// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/features.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/growth/action_performer.h"
namespace base {
class Time;
class Version;
} // namespace base
namespace gfx {
class Image;
struct VectorIcon;
} // namespace gfx
namespace ui {
class ImageModel;
} // namespace ui
namespace growth {
// Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused
// as it is used for logging metrics as well. Please keep in sync with
// "CampaignSlot" in tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/ash_growth/enums.xml.
enum class Slot {
kDemoModeApp = 0,
kDemoModeFreePlayApps = 1,
kNudge = 2,
kNotification = 3,
kOobePerkDiscovery = 4,
kMaxValue = kOobePerkDiscovery
// These values are deserialized from Growth Campaign, so entries should not
// be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
enum class BuiltInVectorIcon { kRedeem = 0, kMaxValue = kRedeem };
// These values are deserialized from Growth Campaign, so entries should not
// be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
enum class BuiltInImage {
kContainerApp = 0,
kG1 = 1,
kSparkRebuy = 2,
kSpark1PApp = 3,
kSparkV2 = 4,
kG1Notification = 5,
kMaxValue = kG1Notification
// Supported window anchor element.
// These values are deserialized from Growth Campaign, so entries should not
// be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
enum class WindowAnchorType {
kCaptionButtonContainer = 0,
kWindowBounds = 1,
kMaxValue = kWindowBounds
// These values are deserialized from Growth Campaign, so entries should not
// be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
enum class TriggerType {
// TODO: b/340950978 - Remove when pass the trigger in GetCampaignsBySlot().
kUnSpecified = -1,
kAppOpened = 0,
kCampaignsLoaded = 1,
kEvent = 2,
kDelayedOneShotTimer = 3,
kMaxValue = kDelayedOneShotTimer
explicit Trigger(TriggerType type);
TriggerType type;
// `event` is only used for `kEvent` trigger, which needs to be matched with
// one of the event name in the `triggerEvents` in the `TriggerTargeting`.
std::string event;
// Dictionary of supported targetings. For example:
// {
// "demoMode" : {...},
// "session": {...}
// }
using Targeting = base::Value::Dict;
// List of `Targeting`.
using Targetings = base::Value::List;
// Dictionary of supported payloads. For example:
// {
// "demoMode": {
// "attractionLoop": {
// "videoSrcLang1": "/asset/lang1.mp4",
// "videoSrcLang2": "/asset/lang2.mp4"
// }
// }
// }
using Payload = base::Value::Dict;
// Dictionary of Campaign. For example:
// {
// "id": 1,
// "studyId":1,
// "targetings": {...}
// "payload": {...}
// }
using Campaign = base::Value::Dict;
// List of campaigns.
using Campaigns = base::Value::List;
const Payload* GetPayloadBySlot(const Campaign* campaign, Slot slot);
std::optional<int> GetCampaignId(const Campaign* campaign);
std::optional<int> GetCampaignGroupId(const Campaign* campaign);
std::optional<int> GetStudyId(const Campaign* campaign);
std::optional<bool> ShouldRegisterTrialWithTriggerEventName(
const Campaign* campaign);
// Lists of campaigns keyed by the targeted slot. The key is the slot ID in
// string. For example:
// {
// "0": [...]
// "1": [...]
// }
using CampaignsPerSlot = base::Value::Dict;
Campaigns* GetMutableCampaignsBySlot(CampaignsPerSlot* campaigns_per_slot,
Slot slot);
const Campaigns* GetCampaignsBySlot(const CampaignsPerSlot* campaigns_per_slot,
Slot slot);
const Targetings* GetTargetings(const Campaign* campaign);
const Payload* GetPayloadBySlot(const Campaign* campaign, Slot slot);
class TargetingBase {
TargetingBase(const Targeting* targeting_dict, const char* targeting_path);
TargetingBase(const TargetingBase&) = delete;
TargetingBase& operator=(const TargetingBase) = delete;
// True if the specific targeting (e.g: demoMode) was found in the targeting
// dictionary. The campaign will be selected if the targeted criteria is not
// found and defer to the next criteria matching.
bool IsValid() const;
const base::Value::List* GetListCriteria(const char* path_suffix) const;
const std::optional<bool> GetBoolCriteria(const char* path_suffix) const;
const std::optional<int> GetIntCriteria(const char* path_suffix) const;
const std::string* GetStringCriteria(const char* path_suffix) const;
const base::Value::Dict* GetDictCriteria(const char* path_suffix) const;
const std::string GetCriteriaPath(const char* path_suffix) const;
// The dictionary that contains targeting definition. Owned by
// `CampaignsManager`.
raw_ptr<const Targeting> targeting_;
// The targeting path.
const char* targeting_path_;
// Demo mode targeting. For example:
// {
// "retailers": ["bb", "bsb"];
// "storeIds": ["2", "4", "6"],
// "country": ["US"],
// "capability": {
// "isFeatureAwareDevice": false,
// "isCloudGamingDevice": true,
// }
// }
class DemoModeTargeting : public TargetingBase {
explicit DemoModeTargeting(const Targeting* targeting_dict);
DemoModeTargeting(const DemoModeTargeting&) = delete;
DemoModeTargeting& operator=(const DemoModeTargeting) = delete;
const base::Value::List* GetStoreIds() const;
const base::Value::List* GetRetailers() const;
const base::Value::List* GetCountries() const;
const std::optional<base::Version> GetAppMinVersion() const;
const std::optional<base::Version> GetAppMaxVersion() const;
const std::optional<bool> TargetCloudGamingDevice() const;
const std::optional<bool> TargetFeatureAwareDevice() const;
// Wrapper around time window targeting dictionary.
// The structure looks like:
// {
// "start": 1697046365,
// "end": 1697046598
// }
// Start and end are the number of seconds since epoch in UTC.
class TimeWindowTargeting {
explicit TimeWindowTargeting(const base::Value::Dict* time_window_dict);
TimeWindowTargeting(const TimeWindowTargeting&) = delete;
TimeWindowTargeting& operator=(const TimeWindowTargeting) = delete;
const base::Time GetStartTime() const;
const base::Time GetEndTime() const;
raw_ptr<const base::Value::Dict> time_window_dict_;
// Wrapper around number range targeting dictionary.
// The structure looks like:
// {
// "start": 3,
// "end": 5
// }
class NumberRangeTargeting {
explicit NumberRangeTargeting(const base::Value::Dict* number_range_dict);
NumberRangeTargeting(const NumberRangeTargeting&) = delete;
NumberRangeTargeting& operator=(const NumberRangeTargeting) = delete;
const std::optional<int> GetStart() const;
const std::optional<int> GetEnd() const;
raw_ptr<const base::Value::Dict> number_range_dict_;
// Wrapper around Device targeting dictionary. The structure looks like:
// {
// "locales": ["en-US", "zh-CN"];
// "milestone": {
// "min": 117,
// "max": 120
// }
// }
class DeviceTargeting : public TargetingBase {
explicit DeviceTargeting(const Targeting* targeting_dict);
DeviceTargeting(const DeviceTargeting&) = delete;
DeviceTargeting& operator=(const DeviceTargeting) = delete;
const base::Value::List* GetLocales() const;
const base::Value::List* GetUserLocales() const;
const base::Value::List* GetIncludedCountries() const;
const base::Value::List* GetExcludedCountries() const;
const std::optional<int> GetMinMilestone() const;
const std::optional<int> GetMaxMilestone() const;
const std::optional<base::Version> GetMinVersion() const;
const std::optional<base::Version> GetMaxVersion() const;
const std::optional<bool> GetFeatureAwareDevice() const;
std::unique_ptr<TimeWindowTargeting> GetRegisteredTime() const;
const std::unique_ptr<NumberRangeTargeting> GetDeviceAge() const;
// Wrapper around session targeting dictionary.
// The structure looks like:
// {
// "session": {
// "experimentTag": [...]
// }
// }
class SessionTargeting : public TargetingBase {
explicit SessionTargeting(const Targeting* targeting_dict);
SessionTargeting(const SessionTargeting&) = delete;
SessionTargeting& operator=(const SessionTargeting) = delete;
std::optional<const base::Feature*> GetFeature() const;
const base::Value::List* GetExperimentTags() const;
std::optional<bool> GetMinorUser() const;
std::optional<bool> GetIsOwner() const;
// Wrapper around app targeting dictionary.
// The structure looks like:
// {
// "appId": "app_id",
// }
class AppTargeting {
explicit AppTargeting(const base::Value::Dict* app);
AppTargeting(const AppTargeting&) = delete;
AppTargeting& operator=(const AppTargeting) = delete;
const std::string* GetAppId() const;
raw_ptr<const base::Value::Dict> app_dict_;
// Wrapper around events targeting dictionary.
// The structure looks like:
// {
// "events": {
// // A list of list of conditions to meet.
// // The inside list condition is logic OR.
// // The outer list condition is logic AND.
// // conditions_met = (A || B || C) && D;
// "conditions": [// Thsese two conditions are logic AND.
// [ // These three conditions are logic OR.
// "name:A;comparator:==2;window:365;storage:365",
// "name:B;comparator:==5;window:365;storage:365",
// "name:C;comparator:==8;window:365;storage:365"
// ],
// [
// "name:D;comparator:<3;window:365;storage:365"
// ]
// ]
// }
// }
class EventsTargeting {
explicit EventsTargeting(const base::Value::Dict* config);
EventsTargeting(const EventsTargeting&) = delete;
EventsTargeting& operator=(const EventsTargeting) = delete;
int GetImpressionCap() const;
int GetDismissalCap() const;
std::optional<int> GetGroupImpressionCap() const;
std::optional<int> GetGroupDismissalCap() const;
const base::Value::List* GetEventsConditions() const;
raw_ptr<const base::Value::Dict> config_dict_;
// Wrapper around trigger targeting dictionary.
// The structure looks like:
// {
// "triggerType": 0,
// "triggerEvents": ["a", "b"]
// }
class TriggerTargeting {
explicit TriggerTargeting(const base::Value::Dict* app);
TriggerTargeting(const TriggerTargeting&) = delete;
TriggerTargeting& operator=(const TriggerTargeting) = delete;
std::optional<int> GetTriggerType() const;
const base::Value::List* GetTriggerEvents() const;
raw_ptr<const base::Value::Dict> trigger_dict_;
// Wrapper around runtime targeting dictionary.
// The structure looks like:
// {
// "runtime": {
// "schedulings": [...]
// "appsOpend": [...]
// "triggers": [...]
// }
// }
class RuntimeTargeting : public TargetingBase {
explicit RuntimeTargeting(const Targeting* targeting_dict);
RuntimeTargeting(const RuntimeTargeting&) = delete;
RuntimeTargeting& operator=(const RuntimeTargeting) = delete;
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TimeWindowTargeting>> GetSchedulings()
// Returns a list of apps to be matched against the current opened app.
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AppTargeting>> GetAppsOpened() const;
const std::vector<std::string> GetActiveUrlRegexes() const;
std::unique_ptr<EventsTargeting> GetEventsConfig() const;
// Returns a list of triggers against the current trigger, e.g. `kAppOpened`.
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TriggerTargeting>> GetTriggers() const;
const base::Value::List* GetUserPrefTargetings() const;
// Wrapper around the action dictionary for performing an action, including
// action type and action params.
// For example:
// {
// "action": {
// "type": 3,
// "params": {
// "url": "https://www.google.com",
// "disposition": 0
// }
// }
// }
explicit Action(const base::Value::Dict* action_dict);
Action(const Action&) = delete;
Action& operator=(const Action) = delete;
std::optional<growth::ActionType> GetActionType() const;
const base::Value::Dict* GetParams() const;
raw_ptr<const base::Value::Dict> action_dict_;
// Wrapper around anchor.
// The structure looks like:
// {
// "activeAppWindowAnchorType": 0 // CAPTION_BUTTON_CONTAINER
// }
// TODO(b/329698643): Consider moving to nudge controller if Anchor is not used
// by other surfaces.
explicit Anchor(const base::Value::Dict* anchor_dict);
Anchor(const Anchor&) = delete;
Anchor& operator=(const Anchor) = delete;
const std::optional<WindowAnchorType> GetActiveAppWindowAnchorType() const;
const std::string* GetShelfAppButtonId() const;
raw_ptr<const base::Value::Dict> anchor_dict_;
// Wrapper around image dictionary.
// The structure looks like:
// {
// "builtInImage": 0
// }
explicit Image(const base::Value::Dict* image_dict);
Image(const Image&) = delete;
Image& operator=(const Image) = delete;
const gfx::Image* GetImage() const;
// Get built in icon based on the given image data.
const gfx::Image* GetBuiltInImage() const;
raw_ptr<const base::Value::Dict> image_dict_;
// Wrapper around vector icon dictionary.
// The structure looks like:
// {
// "builtVectorIcon": 0
// }
explicit VectorIcon(const base::Value::Dict* vector_icon_dict);
VectorIcon(const VectorIcon&) = delete;
VectorIcon& operator=(const VectorIcon) = delete;
const gfx::VectorIcon* GetVectorIcon() const;
// Get built in icon based on the given image data.
const gfx::VectorIcon* GetBuiltInVectorIcon() const;
raw_ptr<const base::Value::Dict> vector_icon_dict_;
// Wrapper around image model dictionary.
// The structure looks like:
// {
// "image": {
// "builtInImage": 0
// }
// }
explicit ImageModel(const base::Value::Dict* image_model_dict);
ImageModel(const Image&) = delete;
ImageModel& operator=(const ImageModel) = delete;
const std::optional<ui::ImageModel> GetImageModel() const;
// Get built in icon based on the given image data.
// If given data is referring to an image, the image will be resized to 60 *
// 60 so it can be used in the nudge.
// TODO: b/340945779 - consider moving the resize logic to
// `ShowNudgeActionPerformer`.
const std::optional<ui::ImageModel> GetBuiltInImageModel() const;
raw_ptr<const base::Value::Dict> image_model_dict_;
} // namespace growth