
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <optional>

#include "ash/test/ash_test_base.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/unique_widget_ptr.h"

namespace user_education {
enum class HelpBubbleArrow;
struct HelpBubbleParams;
}  // namespace user_education

namespace ash {

class HelpBubbleViewAsh;

// Base class for tests of `HelpBubbleViewAsh`.
class HelpBubbleViewAshTestBase : public AshTestBase {
  // Creates and returns a pointer to a new `HelpBubbleViewAsh` instance.
  // Note that the returned help bubble view is owned by its widget.
  HelpBubbleViewAsh* CreateHelpBubbleView();

  // Creates and returns a pointer to a new `HelpBubbleViewAsh` instance with
  // the specified attributes. Note that the returned help bubble view is owned
  // by its widget.
  HelpBubbleViewAsh* CreateHelpBubbleView(user_education::HelpBubbleArrow arrow,
                                          bool with_title_text,
                                          bool with_body_icon,
                                          bool with_buttons,
                                          bool with_progress);

  // Creates and returns a pointer to a new `HelpBubbleViewAsh` instance with
  // the specified `params`. Note that the returned help bubble view is owned
  // by its widget.
  HelpBubbleViewAsh* CreateHelpBubbleView(
      user_education::HelpBubbleParams params);

  // AshTestBase:
  void SetUp() override;

  // The test `widget_` to be used as an anchor for help bubble views.
  views::UniqueWidgetPtr widget_;

}  // namespace ash