// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/values.h"
namespace ash {
// NetworkConnect is a state machine designed to handle the complex UI flows
// associated with connecting to a network (and related tasks). Any showing
// of UI is handled by the NetworkConnect::Delegate implementation.
// Track the source of NetworkConnect calls for metrics.
enum class Source {
// Opened from the Settings UI.
kSettings = 1,
// Opened from the QuickSettings UI.
kQuickSettings = 2,
// Shows UI to configure or activate the network specified by |network_id|,
// which may include showing Payment or Portal UI when appropriate.
virtual void ShowNetworkConfigure(const std::string& network_id) = 0;
// Shows the settings related to network. If |network_id| is not empty,
// show the settings for that network.
virtual void ShowNetworkSettings(const std::string& network_id) = 0;
// Shows UI to enroll the network specified by |network_id| if appropriate
// and returns true, otherwise returns false.
virtual bool ShowEnrollNetwork(const std::string& network_id) = 0;
// Shows UI to setup a mobile network.
virtual void ShowMobileSetupDialog(const std::string& network_id) = 0;
// Shows UI displaying carrier network account details.
virtual void ShowCarrierAccountDetail(const std::string& network_id) = 0;
// Shows UI displaying carrier unlock notification.
virtual void ShowCarrierUnlockNotification() = 0;
// Shows portal signin.
virtual void ShowPortalSignin(const std::string& network_id,
Source source) = 0;
// Shows an error notification. |error_name| is an error defined in
// NetworkConnectionHandler. |network_id| may be empty.
virtual void ShowNetworkConnectError(const std::string& error_name,
const std::string& network_id) = 0;
// Shows an error notification during mobile activation.
virtual void ShowMobileActivationError(const std::string& network_id) = 0;
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Creates the global NetworkConnect object. |delegate| is owned by the
// caller.
static void Initialize(Delegate* delegate);
// Destroys the global NetworkConnect object.
static void Shutdown();
// Returns true if the global NetworkConnect object is initialized.
static bool IsInitialized();
// Returns the global NetworkConnect object if initialized or null.
static NetworkConnect* Get();
NetworkConnect(const NetworkConnect&) = delete;
NetworkConnect& operator=(const NetworkConnect&) = delete;
virtual ~NetworkConnect();
// Requests a network connection and handles any errors and notifications.
virtual void ConnectToNetworkId(const std::string& network_id) = 0;
// Requests a network disconnection. Ignores any errors and notifications.
virtual void DisconnectFromNetworkId(const std::string& network_id) = 0;
// Determines whether or not a network requires a connection to activate or
// setup and either shows a notification or opens the mobile setup dialog.
virtual void ShowMobileSetup(const std::string& network_id) = 0;
// Opens the carrier account detail page.
virtual void ShowCarrierAccountDetail(const std::string& network_id) = 0;
// Shows carrier unlock notification.
virtual void ShowCarrierUnlockNotification() = 0;
// Opens the portal signin.
virtual void ShowPortalSignin(const std::string& network_id,
Source source) = 0;
// Configures a network with a dictionary of Shill properties, then sends a
// connect request. The profile is set according to 'shared' if allowed.
// TODO(stevenjb): Use ONC properties instead of shill.
virtual void ConfigureNetworkIdAndConnect(
const std::string& network_id,
const base::Value::Dict& shill_properties,
bool shared) = 0;
// Requests a new network configuration to be created from a dictionary of
// Shill properties and sends a connect request if the configuration succeeds.
// The profile used is determined by |shared|.
// TODO(stevenjb): Use ONC properties instead of shill.
virtual void CreateConfigurationAndConnect(base::Value::Dict shill_properties,
bool shared) = 0;
// Requests a new network configuration to be created from a dictionary of
// Shill properties. The profile used is determined by |shared|.
virtual void CreateConfiguration(base::Value::Dict shill_properties,
bool shared) = 0;
} // namespace ash