modem setup errors */
kInvalidSignature = 1,
kInvalidImei = 2,
kInvalidTimestamp = 3,
kNetworkListTooLarge = 4,
kAlgorithmNotSupported = 5,
kFeatureNotSupported = 6,
kDecodeOrParsingError = 7,
kHandlerNotInitialized = 8,
kOperationNotSupported = 9,
kModemInternalError = 10,
/* Manager initialization errors */
kInvalidNetworkHandler = 11,
kInvalidModemHandler = 12,
kInvalidAuxHandlers = 13,
kModemNotFound = 14,
kSerialProviderFailed = 15,
/* Common errors for FCM/PSM/Config handlers */
kHandlerBusy = 16,
kRequestFailed = 17,
kInitializationFailed = 18,
kConnectionError = 19,
kInvalidInput = 20,
kServerInternalError = 21,
kInvalidResponse = 22,
/* PSM specific errors */
kCreatePsmClientFailed = 23,
kCreateOprfRequestFailed = 24,
kInvalidOprfReply = 25,
kCreateQueryRequestFailed = 26,
kInvalidQueryReply = 27,
/* Config parsing errors */
kNoLockConfiguration = 28,
kInvalidConfiguration = 29,
kLockedWithoutTopic = 30,
kEmptySignedConfiguration = 31,
kMaxValue = kEmptySignedConfiguration
using Callback = base::OnceCallback<void(Result result)>;
} // namespace ash::carrier_lock