
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <optional>
#include <ostream>

#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"

namespace ash {
namespace phonehub {

// Implements the combined access setup flow. This flow involves:
// (1) Creating a connection to the phone if one does not already exist.
// (2) Sending a message to the phone which asks it to begin the setup flow;
//     upon receipt of the message, the phone displays a UI which asks the
//     user to enable permissions for the Phone Hub features that need setup.
// (3) Waiting for the user to complete the flow; once the flow is complete, the
//     phone sends a message back to this device which indicates that permission
//     has been granted.
// If an instance of this class exists, the flow continues until the status
// changes to a "final" status (i.e., a success or a fatal error). To cancel the
// ongoing setup operation, simply delete the instance of this class.
class CombinedAccessSetupOperation {
  // Note: Numerical values should not be changed because they must stay in
  // sync with multidevice_permissions_setup_dialog.js, with the
  // exception of NOT_STARTED, which has a value of 0. Also, these values are
  // persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values
  // should never be reused. If entries are added, kMaxValue should be updated.
  enum class Status {
    // Connecting to the phone in order to set up feature access.
    kConnecting = 1,

    // No connection was able to be made to the phone within the expected time
    // period.
    kTimedOutConnecting = 2,

    // A connection to the phone was successful, but it unexpectedly became
    // disconnected before the setup flow could complete.
    kConnectionDisconnected = 3,

    // A connection to the phone has succeeded, and a message has been sent to
    // the phone to start the feature access opt-in flow. However, the user
    // has not yet completed the flow phone-side.
    kSentMessageToPhoneAndWaitingForResponse = 4,

    // The user has completed the phone-side opt-in flow.
    kCompletedSuccessfully = 5,

    // The user's phone is prohibited from granting feature access (e.g.,
    // the user could be using a Work Profile).
    kProhibitedFromProvidingAccess = 6,

    // The user rejected all access during setup.
    kCompletedUserRejectedAllAccess = 7,

    // The setup was interrupted.
    kOperationFailedOrCancelled = 8,

    // Only camera roll access is granted.
    kCameraRollGrantedNotificationRejected = 9,

    // Only notification access is granted.
    kCameraRollRejectedNotificationGranted = 10,

    kMaxValue = kCameraRollRejectedNotificationGranted

  // Returns true if the provided status is the final one for this operation,
  // indicating either success or failure.
  static bool IsFinalStatus(Status status);

  class Delegate {
    virtual ~Delegate() = default;

    // Called when status of the setup flow has changed.
    virtual void OnCombinedStatusChange(Status new_status) = 0;

  CombinedAccessSetupOperation(const CombinedAccessSetupOperation&) = delete;
  CombinedAccessSetupOperation& operator=(const CombinedAccessSetupOperation&) =
  virtual ~CombinedAccessSetupOperation();

  friend class MultideviceFeatureAccessManager;

  CombinedAccessSetupOperation(Delegate* delegate,
                               base::OnceClosure destructor_callback);

  void NotifyCombinedStatusChanged(Status new_status);

  std::optional<Status> current_status_;
  const raw_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
  base::OnceClosure destructor_callback_;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
                         CombinedAccessSetupOperation::Status status);

}  // namespace phonehub
}  // namespace ash