// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/ash/components/local_search_service/content_extraction_utils.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h"
#include "base/i18n/unicodestring.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/string_matching/tokenized_string.h"
#include "third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode/translit.h"
namespace ash::local_search_service {
namespace {
using string_matching::TokenizedString;
std::unique_ptr<icu::Transliterator> CreateDiacriticRemover() {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UParseError parse_error;
// Adds a rule to remove diacritic from text. Adds a few characters that are
// not handled by ICU (ł > l; ø > o; đ > d).
return base::WrapUnique(icu::Transliterator::createFromRules(
icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8("::NFD; ::[:Nonspacing Mark:] Remove; "
"::NFC; ł > l; ø > o; đ > d;"),
UTRANS_FORWARD, parse_error, status));
std::unique_ptr<icu::Transliterator> CreateHyphenRemover() {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UParseError parse_error;
// Hyphen characters list is taken from here: http://jkorpela.fi/dashes.html
// U+002D(-), U+007E(~), U+058A(֊), U+05BE(־), U+1806(᠆), U+2010(‐),
// U+2011(‑), U+2012(‒), U+2013(–), U+2014(—), U+2015(―), U+2053(⁓),
// U+207B(⁻), U+208B(₋), U+2212(−), U+2E3A(⸺ ), U+2E3B(⸻ ), U+301C(〜),
// U+3030(〰), U+30A0(゠), U+FE58(﹘), U+FE63(﹣), U+FF0D(-).
return base::WrapUnique(icu::Transliterator::createFromRules(
icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8("::[-~֊־᠆‐‑‒–—―⁓⁻₋−⸺⸻〜〰゠﹘﹣-] Remove;"),
UTRANS_FORWARD, parse_error, status));
} // namespace
std::vector<Token> ConsolidateToken(const std::vector<Token>& tokens) {
std::unordered_map<std::u16string, std::vector<WeightedPosition>> dictionary;
for (const auto& token : tokens) {
std::vector<Token> results;
for (const auto& item : dictionary) {
results.push_back(Token(item.first, item.second));
return results;
std::vector<Token> ExtractContent(const std::string& content_id,
const std::u16string& text,
double weight,
const std::string& locale) {
// Use two different string tokenizing algorithms for Latin and non Latin
// locale.
TokenizedString::Mode mode;
if (IsNonLatinLocale(locale)) {
mode = TokenizedString::Mode::kCamelCase;
} else {
mode = TokenizedString::Mode::kWords;
const TokenizedString tokenized_string(text, mode);
DCHECK(tokenized_string.tokens().size() ==
const size_t num_tokens = tokenized_string.tokens().size();
std::vector<Token> tokens;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_tokens; i++) {
const std::u16string word = Normalizer(tokenized_string.tokens()[i]);
if (IsStopword(word, locale))
weight, Position(content_id, tokenized_string.mappings()[i].start(),
tokenized_string.mappings()[i].end() -
return tokens;
bool IsNonLatinLocale(const std::string& locale) {
static const base::NoDestructor<base::flat_set<std::string>>
non_latin_locales({"am", "ar", "be", "bg", "bn", "el", "fa", "gu",
"hi", "hy", "iw", "ja", "ka", "kk", "km", "kn",
"ko", "ky", "lo", "mk", "ml", "mn", "mr", "my",
"pa", "ru", "sr", "ta", "te", "th", "uk", "zh"});
return base::Contains(*non_latin_locales, locale.substr(0, 2));
bool IsStopword(const std::u16string& word, const std::string& locale) {
// TODO(thanhdng): Currently we support stopword list for English only. In the
// future, when we need to support other languages, creates resource files to
// store the stopwords.
if (locale.substr(0, 2) != "en")
return false;
// A set of stopwords in English. This set is taken from NLTK library.
static const base::NoDestructor<base::flat_set<std::string>>
{"i", "me", "my", "myself", "we",
"our", "ours", "ourselves", "you", "you're",
"you've", "you'll", "you'd", "your", "yours",
"yourself", "yourselves", "he", "him", "his",
"himself", "she", "she's", "her", "hers",
"herself", "it", "it's", "its", "itself",
"they", "them", "their", "theirs", "themselves",
"what", "which", "who", "whom", "this",
"that", "that'll", "these", "those", "am",
"is", "are", "was", "were", "be",
"been", "being", "have", "has", "had",
"having", "do", "does", "did", "doing",
"a", "an", "the", "and", "but",
"if", "or", "because", "as", "until",
"while", "of", "at", "by", "for",
"with", "about", "against", "between", "into",
"through", "during", "before", "after", "above",
"below", "to", "from", "up", "down",
"in", "out", "on", "off", "over",
"under", "again", "further", "then", "once",
"here", "there", "when", "where", "why",
"how", "all", "any", "both", "each",
"few", "more", "most", "other", "some",
"such", "no", "nor", "not", "only",
"own", "same", "so", "than", "too",
"very", "s", "t", "can", "will",
"just", "don", "don't", "should", "should've",
"now", "d", "ll", "m", "o",
"re", "ve", "y", "ain", "aren",
"aren't", "couldn", "couldn't", "didn", "didn't",
"doesn", "doesn't", "hadn", "hadn't", "hasn",
"hasn't", "haven", "haven't", "isn", "isn't",
"ma", "mightn", "mightn't", "mustn", "mustn't",
"needn", "needn't", "shan", "shan't", "shouldn",
"shouldn't", "wasn", "wasn't", "weren", "weren't",
"won", "won't", "wouldn", "wouldn't"});
return base::Contains(*english_stopwords, base::UTF16ToUTF8(word));
std::u16string Normalizer(const std::u16string& word, bool remove_hyphen) {
// Case folding.
icu::UnicodeString source = icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(
// Removes diacritic.
static base::NoDestructor<std::unique_ptr<icu::Transliterator>>
// Removes hyphen.
if (remove_hyphen) {
static base::NoDestructor<std::unique_ptr<icu::Transliterator>>
return base::i18n::UnicodeStringToString16(source);
} // namespace ash::local_search_service