// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/values.h"
namespace ash::enhanced_network_tts {
// The accuracy used to compare two doubles.
inline constexpr double kDoubleCompareAccuracy = 0.000001;
// The template for a full request that contains utterance, rate, voice name,
// and language. See https://goto.google.com/readaloud-proto for more
// information.
inline constexpr char kFullRequestTemplate[] =
"advanced_options": {
"audio_generation_options": {"speed_factor": %.1f},
"force_language": "%s"
"text": {
"text_parts": ["%s"]
"voice_settings": {
"voice_criteria_and_selections": [{
"criteria": {"language": "%s"},
"selection": {"default_voice": "%s"}
// The template for a simple request that only contains utterance and rate.
// See https://goto.google.com/readaloud-proto for more information.
inline constexpr char kSimpleRequestTemplate[] =
R"({"advanced_options": {
"audio_generation_options": {"speed_factor": %.1f}
"text": {"text_parts": ["%s"]}})";
// Template for a server response.
inline constexpr char kTemplateResponse[] =
{"metadata": {}},
{"text": {
"timingInfo": [
"text": "test1",
"location": {
"textLocation": {"length": 5},
"timeLocation": {
"timeOffset": "0.01s",
"duration": "0.14s"
"text": "test2",
"location": {
"textLocation": {"length": 5, "offset": 6},
"timeLocation": {
"timeOffset": "0.16s",
"duration": "0.17s"
{"audio": {"bytes": "%s"}}
// Create a correct request based on the |kFullRequestTemplate|.
std::string CreateCorrectRequest(const std::string& input_text,
float rate,
const std::string& voice_name,
const std::string& lang);
// Create a correct request based on the |kSimpleRequestTemplate|.
std::string CreateCorrectRequest(const std::string& input_text, float rate);
// Create a server response based on the |kTemplateResponse|.
std::string CreateServerResponse(const std::vector<uint8_t>& expected_output);
// Check if two request strings are equal. Use the |kDoubleCompareAccuracy| when
// checking speech rates. This assumes the two strings follow
// |kFullRequestTemplate| or |kSimpleRequestTemplate|, and speech rates have one
// decimal digit only.
bool AreRequestsEqual(const std::string& json_a, const std::string& json_b);
} // namespace ash::enhanced_network_tts