// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/managed_state.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/network_handler.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/network_handler_callbacks.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/network_state.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/network_type_pattern.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/shill_property_handler.h"
namespace base {
class Location;
class Value;
} // namespace base
namespace ash {
class DeviceState;
class NetworkStateHandlerObserver;
class NetworkStateHandlerTest;
// Class for tracking the list of visible networks and their properties.
// This class maps essential properties from the connection manager (Shill) for
// each visible network. It is not used to change the properties of services or
// devices, only global (manager) properties.
// All getters return the currently cached properties. This class is expected to
// keep properties up to date by managing the appropriate Shill observers.
// It will invoke its own more specific observer methods when the specified
// changes occur.
// Some notes about NetworkState and GUIDs:
// * A NetworkState exists for all network services stored in a profile, and
// all "visible" networks (physically connected networks like ethernet and
// cellular or in-range wifi networks). If the network is stored in a profile,
// NetworkState.IsInProfile() will return true.
// * "Visible" networks return true for NetworkState.visible().
// * All networks saved to a profile will have a saved GUID that is persistent
// across sessions.
// * Networks that are not saved to a profile will have a GUID assigned when
// the initial properties are received. The GUID will be consistent for
// the duration of a session, even if the network drops out and returns.
: public internal::ShillPropertyHandler::Listener {
typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ManagedState>> ManagedStateList;
typedef std::vector<const NetworkState*> NetworkStateList;
typedef std::vector<const DeviceState*> DeviceStateList;
class TetherSortDelegate {
// Sorts |tether_networks| according to the Tether component rules.
// |tether_networks| contains only networks of type Tether.
virtual void SortTetherNetworkList(
ManagedStateList* tether_networks) const = 0;
// Cellular networks may not have an associated Shill Service (e.g. when the
// SIM is locked, a mobile network is not available or Shill is not able to
// see eSIM profiles through MM). StubCellularNetworksProvider adds stub
// cellular networks if necessary and removes previously created stub networks
// that are no longer required. If a StubCellularNetworksProvider instance is
// set, then |AddOrRemoveStubCellularNetworks| is called before sorting
// networks list.
class StubCellularNetworksProvider {
virtual ~StubCellularNetworksProvider() = default;
// Checks |network_list| to add or remove stub cellular networks. New
// stub networks will be added to |new_stub_networks| list. Stub networks
// that are not required anymore are removed from |network_list|. Returns
// true if networks were removed from |network_list| or |new_stub_networks|
// is non empty.
virtual bool AddOrRemoveStubCellularNetworks(
ManagedStateList& network_list,
ManagedStateList& new_stub_networks,
const DeviceState* device) = 0;
// Provides metadata associated with a stub network with the given ICCID.
// If |iccid| corresponds to an installed eSIM profile or SIM card, true is
// returned and the "out" parameters are set. Otherwise, false is returned
// and the values are not set.
virtual bool GetStubNetworkMetadata(const std::string& iccid,
const DeviceState* cellular_device,
std::string* service_path_out,
std::string* guid_out) = 0;
enum TechnologyState {
NetworkStateHandler(const NetworkStateHandler&) = delete;
NetworkStateHandler& operator=(const NetworkStateHandler&) = delete;
~NetworkStateHandler() override;
// Called just before destruction to give observers a chance to remove
// themselves and disable any networking.
void Shutdown();
// Add/remove observers.
using Observer = NetworkStateHandlerObserver;
void AddObserver(Observer* observer, const base::Location& from_here);
virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer, const base::Location& from_here);
virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
bool HasObserver(Observer* observer) {
return observers_.HasObserver(observer);
// Returns the state for technology |type|. Only
// NetworkTypePattern::Primitive, ::Mobile, ::Ethernet, and ::Tether are
// supported.
TechnologyState GetTechnologyState(const NetworkTypePattern& type) const;
bool IsTechnologyAvailable(const NetworkTypePattern& type) const {
return GetTechnologyState(type) != TECHNOLOGY_UNAVAILABLE;
bool IsTechnologyEnabled(const NetworkTypePattern& type) const {
return GetTechnologyState(type) == TECHNOLOGY_ENABLED;
bool IsTechnologyProhibited(const NetworkTypePattern& type) const {
return GetTechnologyState(type) == TECHNOLOGY_PROHIBITED;
bool IsTechnologyUninitialized(const NetworkTypePattern& type) const {
return GetTechnologyState(type) == TECHNOLOGY_UNINITIALIZED;
// Sets the Tether technology state. Because Tether networks do not represent
// real Shill networks, this value must be set by the Tether component rather
// than being generated by Shill. See TetherDeviceStateManager for more
// details.
void SetTetherTechnologyState(TechnologyState technology_state);
// Sets the scanning state of the Tether technology. Since Tether network
// scans are not actually performed as part of Shill, this value must be set
// by the Tether component.
void SetTetherScanState(bool is_scanning);
// Asynchronously sets the list of prohibited technologies. The accepted
// values are the shill network technology identifiers. See also
// chromeos::onc::Validator::ValidateGlobalNetworkConfiguration().
void SetProhibitedTechnologies(
const std::vector<std::string>& prohibited_technologies);
// Finds and returns a device state by |device_path| or NULL if not found.
const DeviceState* GetDeviceState(const std::string& device_path) const;
// Finds and returns a device state by |type|. Returns NULL if not found.
const DeviceState* GetDeviceStateByType(const NetworkTypePattern& type) const;
// Returns true if any device of |type| is scanning.
bool GetScanningByType(const NetworkTypePattern& type) const;
// Finds and returns a network state by |service_path| or NULL if not found.
// Note: NetworkState is frequently updated asynchronously, i.e. properties
// are not always updated all at once. This will contain the most recent
// value for each property. To receive notifications when a property changes,
// observe this class and implement NetworkPropertyChanged().
const NetworkState* GetNetworkState(const std::string& service_path) const;
// Returns the default network (which includes VPNs) based on the Shill
// Manager.DefaultNetwork property. Normally this is the same as
// ConnectedNetworkByType(NetworkTypePattern::Default()), but the timing might
// differ.
const NetworkState* DefaultNetwork() const;
// Returns the primary connected network matching |type|, otherwise null.
const NetworkState* ConnectedNetworkByType(const NetworkTypePattern& type);
// Returns the primary connecting network matching |type|, otherwise null.
const NetworkState* ConnectingNetworkByType(const NetworkTypePattern& type);
// Returns the primary active network of matching |type|, otherwise null.
// See also GetActiveNetworkListByType.
const NetworkState* ActiveNetworkByType(const NetworkTypePattern& type);
// Like ConnectedNetworkByType() but returns any matching visible network or
// NULL. Mostly useful for mobile networks where there is generally only one
// network. Note: O(N).
const NetworkState* FirstNetworkByType(const NetworkTypePattern& type);
// Sets the |connect_requested_| property of a NetworkState for
// |service_path| if it exists. This is used to inform the UI that a network
// is connecting before the state is set in Shill. If |connect_requested| is
// true, NetworkState::IsConnectingState() will return true. This will cause
// the network to be sorted first and it will be part of the active list.
// Also clears shill_connect_error_ for the NetworkState.
void SetNetworkConnectRequested(const std::string& service_path,
bool connect_requested);
// Calls NetworkState::set_shill_connect_error_ for |service_path|.
void SetShillConnectError(const std::string& service_path,
const std::string& shill_connect_error);
// Called from Chrome's network portal detector when Chrome has detected
// that a network is in a captive portal state.
void SetNetworkChromePortalState(const std::string& service_path,
NetworkState::PortalState portal_state);
// Returns the aa:bb formatted hardware (MAC) address for the first connected
// network matching |type|, or an empty string if none is connected.
std::string FormattedHardwareAddressForType(const NetworkTypePattern& type);
// Convenience method to call GetNetworkListByType(visible=true).
void GetVisibleNetworkListByType(const NetworkTypePattern& type,
NetworkStateList* list);
// Convenience method for GetVisibleNetworkListByType(Default).
void GetVisibleNetworkList(NetworkStateList* list);
// Sets |list| to contain the list of networks with matching |type| and the
// following properties:
// |configured_only| - if true only include networks where IsInProfile is true
// |visible_only| - if true only include networks in the visible Services list
// |limit| - if > 0 limits the number of results.
// The returned list contains a copy of NetworkState pointers which should not
// be stored or used beyond the scope of the calling function (i.e. they may
// later become invalid, but only on the UI thread). SortNetworkList() will be
// called if necessary to provide the states in a convenient order (see
// SortNetworkList for details).
void GetNetworkListByType(const NetworkTypePattern& type,
bool configured_only,
bool visible_only,
size_t limit,
NetworkStateList* list);
// Sets |list| to contain the active networks matching |type|. An 'active'
// network is connecting or connected, and the first connected active network
// is the primary or 'default' network providing connectivity (which may be a
// VPN, use NetworkTypePattern::NonVirtual() to ignore VPNs). See
// GetNetworkListByType for notes on |list| results.
void GetActiveNetworkListByType(const NetworkTypePattern& type,
NetworkStateList* list);
// Finds and returns the NetworkState associated with |service_path| or NULL
// if not found. If |configured_only| is true, only returns saved entries
// (IsInProfile is true).
const NetworkState* GetNetworkStateFromServicePath(
const std::string& service_path,
bool configured_only) const;
// Finds and returns the NetworkState associated with |guid| or NULL if not
// found. This returns all entries (IsInProfile() may be true or false).
const NetworkState* GetNetworkStateFromGuid(const std::string& guid) const;
// Creates a Tether NetworkState that has no underlying shill type or
// service. When initially created, it does not actually represent a real
// network. The |guid| provided must be non-empty. If a network with |guid|
// already exists, this method will do nothing. Use the provided |guid| to
// refer to and fetch this NetworkState in the future. Note that the
// |has_connected_to_host| parameter refers to whether the current device has
// already connected to the Tether host device providing this Tether network
// in the past.
void AddTetherNetworkState(const std::string& guid,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& carrier,
int battery_percentage,
int signal_strength,
bool has_connected_to_host);
// Updates the Tether properties (carrier, battery percentage, and signal
// strength) for a network which has already been added via
// AddTetherNetworkState. Returns whether the update was successful.
bool UpdateTetherNetworkProperties(const std::string& guid,
const std::string& carrier,
int battery_percentage,
int signal_strength);
// Updates whether the Tether network with GUID |guid| has connected to the
// host device before, setting the value to true. Note that there is no way to
// change this value back to false. If no network with GUID |guid| is
// registered or if the network is registered and its HasConnectedToHost value
// was already true, this function does nothing. Returns whether the value was
// actually changed.
bool SetTetherNetworkHasConnectedToHost(const std::string& guid);
// Remove a Tether NetworkState, using the same |guid| passed to
// AddTetherNetworkState(). If no network with GUID |guid| is registered, this
// function does nothing. Returns whether the network was actually removed.
bool RemoveTetherNetworkState(const std::string& guid);
// Disassociates the Tether network specified by |tether_network_guid| from
// its associated Wi-Fi network. Returns whether the networks were
// successfully disassociated.
bool DisassociateTetherNetworkStateFromWifiNetwork(
const std::string& tether_network_guid);
// Inform NetworkStateHandler that the provided Tether network with the
// provided guid |tether_network_guid| is associated with the Wi-Fi network
// with the provided guid |wifi_network_guid|. This Wi-Fi network can now be
// hidden in the UI, and the Tether network will act as its proxy. Returns
// false if the association failed (e.g., one or both networks don't exist).
bool AssociateTetherNetworkStateWithWifiNetwork(
const std::string& tether_network_guid,
const std::string& wifi_network_guid);
// Set the connection_state of the Tether NetworkState corresponding to the
// provided |guid| to "Disconnected". This will be reflected in the UI.
void SetTetherNetworkStateDisconnected(const std::string& guid);
// Set the connection_state of the Tether NetworkState corresponding to the
// provided |guid| to "Connecting". This will be reflected in the UI.
void SetTetherNetworkStateConnecting(const std::string& guid);
// Set the connection_state of the Tether NetworkState corresponding to the
// provided |guid| to "Connected". This will be reflected in the UI.
void SetTetherNetworkStateConnected(const std::string& guid);
void set_tether_sort_delegate(
const TetherSortDelegate* tether_sort_delegate) {
tether_sort_delegate_ = tether_sort_delegate;
// Sets |list| to contain the list of devices. The returned list contains
// a copy of DeviceState pointers which should not be stored or used beyond
// the scope of the calling function (i.e. they may later become invalid, but
// only on the UI thread).
void GetDeviceList(DeviceStateList* list) const;
// Like GetDeviceList() but only returns networks with matching |type|.
void GetDeviceListByType(const NetworkTypePattern& type,
DeviceStateList* list) const;
// Requests a network scan. This may trigger updates to the network
// list, which will trigger the appropriate observer calls.
// Note: If |type| is Cellular, a mobile network scan will be requested
// if supported. This is disruptive and should only be triggered by an
// explicit user action.
void RequestScan(const NetworkTypePattern& type);
// Requests an update for an existing NetworkState, e.g. after configuring
// a network. This is a no-op if an update request is already pending. To
// ensure that a change is picked up, this must be called after Shill
// acknowledged it (e.g. in the callback of a SetProperties).
// When the properties are received, NetworkPropertiesUpdated will be
// signaled for each member of |observers_|, regardless of whether any
// properties actually changed. Note that this is a no-op for Tether networks.
void RequestUpdateForNetwork(const std::string& service_path);
// Informs NetworkStateHandler to notify observers that the properties for
// the network may have changed. Called e.g. when the proxy properties may
// have changed.
void SendUpdateNotificationForNetwork(const std::string& service_path);
// Clears the last_error value for the NetworkState for |service_path|.
void ClearLastErrorForNetwork(const std::string& service_path);
// Sets the Manager.WakeOnLan property. Note: we do not track this state, we
// only set it.
void SetWakeOnLanEnabled(bool enabled);
// Sets the DHCP HostName property. Note: This does not directly set
// |hostname_|, it sets the Shill property and relies on Shill emitting the
// change which updates the cached |hostname_|. This ensures that Chrome and
// Shill are in sync.
void SetHostname(const std::string& hostname);
// Returns the cached DHCP HostName property provided by Shill. Initialized
// to an empty string and set once the Manager properties are received.
const std::string& hostname() const { return hostname_; }
// Enable or disable network bandwidth throttling, on all interfaces on the
// system. If |enabled| is true, |upload_rate_kbits| and |download_rate_kbits|
// are the desired rates (in kbits/s) to throttle to. If |enabled| is false,
// throttling is off, and the rates are ignored.
void SetNetworkThrottlingStatus(bool enabled,
uint32_t upload_rate_kbits,
uint32_t download_rate_kbits);
// Sets the Fast Transition property. 802.11r Fast BSS Transition allows
// wireless Access Points to share information before a device initiates a
// reassociation. This allows devices to roam much more quickly.
void SetFastTransitionStatus(bool enabled);
// Requests a Shill portal check on the default network.
void RequestPortalDetection();
const std::string& GetCheckPortalListForTest() const {
return check_portal_list_;
// Returns the NetworkState for the EthernetEAP service, which contains the
// EAP parameters used by the Ethernet network matching |service_path|, if it
// exists. If |connected_only| is true, only returns the EthernetEAP state
// if the Ethernet network is connected using EAP. Otherwise returns null.
const NetworkState* GetEAPForEthernet(const std::string& service_path,
bool connected_only);
// Sets the |error_| property of the matching NetworkState for tests.
void SetErrorForTest(const std::string& service_path,
const std::string& error);
void SetDeviceStateUpdatedForTest(const std::string& device_path);
// Sets |allow_only_policy_wifi_networks_to_connect_|,
// |allow_only_policy_wifi_networks_to_connect_if_available_| and
// |blocked_hex_ssids_| and calls
// |UpdateBlockedNetworksInternal(NetworkTypePattern::Wifi())|.
virtual void UpdateBlockedWifiNetworks(
bool only_managed,
bool available_only,
const std::vector<std::string>& blocked_hex_ssids);
// Sets |allow_only_policy_cellular_networks_to_connect_| and
// calls |UpdateBlockedNetworksInternal(NetworkTypePattern::Cellular())|
virtual void UpdateBlockedCellularNetworks(bool only_managed);
// Returns the NetworkState associated to the wifi device's
// available_managed_network_path or |nullptr| if no managed network is
// available.
const NetworkState* GetAvailableManagedWifiNetwork() const;
// Returns true if a user is logged in and the networks for the logged in user
// have been loaded.
bool IsProfileNetworksLoaded();
// Returns true if the AllowOnlyPolicyNetworksToConnect policy is enabled or
// if the AllowOnlyPolicyNetworksToConnectIfAvailable policy is enabled and
// there is a managed wifi network available.
bool OnlyManagedWifiNetworksAllowed() const;
// Calls AddOrRemoveStubCellularNetworks on CellularStubServiceProvider if
// set, sorts network list and notifies network list change if required.
void SyncStubCellularNetworks();
// Requests traffic counters for a service denoted by |service_path|.
void RequestTrafficCounters(const std::string& service_path,
// Resets traffic counters for a service denoted by |service_path|.
void ResetTrafficCounters(const std::string& service_path);
bool default_network_is_metered() const {
return default_network_is_metered_;
void set_stub_cellular_networks_provider(
StubCellularNetworksProvider* stub_cellular_networks_provider) {
stub_cellular_networks_provider_ = stub_cellular_networks_provider;
// Constructs and initializes an instance for testing.
static std::unique_ptr<NetworkStateHandler> InitializeForTest();
// Default set of comma separated interfaces on which to enable
// portal checking.
static const char kDefaultCheckPortalList[];
friend class NetworkHandler;
// ShillPropertyHandler::Listener overrides.
// This adds new entries to |network_list_| or |device_list_| and deletes any
// entries that are no longer in the list.
void UpdateManagedList(ManagedState::ManagedType type,
const base::Value::List& entries) override;
// The list of profiles changed (i.e. a user has logged in). Re-request
// properties for all services since they may have changed.
void ProfileListChanged(const base::Value::List& profile_list) override;
// Parses the properties for the network service or device. Mostly calls
// managed->PropertyChanged(key, value) for each dictionary entry.
void UpdateManagedStateProperties(
ManagedState::ManagedType type,
const std::string& path,
const base::Value::Dict& properties) override;
// Called by ShillPropertyHandler when a watched service property changes.
void UpdateNetworkServiceProperty(const std::string& service_path,
const std::string& key,
const base::Value& value) override;
// Called by ShillPropertyHandler when a watched device property changes.
void UpdateDeviceProperty(const std::string& device_path,
const std::string& key,
const base::Value& value) override;
// Called by ShillPropertyHandler when a watched network or device
// IPConfig property changes. |properties| is expected to be type DICTIONARY.
void UpdateIPConfigProperties(ManagedState::ManagedType type,
const std::string& path,
const std::string& ip_config_path,
base::Value::Dict properties) override;
void CheckPortalListChanged(const std::string& check_portal_list) override;
void HostnameChanged(const std::string& hostname) override;
void TechnologyListChanged() override;
// Called by |shill_property_handler_| when the service or device list has
// changed and all entries have been updated. This updates the list and
// notifies observers.
void ManagedStateListChanged(ManagedState::ManagedType type) override;
// Called when the default network service changes. Sets default_network_path_
// and notifies listeners.
void DefaultNetworkServiceChanged(const std::string& service_path) override;
// Called after construction. Called explicitly by tests after adding
// test observers.
void InitShillPropertyHandler();
// Observer list
base::ObserverList<Observer, true>::Unchecked observers_;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> SpecifierGuidMap;
friend class DeviceStateTest;
friend class NetworkStateHandlerTest;
friend class TechnologyStateController;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkStateHandlerTest, BlockedWifiByPolicyBlocked);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkStateHandlerTest, SyncStubCellularNetworks);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkStateHandlerTest, TechnologyChanged);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkStateHandlerTest, TechnologyState);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkStateHandlerTest, TetherTechnologyState);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkStateHandlerTest, RequestScan);
// Asynchronously sets the technology enabled property for |type|. Only
// NetworkTypePattern::Primitive, ::Mobile and ::Ethernet are supported.
// Note: Modifies Manager state. Calls |error_callback| on failure.
void SetTechnologiesEnabled(const NetworkTypePattern& type,
bool enabled,
network_handler::ErrorCallback error_callback);
// Sets the enabled property for a single technology for |type|. Only
// NetworkTypePattern::Primitive, namely: Ethernet, WiFi, Cellular or Tether
// are supported. Calls |success_callback| upon success and |error_callback|
// upon failure.
void SetTechnologyEnabled(const NetworkTypePattern& type,
bool enabled,
base::OnceClosure success_callback,
network_handler::ErrorCallback error_callback);
// Perform set technology enabled property for |technology|. Runs
// |success_callback| upon success and |error_callback| upon failure.
void PerformSetTechnologyEnabled(
const std::string& technology,
bool enabled,
base::OnceClosure success_callback,
network_handler::ErrorCallback error_callback);
// Implementation for GetNetworkListByType and GetActiveNetworkListByType.
void GetNetworkListByTypeImpl(const NetworkTypePattern& type,
bool configured_only,
bool visible_only,
bool active_only,
size_t limit,
NetworkStateList* list);
// Sorts the network list. Called when all network updates have been received,
// or when the network list is requested but the list is in an unsorted state.
// Networks are sorted as follows, maintaining the existing relative ordering:
// * Connected or connecting networks (should be listed first by Shill)
// * Visible non-wifi networks
// * Visible wifi networks
// * Hidden (wifi) networks
void SortNetworkList();
// NetworkState specific method for UpdateManagedStateProperties which
// notifies observers.
void UpdateNetworkStateProperties(NetworkState* network,
const base::Value::Dict& properties);
// Ensure a valid GUID for NetworkState.
void UpdateGuid(NetworkState* network);
// Handles cellular network updates by providing some NetworkState properties
// from the Cellular DeviceState and alerting receivers if a network has
// transitioned from a stub to a Shill-backed network.
void HandleCellularNetworkUpdateReceived(NetworkState* network,
bool had_icccid_before_update);
// Calls AddOrRemoveStubCellularNetworks on StubCellularNetworksProvider if
// set and updates GUID for newly added networks as needed. Returns true if
// network_list was modified.
bool AddOrRemoveStubCellularNetworks();
// Sends NetworkListChanged() to observers and logs an event.
void NotifyNetworkListChanged();
// Sends DeviceListChanged() to observers and logs an event.
void NotifyDeviceListChanged();
// Non-const getters for managed entries. These are const so that they can
// be called by Get[Network|Device]State, even though they return non-const
// pointers.
DeviceState* GetModifiableDeviceState(const std::string& device_path) const;
DeviceState* GetModifiableDeviceStateByType(
const NetworkTypePattern& type) const;
NetworkState* GetModifiableNetworkState(
const std::string& service_path) const;
NetworkState* GetModifiableNetworkStateFromGuid(
const std::string& guid) const;
ManagedState* GetModifiableManagedState(const ManagedStateList* managed_list,
const std::string& path) const;
// Gets the list specified by |type|.
ManagedStateList* GetManagedList(ManagedState::ManagedType type);
// Helper function that calls NotifyNetworkConnectionStateChanged and,
// for the default network, OnDefaultNetworkConnectionStateChanged and
// NotifyDefaultNetworkChanged.
void OnNetworkConnectionStateChanged(NetworkState* network);
// Updates the cached portal state for the default network, sends portal
// timer metrics, and notifies observers of portal state changes.
void UpdatePortalStateAndNotify(const NetworkState* default_network);
// Send metrics for elapsed time from a redirect-found or portal-suspected
// to an online or non portal state. If the new state is not online then
// |elapsed| should be 0 to indicate a failure to transition to online.
void SendPortalHistogramTimes(base::TimeDelta elapsed);
// Verifies the connection state of the default network. Returns false
// if the connection state change should be ignored.
bool VerifyDefaultNetworkConnectionStateChange(NetworkState* network);
// Notifies observers when a network's connection state changes.
void NotifyNetworkConnectionStateChanged(NetworkState* network);
// Notifies observers when the default network or its properties change.
void NotifyDefaultNetworkChanged(const std::string& log_reason);
// Notifies observers when the active state of any current or previously
// active network changes, or the active networks order changes.
bool ActiveNetworksChanged(const NetworkStateList& active_networks);
void NotifyIfActiveNetworksChanged();
// Notifies observers about changes to |network|, including IPConfg.
void NotifyNetworkPropertiesUpdated(const NetworkState* network);
// Notifies observers about changes to |device|, including IPConfigs.
void NotifyDevicePropertiesUpdated(const DeviceState* device);
// Called to ask observers to scan for networks.
void NotifyScanRequested(const NetworkTypePattern& type);
// Called whenever Device.Scanning state transitions to true.
void NotifyScanStarted(const DeviceState* device);
// Called whenever Device.Scanning state transitions to false.
void NotifyScanCompleted(const DeviceState* device);
// Called when a stub network is replaced by a Shill-backed network.
void NotifyNetworkIdentifierTransitioned(const std::string& old_service_path,
const std::string& new_service_path,
const std::string& old_guid,
const std::string& new_guid);
// Helper function to log property updated events.
void LogPropertyUpdated(const ManagedState* network,
const std::string& key,
const base::Value& value);
// Returns one technology type for |type|. This technology will be the
// highest priority technology in the type pattern.
std::string GetTechnologyForType(const NetworkTypePattern& type) const;
// Returns all the technology types for |type|.
std::vector<std::string> GetTechnologiesForType(
const NetworkTypePattern& type) const;
// Adds Tether networks to |list|, limiting the maximum size of |list| to be
// |limit|. If |get_active| is true, only active (i.e., connecting/connected)
// networks will be added; otherwise, only inactive networks will be added.
// The returned list contains a copy of NetworkState pointers which
// should not be stored or used beyond the scope of the calling
// function (i.e., they may later become invalid, but only on the UI thread).
// See AddTetherNetworkState() for more information about Tether networks.
void AppendTetherNetworksToList(bool get_active,
size_t limit,
NetworkStateList* list);
// Set the connection_state of a Tether NetworkState corresponding to the
// provided |guid|.
void SetTetherNetworkStateConnectionState(
const std::string& guid,
const std::string& connection_state);
// Ensures that the Tether DeviceState is present in |device_list_| if
// |tether_technology_state_| is not TECHNOLOGY_UNAVAILABLE and ensures that
// it is not present in |device_list_| if it is TECHNOLOGY_UNAVAILABLE.
void EnsureTetherDeviceState();
// Updates the network's |blocked_by_policy_| depending on
// |allow_only_policy_networks_to_connect_| and |blocked_hex_ssids_|.
// Returns true if the value changed.
bool UpdateBlockedByPolicy(NetworkState* network) const;
// Updates the device's |managed_network_available_| depending on the list of
// networks associated with this device. Calls
// |UpdateBlockedNetworksInternal(NetworkTypePattern::Wifi())| if the
// availability changed.
void UpdateManagedWifiNetworkAvailable();
// Check if the cellular device has received update and calls
// |UpdateBlockedNetworksInternal(NetworkTypePattern::Cellular())|
void UpdateBlockedCellularNetworks();
// Calls |UpdateBlockedByPolicy()| for each given |network_type| network.
void UpdateBlockedNetworksInternal(const NetworkTypePattern& network_type);
// Sets properties associated with the default network, currently the path and
// Metered.
void SetDefaultNetworkValues(const std::string& path, bool metered);
// Determines whether the user is logged in and sets |is_user_logged_in_|.
void ProcessIsUserLoggedIn(const base::Value::List& profile_list);
// Requests an update for an existing DeviceState. This is a no-op if
// there's no device state for the given `device_path`.
void RequestUpdateForDevice(const std::string& device_path);
// Shill property handler instance, owned by this class.
std::unique_ptr<internal::ShillPropertyHandler> shill_property_handler_;
// List of managed network states
ManagedStateList network_list_;
// List of managed Tether network states, which exist separately from
// |network_list_|.
ManagedStateList tether_network_list_;
// List of active networks, used to limit ActiveNetworksChanged events.
class ActiveNetworkState;
std::vector<ActiveNetworkState> active_network_list_;
// Set to true when the network list is sorted, cleared when network updates
// arrive. Used to trigger sorting when needed.
bool network_list_sorted_ = false;
// List of managed device states
ManagedStateList device_list_;
// Keeps track of the default network for notifying observers when it changes.
// Do not set this directly, use SetDefaultNetworkValues() instead.
std::string default_network_path_;
// Tracks whether there is a connected default network and it is metered.
// Do not set this directly, use SetDefaultNetworkValues() instead.
bool default_network_is_metered_ = false;
// List of interfaces on which portal check is enabled.
std::string check_portal_list_;
// Tracks the default network portal state for triggering PortalStateChanged.
NetworkState::PortalState default_network_portal_state_ =
// Tracks the time spent in a Portal or PortalSuspected state.
std::optional<base::ElapsedTimer> time_in_portal_;
// Tracks the default network proxy config for triggering PortalStateChanged.
std::optional<base::Value::Dict> default_network_proxy_config_;
// DHCP Hostname.
std::string hostname_;
// Map of network specifiers to guids. Contains an entry for each
// NetworkState that is not saved in a profile.
SpecifierGuidMap specifier_guid_map_;
// The state corresponding to the Tether device type. This value is managed by
// the Tether component.
TechnologyState tether_technology_state_ =
// Provides stub cellular networks. Not owned by this instance.
raw_ptr<StubCellularNetworksProvider, DanglingUntriaged>
stub_cellular_networks_provider_ = nullptr;
// Not owned by this instance.
raw_ptr<const TetherSortDelegate> tether_sort_delegate_ = nullptr;
// Ensure that Shutdown() gets called exactly once.
bool did_shutdown_ = false;
// Ensure that we do not delete any networks while notifying observers.
bool notifying_network_observers_ = false;
// Policies which control WiFi and Cellular blocking (Controlled from
// |ManagedNetworkConfigurationHandler| by calling |UpdateBlockedNetworks()|).
bool allow_only_policy_wifi_networks_to_connect_ = false;
bool allow_only_policy_wifi_networks_to_connect_if_available_ = false;
bool allow_only_policy_cellular_networks_to_connect_ = false;
std::vector<std::string> blocked_hex_ssids_;
// After login the user's saved networks get updated asynchronously from
// shill. These variables indicate whether a user is logged in, and if the
// user's saved networks are done updating.
bool is_profile_networks_loaded_ = false;
bool is_user_logged_in_ = false;
// A set of device path that need to request another GetProperties to get
// latest properties. Shill may send a device property update after Chrome
// sends a GetProperties request to Shill and before completing Shill's
// response. If this occurs, the initial response may not include the changed
// property value and we will need to store the device paths to issue another
// round of GetProperties.
std::set<std::string> device_paths_with_stale_properties_;
} // namespace ash