// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/multidevice/logging/logging.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/phonehub/proto/phonehub_api.pb.h"
// Responsible for receiving message updates from the remote phone device.
namespace ash {
namespace phonehub {
class MessageReceiver {
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
~Observer() override = default;
// Called when the remote phone's snapshot has been updated which includes
// phone properties and notification updates.
virtual void OnPhoneStatusSnapshotReceived(
proto::PhoneStatusSnapshot phone_status_snapshot) {}
// Called when the remote phone status has been updated. Include phone
// properties, updated notifications, and removed notifications.
virtual void OnPhoneStatusUpdateReceived(
proto::PhoneStatusUpdate phone_status_update) {}
// Called when the remote feature setup is finished on the remote pohone.
virtual void OnFeatureSetupResponseReceived(
proto::FeatureSetupResponse feature_setup_response) {}
// Called when the remote phone sends the list of camera roll items that
// should be displayed via FetchCameraRollItemsResponse.
virtual void OnFetchCameraRollItemsResponseReceived(
const proto::FetchCameraRollItemsResponse& response) {}
// Called when the remote phone acknowledges whether the requested camera
// roll item file data is ready to be transferred.
virtual void OnFetchCameraRollItemDataResponseReceived(
const proto::FetchCameraRollItemDataResponse& response) {}
// Called when the remote phone responds to the ping request from the
// Chromebook.
virtual void OnPingResponseReceived() {}
// Called when there is an update in the streamed app.
virtual void OnAppStreamUpdateReceived(
const proto::AppStreamUpdate app_stream_update) {}
// Called when there is an update of streamable apps.
virtual void OnAppListUpdateReceived(
const proto::AppListUpdate app_list_update) {}
// Called when there is an incremental update to apps list, i.e. app added
// and app removal.
virtual void OnAppListIncrementalUpdateReceived(
const proto::AppListIncrementalUpdate app_list_incremental_update) {}
MessageReceiver(const MessageReceiver&) = delete;
MessageReceiver& operator=(const MessageReceiver&) = delete;
virtual ~MessageReceiver();
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
void NotifyPhoneStatusSnapshotReceived(
proto::PhoneStatusSnapshot phone_status_snapshot);
void NotifyPhoneStatusUpdateReceived(
proto::PhoneStatusUpdate phone_status_update);
void NotifyFeatureSetupResponseReceived(proto::FeatureSetupResponse response);
void NotifyFetchCameraRollItemsResponseReceived(
const proto::FetchCameraRollItemsResponse& response);
void NotifyFetchCameraRollItemDataResponseReceived(
const proto::FetchCameraRollItemDataResponse& response);
void NotifyPingResponseReceived();
void NotifyAppStreamUpdateReceived(
const proto::AppStreamUpdate app_stream_update);
void NotifyAppListUpdateReceived(const proto::AppListUpdate app_list_update);
void NotifyAppListIncrementalUpdateReceived(
const proto::AppListIncrementalUpdate app_list_incremental_update);
base::ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
} // namespace phonehub
} // namespace ash