// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/ash/components/enhanced_network_tts/enhanced_network_tts_utils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/enhanced_network_tts/enhanced_network_tts_constants.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_text_utils.h"
namespace ash::enhanced_network_tts {
namespace {
// The offsets computed by |ui::GetSentenceEndOffsets| and
// |ui::GetWordEndOffsets| are pointing to the index after the actual end. This
// method converts the offsets to indexes.
void ConvertOffsetsToIndexes(std::vector<int>& vect) {
for (int& end : vect)
end -= 1;
// The server requires the rate to be between 0.3 and 4.0, in steps of 0.1.
float ClampRateToLimits(float rate) {
float clampped_rate = std::clamp(rate, kMinRate, kMaxRate);
// Set the precision to one significant digit.
return static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(clampped_rate * 10) / 10.0f);
} // namespace
std::string FormatJsonRequest(const mojom::TtsRequestPtr tts_request) {
base::Value::Dict request;
// utterance is sent as {'text': {'text_parts': [<utterance>]} }
base::Value::List text_parts;
request.SetByDottedPath(kTextPartsPath, std::move(text_parts));
// Speech rate, Voice and language are sent as
// {
// {'advanced_options':
// {
// 'audio_generation_options': {'speed_factor': <rate>},
// 'force_language':<lang>
// }
// },
// {'voice_settings':
// {'voice_criteria_and_selections':
// [{
// 'selection': {'default_voice':<voice>}},
// 'criteria': {'language':<lang>}}
// }]
// }
// }
// }
// See https://goto.google.com/readaloud-proto for more information.
// Add speech rate.
const float rate = ClampRateToLimits(tts_request->rate);
request.SetByDottedPath(kSpeechFactorPath, base::Value(rate));
// The voice and language have to be set together to be valid.
if (tts_request->voice.has_value() && tts_request->lang.has_value()) {
// Force the server to produce audio based on the current lang.
// Produce 'voice_criteria_and_selections'.
base::Value::Dict selection;
base::Value::Dict criteria;
criteria.Set(kLanguageKey, base::Value(tts_request->lang.value()));
base::Value::Dict voice_selection;
voice_selection.Set(kSelectionKey, std::move(selection));
voice_selection.Set(kCriteriaKey, std::move(criteria));
base::Value::List voice_criteria_and_selections;
std::string json_request;
base::JSONWriter::Write(request, &json_request);
return json_request;
std::vector<uint16_t> FindTextBreaks(const std::u16string& utterance,
const int length_limit) {
std::vector<uint16_t> breaks;
DCHECK_GT(length_limit, 0);
if (utterance.empty())
return breaks;
// The input utterance must be pre-trimmed so that it does not start with
// whitespaces. The ICU break iterator does not work well with text that
// has whitespaces at start.
const int utterance_length = utterance.length();
if (utterance_length <= length_limit) {
breaks.push_back(utterance_length - 1);
return breaks;
if (length_limit == 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < utterance_length; i++)
return breaks;
std::vector<int> sentence_ends = ui::GetSentenceEndOffsets(utterance);
std::vector<int> word_ends = ui::GetWordEndOffsets(utterance);
const int sentence_ends_length = sentence_ends.size();
const int word_ends_length = word_ends.size();
int cur_word_end_index = 0;
int cur_sentence_end_index = 0;
int text_start = 0;
int text_end = -1;
// Searching for the end of the text piece as long as the |text_end|
// (i.e., the end of last text piece) is smaller than the last index of the
// utterance.
while (text_end < utterance_length - 1) {
// The start of the current text piece is the end of last piece plus one.
text_start = text_end + 1;
// Find the sentence end that is within the |length_limit| distance from the
// |text_start|.
while (cur_sentence_end_index < sentence_ends_length &&
sentence_ends[cur_sentence_end_index] - text_start < length_limit) {
// Update the |text_end| if we find a sentence end bigger than the prior
// |text_end|.
text_end = std::max(text_end, sentence_ends[cur_sentence_end_index]);
// If we have found a sentence end as the end of current text piece,
// continue to the next search.
if (text_end >= text_start) {
// If there is no qualified sentence end, this means the current sentence
// is longer than |length_limit|. We keep searching for a word end that is
// within the |length_limit| distance from the |text_start|.
while (cur_word_end_index < word_ends_length &&
word_ends[cur_word_end_index] - text_start < length_limit) {
// Update the |text_end| if we find a word end bigger than the prior
// |text_end|.
text_end = std::max(text_end, word_ends[cur_word_end_index]);
// If we have found a word end as the end of current text piece, continue to
// the next search.
if (text_end >= text_start) {
// If there is no sentence end or word end, we just return the index
// corresponding to the |length_limit| or the end of the utterance. In
// practice, this means the current word is longer than |length_limit|.
text_end = std::min(text_start + length_limit - 1, utterance_length - 1);
return breaks;
mojom::TtsResponsePtr GetResultOnError(
const mojom::TtsRequestError error_code) {
// TODO(crbug.com/40771006): Log errors.
return mojom::TtsResponse::NewErrorCode(error_code);
mojom::TtsResponsePtr UnpackJsonResponse(const base::Value::List& list_data,
const int start_index,
const bool is_last_request) {
// Depending on the size of input text (n), the list size should be 1 + 2n.
// The first item in the list is "metadata", then each input text has one
// dictionary for "text" and another dictionary for "audio". Since we only
// have one input text (assuming one paragraph only), we should only have a
// list with a size of three.
if (list_data.size() != 3) {
<< "HTTP response for Enhance Network TTS has unexpected JSON data.";
return GetResultOnError(mojom::TtsRequestError::kReceivedUnexpectedData);
// Decode timing information. Inside the "text" dictionary, the "timingInfo"
// is encoded as:
// "timingInfo":[
// {
// "text":<string>
// "location":{
// "textLocation": {"length": <int32>, "offset": <int32>},
// "timeLocation": { "timeOffset": <string>, "duration": <string> },
// "paragraphTextLocation": {"offset": <int32>, "length": <int32>},
// },
// ...
// ]
std::vector<mojom::TimingInfoPtr> timing_infos;
const base::Value::Dict& text_dict = list_data[1].GetDict();
const base::Value::List* timing_info_list =
if (timing_info_list == nullptr) {
DVLOG(1) << "HTTP response for Enhance Network TTS has unexpected timing "
"info data.";
return GetResultOnError(mojom::TtsRequestError::kReceivedUnexpectedData);
for (size_t i = 0; i < timing_info_list->size(); ++i) {
const base::Value::Dict& timing_info = (*timing_info_list)[i].GetDict();
const std::string* timing_info_text_ptr = timing_info.FindString("text");
const std::string* timing_info_timeoffset_ptr =
const std::string* timing_info_duration_ptr =
// If the first item in the timing_info_list does not have a text offset,
// we default that to 0. If the first item starts with whitespaces, the
// server will send back the text offset for the item.
std::optional<int> timing_info_text_offset =
if (timing_info_text_offset == std::nullopt && i == 0) {
timing_info_text_offset = 0;
if (timing_info_text_offset == std::nullopt || !timing_info_text_ptr ||
!timing_info_timeoffset_ptr || !timing_info_duration_ptr) {
// The text offset needs to be compensated with the start index of this
// TtsData.
*timing_info_text_ptr, timing_info_text_offset.value() + start_index,
*timing_info_timeoffset_ptr, *timing_info_duration_ptr));
// Decode audio data.
const base::Value::Dict& audio_dict = list_data[2].GetDict();
const std::string* audio_bytes_ptr =
if (audio_bytes_ptr == nullptr) {
DVLOG(1) << "HTTP response for Enhance Network TTS has unexpected audio "
"bytes data.";
return GetResultOnError(mojom::TtsRequestError::kReceivedUnexpectedData);
std::string audio_bytes = *audio_bytes_ptr;
if (!base::Base64Decode(audio_bytes, &audio_bytes)) {
DVLOG(1) << "Failed to decode the audio data for Enhance Network TTS.";
return GetResultOnError(mojom::TtsRequestError::kReceivedUnexpectedData);
std::vector<uint8_t> audio =
std::vector<uint8_t>(audio_bytes.begin(), audio_bytes.end());
mojom::TtsDataPtr tts_data = mojom::TtsData::New(
std::move(audio), std::move(timing_infos), is_last_request);
// Send the decoded data to the caller.
return mojom::TtsResponse::NewData(std::move(tts_data));
} // namespace ash::enhanced_network_tts