// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "ash/webui/firmware_update_ui/mojom/firmware_update.mojom.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/fwupd/fwupd_client.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/fwupd/fwupd_device.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/fwupd/fwupd_properties.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/fwupd/fwupd_request.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/fwupd/fwupd_update.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote_set.h"
namespace network {
class SimpleURLLoader;
} // namespace network
namespace ash {
// State of the fwupd daemon. Enum defined here:
// https://github.com/fwupd/fwupd/blob/4389f9f913588edae7243a8dbed88ce3788c8bc2/libfwupd/fwupd-enums.h
// Keep in sync with corresponding enum in tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum class FwupdStatus {
kMaxValue = kWaitingForUser,
// Used in histograms. Keep in sync with FirmwareUpdateMethodResult in
// tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/chromeos/enums.xml.
enum class MethodResult {
kSuccess = 0,
// DEPRECATED: kInstallFailed = 1,
kFailedToCreateUpdateDirectory = 2,
// DEPRECATED: kInvalidDestinationFile = 3,
kInvalidFile = 4,
kFailedToDownloadToFile = 5,
kFailedToCreatePatchFile = 6,
kEmptyPatchFile = 7,
kInvalidPatchFileUri = 8,
kInvalidPatchFile = 9,
kInstallFailedTimeout = 10,
kFailedToGetFirmwareFilename = 11,
// All Install Errors returned by fwupd dbus signal
// These errors are consistent with
// /chromeos/ash/components/dbus/fwupd/fwupd_client.h
// Starting values from 100 to keep the Fwupd Error message contiguous in case
// more error names are added.
kInternalError = 100,
kVersionNewerError = 101,
kVersionSameError = 102,
kAlreadyPendingError = 103,
kAuthFailedError = 104,
kReadError = 105,
kWriteError = 106,
kInvalidFileError = 107,
kNotFoundError = 108,
kNothingToDoError = 109,
kNotSupportedError = 110,
kSignatureInvalidError = 111,
kAcPowerRequiredError = 112,
kPermissionDeniedError = 113,
kBrokenSystemError = 114,
kBatteryLevelTooLowError = 115,
kNeedsUserActionError = 116,
kAuthExpiredError = 117,
kUnknownError = 118,
kMaxValue = kUnknownError,
// FirmwareUpdateManager contains all logic that runs the firmware update SWA.
: public FwupdClient::Observer,
public firmware_update::mojom::UpdateProvider,
public firmware_update::mojom::InstallController {
enum class Source {
kUI = 0,
kStartup = 1,
kUSBChange = 2,
kInstallComplete = 3,
kMaxValue = kInstallComplete,
FirmwareUpdateManager(const FirmwareUpdateManager&) = delete;
FirmwareUpdateManager& operator=(const FirmwareUpdateManager&) = delete;
~FirmwareUpdateManager() override;
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
~Observer() override = default;
// Called to notify observers, primarily notification controllers, that a
// critical firmware update is available.
virtual void OnFirmwareUpdateReceived() = 0;
// Returns true if the global instance is initialized.
static bool IsInitialized();
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// firmware_update::mojom::UpdateProvider
void ObservePeripheralUpdates(
mojo::PendingRemote<firmware_update::mojom::UpdateObserver> observer)
void PrepareForUpdate(const std::string& device_id,
PrepareForUpdateCallback callback) override;
void FetchInProgressUpdate(FetchInProgressUpdateCallback callback) override;
// firmware_update::mojom::InstallController
void BeginUpdate(const std::string& device_id,
const base::FilePath& filepath) override;
void AddDeviceRequestObserver(
observer) override;
void AddUpdateProgressObserver(
observer) override;
// Gets the global instance pointer.
static FirmwareUpdateManager* Get();
// Gets the number of cached updates.
size_t GetUpdateCount() { return updates_.size(); }
// FwupdClient::Observer:
// When the fwupd DBus client gets a response with devices from fwupd,
// it calls this function and passes the response.
void OnDeviceListResponse(FwupdDeviceList* devices) override;
void OnDeviceRequestResponse(FwupdRequest request) override;
// When the fwupd DBus client gets a response with updates from fwupd,
// it calls this function and passes the response.
void OnUpdateListResponse(const std::string& device_id,
FwupdUpdateList* updates) override;
// TODO(jimmyxgong): Implement this function to send property updates via
// mojo.
void OnPropertiesChangedResponse(FwupdProperties* properties) override;
// Query all updates for all devices.
void RequestAllUpdates(Source source);
void BindInterface(
void set_should_show_notification_for_test(bool show_notification) {
should_show_notification_for_test_ = show_notification;
void set_refresh_remote_for_testing(bool for_testing) {
refresh_remote_for_testing_ = for_testing;
friend class FirmwareUpdateManagerTest;
// Temporary auxiliary variables for testing.
// TODO(swifton): Replace with mock observers.
int on_device_list_response_count_for_testing_ = 0;
int on_update_list_response_count_for_testing_ = 0;
friend class FirmwareUpdateManagerTest;
// Query the fwupd DBus client for currently connected devices.
void RequestDevices();
// Query the fwupd DBus client for updates for a certain device.
void RequestUpdates(const std::string& device_id);
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(MethodResult)> MethodCallback;
// Download and prepare the install file for a specific device.
void StartInstall(const std::string& device_id,
const base::FilePath& filepath,
MethodCallback callback);
// Callback handler after fetching the file.
void OnGetFile(const std::string& device_id,
FirmwareInstallOptions options,
MethodCallback callback,
base::File file);
// Query the fwupd DBus client to install an update for a certain device.
void InstallUpdate(const std::string& device_id,
FirmwareInstallOptions options,
MethodCallback callback,
base::File patch_file);
// Response from fwupd DBus client InstallUpdate call.
void OnInstallResponse(MethodCallback callback, FwupdDbusResult result);
// InstallComplete will be called exactly once with a result when an install
// attempt succeeds or fails for any reason.
void InstallComplete(MethodResult result);
void CreateLocalPatchFile(const base::FilePath& cache_path,
const std::string& device_id,
const base::FilePath& filepath,
MethodCallback callback,
bool create_dir_success);
void MaybeDownloadFileToInternal(const base::FilePath& patch_path,
const std::string& device_id,
const base::FilePath& filepath,
MethodCallback callback,
bool write_file_success);
void DownloadFileToInternal(const base::FilePath& patch_path,
const std::string& device_id,
const base::FilePath& filepath,
MethodCallback callback);
void OnUrlDownloadedToFile(
const std::string& device_id,
std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader> simple_loader,
MethodCallback callback,
base::FilePath download_path);
// If refresh remote is allowed and call RefreshRemote otherwise continue with
// RequestUpdates()
void MaybeRefreshRemote(bool refresh_allowed);
using DownloadCompleteCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(base::FilePath, base::File)>;
// Refresh LVFS remote metadata by downloading the required files and calling
// UpdateMetadata dbus function.
void RefreshRemote();
void CreateTempFileAndDownload(base::FilePath local_file,
std::string download_filename,
DownloadCompleteCallback callback,
bool create_dir_success);
void DownloadLvfsMirrorFile(std::string filename,
base::FilePath download_filepath,
DownloadCompleteCallback callback,
bool write_file_success);
void GetFileDescriptor(
std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader> simple_loader,
DownloadCompleteCallback callback,
base::FilePath download_path);
void OnGetChecksumFile(base::FilePath checksum_filepath,
base::File checksum_file);
void GetFirmwareFilename(std::string file_contents);
void TriggerDownloadOfFirmwareFile(std::string firmware_filename);
// Call UpdateMetadata dbus api using `checksum_file_` and `firmware_file`.
void UpdateMetadata(base::FilePath firmware_filepath,
base::File firmware_file);
void OnUpdateMetadataResponse(FwupdDbusResult result);
// RefreshRemoteComplete will be called exactly once with a result when an
// attempt to refresh lvfs remote succeeds or fails for any reason.
// Then continue requesting devices.
void RefreshRemoteComplete(MethodResult result);
// Notifies observers registered with ObservePeripheralUpdates() the current
// list of devices with pending updates (if any).
void NotifyUpdateListObservers();
bool HasPendingUpdates();
void set_fake_url_for_testing(const std::string& fake_url) {
fake_url_for_testing_ = fake_url;
// Resets the mojo::Receiver |install_controller_receiver_|
// and |update_progress_observer_|.
void ResetInstallState();
// Checks if any update in |updates_| is critical. If so,
// a single notification is shown to the user.
void ShowNotificationIfRequired();
// Call to notify observers that a new notification is needed.
void NotifyCriticalFirmwareUpdateReceived();
// Records the # of devices found at startup and whenever the device list
// is refreshed.
void RecordDeviceMetrics(int num_devices);
// Records the # of updates found at startup and whenever the update list
// is refreshed.
void RecordUpdateMetrics();
int GetNumCriticalUpdates();
// Gets /tmp directory path to store downloaded files.
const base::FilePath GetCacheDirPath();
// Map of a device ID to `FwupdDevice` which is waiting for the list
// of updates.
base::flat_map<std::string, FwupdDevice> devices_pending_update_;
// Set of device IDs with critical updates that we've already shown a
// notification for.
base::flat_set<std::string> devices_already_notified_;
// List of all available updates. If `devices_pending_update_` is not
// empty then this list is not yet complete.
std::vector<firmware_update::mojom::FirmwareUpdatePtr> updates_;
// Only used for testing if StartInstall() queries to a fake URL.
std::string fake_url_for_testing_;
// The device update that is currently inflight.
firmware_update::mojom::FirmwareUpdatePtr inflight_update_;
// The most recent FwupdStatus, used for the purpose of recording metrics.
FwupdStatus last_fwupd_status_ = FwupdStatus::kUnknown;
// The most recent DeviceRequest, used for the purpose of recording metrics.
firmware_update::mojom::DeviceRequestPtr last_device_request_ = nullptr;
// Timestamp of when the last device request began. Used to calculate a
// duration for metrics.
std::optional<base::Time> last_request_started_timestamp_;
// Used to show the firmware update notification and to determine which
// metric to fire (Startup/Refresh).
bool is_first_response_ = true;
// Whether or not fetching updates in inflight.
bool is_fetching_updates_ = false;
// Checksum and firmware paths and File objects are held temporarily during
// download, and are used for cleanup which must be done on task_runner_.
base::FilePath checksum_filepath_;
base::FilePath firmware_filepath_;
base::File checksum_file_;
base::File firmware_file_;
// Used only for testing to force notification to appear.
bool should_show_notification_for_test_ = false;
// Used only for testing to trigger RefreshRemote and create file in random
// directory to avoid flakiness
bool refresh_remote_for_testing_ = false;
// Remotes for tracking observers that will be notified of changes to the
// list of firmware updates.
// Remote for tracking observer that will be notified of incoming
// DeviceRequests.
// Remote for tracking observer that will be notified of changes to
// the in-progress update.
base::ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
mojo::Receiver<firmware_update::mojom::UpdateProvider> receiver_{this};
base::WeakPtrFactory<FirmwareUpdateManager> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash