// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/phonehub/app_stream_launcher_data_model.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/phonehub/app_stream_manager.h"
namespace ash {
namespace eche_app {
class EcheConnectionStatusHandler;
class SystemInfoProvider;
namespace phonehub {
class BrowserTabsModelProvider;
class CameraRollManager;
class ConnectionScheduler;
class DoNotDisturbController;
class FeatureStatusProvider;
class FindMyDeviceController;
class MultideviceFeatureAccessManager;
class NotificationInteractionHandler;
class NotificationManager;
class OnboardingUiTracker;
class PhoneModel;
class PingManager;
class RecentAppsInteractionHandler;
class ScreenLockManager;
class TetherController;
class UserActionRecorder;
class IconDecoder;
class AppStreamManager;
class PhoneHubUiReadinessRecorder;
class PhoneHubStructuredMetricsLogger;
// Responsible for the core logic of the Phone Hub feature and exposes
// interfaces via its public API. This class is intended to be a singleton.
class PhoneHubManager {
virtual ~PhoneHubManager() = default;
PhoneHubManager(const PhoneHubManager&) = delete;
PhoneHubManager& operator=(const PhoneHubManager&) = delete;
// Getters for sub-elements.
virtual BrowserTabsModelProvider* GetBrowserTabsModelProvider() = 0;
virtual CameraRollManager* GetCameraRollManager() = 0;
virtual ConnectionScheduler* GetConnectionScheduler() = 0;
virtual DoNotDisturbController* GetDoNotDisturbController() = 0;
virtual FeatureStatusProvider* GetFeatureStatusProvider() = 0;
virtual FindMyDeviceController* GetFindMyDeviceController() = 0;
virtual MultideviceFeatureAccessManager*
GetMultideviceFeatureAccessManager() = 0;
virtual NotificationInteractionHandler*
GetNotificationInteractionHandler() = 0;
virtual NotificationManager* GetNotificationManager() = 0;
virtual OnboardingUiTracker* GetOnboardingUiTracker() = 0;
virtual AppStreamLauncherDataModel* GetAppStreamLauncherDataModel() = 0;
virtual PhoneModel* GetPhoneModel() = 0;
virtual PingManager* GetPingManager() = 0;
virtual RecentAppsInteractionHandler* GetRecentAppsInteractionHandler() = 0;
virtual ScreenLockManager* GetScreenLockManager() = 0;
virtual TetherController* GetTetherController() = 0;
virtual UserActionRecorder* GetUserActionRecorder() = 0;
virtual IconDecoder* GetIconDecoder() = 0;
virtual AppStreamManager* GetAppStreamManager() = 0;
virtual eche_app::EcheConnectionStatusHandler*
GetEcheConnectionStatusHandler() = 0;
virtual PhoneHubUiReadinessRecorder* GetPhoneHubUiReadinessRecorder() = 0;
virtual void SetEcheConnectionStatusHandler(
eche_connection_status_handler) = 0;
virtual void SetSystemInfoProvider(
eche_app::SystemInfoProvider* system_info_provider) = 0;
virtual eche_app::SystemInfoProvider* GetSystemInfoProvider() = 0;
virtual PhoneHubStructuredMetricsLogger*
GetPhoneHubStructuredMetricsLogger() = 0;
// Retrieves the timestamp of the last successful discovery for active host,
// or nullopt if it hasn't been seen in the current Chrome session.
virtual void GetHostLastSeenTimestamp(
base::OnceCallback<void(std::optional<base::Time>)> callback) = 0;
PhoneHubManager() = default;
} // namespace phonehub
} // namespace ash