// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/phonehub/phone_model.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/phonehub/tether_controller.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/multidevice_setup/public/cpp/multidevice_setup_client.h"
#include "chromeos/services/network_config/public/cpp/cros_network_config_observer.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
namespace ash {
namespace phonehub {
class UserActionRecorder;
// TetherController implementation which utilizes MultiDeviceSetupClient and
// CrosNetworkConfig in order to interact with Instant Tethering. If Instant
// Tethering is user disabled, AttemptConnection() will first enable the feature
// via the MultiDeviceSetupClient, then scan for an eligible phone via
// CrosNetworkConfig, and finally connect to the phone via CrosNetworkConfig. If
// Instant Tethering is enabled, but there is no visible Tether network,
// AttemptConnection() will first scan for an eligible phone via
// CrosNetworkConfig, and connect to the phone via CrosNetworkConfig. If Instant
// Tethering is enabled and there is a visible Tether Network previously fetched
// from observing CrosNetworkConfig, AttemptConnection() will just connect to
// the phone via CrosNetworkConfig. Disconnect() disconnects the Tether network
// if one exists.
class TetherControllerImpl
: public TetherController,
public PhoneModel::Observer,
public multidevice_setup::MultiDeviceSetupClient::Observer,
public chromeos::network_config::CrosNetworkConfigObserver {
PhoneModel* phone_model,
UserActionRecorder* user_action_recorder,
multidevice_setup::MultiDeviceSetupClient* multidevice_setup_client);
~TetherControllerImpl() override;
// TetherController:
Status GetStatus() const override;
void ScanForAvailableConnection() override;
void AttemptConnection() override;
void Disconnect() override;
friend class TetherControllerImplTest;
// Used to track AttemptConnection() and Disconnect() calls.
enum class ConnectDisconnectStatus {
// No AttemptConnection or Disconnect is in progress. The class still
// observes changes in the Tether network initiated externally (e.g in OS
// Settings), and causes changes to the |status_|.
kIdle = 0,
// Used in AttemptConnection flow. Enabling the InstantTethering feature as
// it was previously disabled.
kTurningOnInstantTethering = 1,
// Used in AttemptConnection flow. Requesting a scan has has no callback, so
// this state is changed upon observing tether network changes or device
// changes. If a visible Tether network is observed, the
// |connect_disconnect_status_| will change to kConnectingToEligiblePhone.
// If a visible Tether network is not observed by the time the Tether device
// stops scanning, the |connect_disconnect_status_| will change back to
// kIdle.
// Note: Calling ScanForAvailableConnection() will not set the
// |connect_disconnect_status_| to this value.
kScanningForEligiblePhone = 2,
// Used in AttemptConnection flow. In the process of connecting to a Tether
// Network.
kConnectingToEligiblePhone = 3,
// Used in Disconnect flow. Disconnects from the tether network.
kDisconnecting = 4,
// Connector that uses CrosNetworkConfig to connect, disconnect, and get the
// network state list. This class is used for testing purposes.
class TetherNetworkConnector {
using StartConnectCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
chromeos::network_config::mojom::StartConnectResult result,
const std::string& message)>;
using StartDisconnectCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
using GetNetworkStateListCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
TetherNetworkConnector(const TetherNetworkConnector&) = delete;
TetherNetworkConnector& operator=(const TetherNetworkConnector&) = delete;
virtual ~TetherNetworkConnector();
virtual void StartConnect(const std::string& guid,
StartConnectCallback callback);
virtual void StartDisconnect(const std::string& guid,
StartDisconnectCallback callback);
virtual void GetNetworkStateList(
chromeos::network_config::mojom::NetworkFilterPtr filter,
GetNetworkStateListCallback callback);
// Two parameter constructor made available for testing purposes. The one
// parameter constructor calls this constructor.
PhoneModel* phone_model,
UserActionRecorder* user_action_recorder,
multidevice_setup::MultiDeviceSetupClient* multidevice_setup_client,
std::unique_ptr<TetherControllerImpl::TetherNetworkConnector> connector);
// PhoneModel::Observer:
void OnModelChanged() override;
// multidevice_setup::MultiDeviceSetupClient::Observer:
void OnFeatureStatesChanged(
const multidevice_setup::MultiDeviceSetupClient::FeatureStatesMap&
feature_states_map) override;
// CrosNetworkConfigObserver:
void OnActiveNetworksChanged(
networks) override;
void OnNetworkStateListChanged() override;
void OnDeviceStateListChanged() override;
void AttemptTurningOnTethering();
void OnSetFeatureEnabled(bool success);
void PerformConnectionAttempt();
void StartConnect();
void OnStartConnectCompleted(
chromeos::network_config::mojom::StartConnectResult result,
const std::string& message);
void OnDisconnectCompleted(bool success);
void FetchVisibleTetherNetwork();
void OnGetDeviceStateList(
void OnVisibleTetherNetworkFetched(
void SetConnectDisconnectStatus(
ConnectDisconnectStatus connect_disconnect_status);
void UpdateStatus();
TetherController::Status ComputeStatus() const;
raw_ptr<PhoneModel> phone_model_;
raw_ptr<UserActionRecorder> user_action_recorder_;
raw_ptr<multidevice_setup::MultiDeviceSetupClient> multidevice_setup_client_;
ConnectDisconnectStatus connect_disconnect_status_ =
Status status_ = Status::kIneligibleForFeature;
// Whether this class is attempting a tether connection.
bool is_attempting_connection_ = false;
chromeos::network_config::mojom::NetworkStatePropertiesPtr tether_network_;
std::unique_ptr<TetherNetworkConnector> connector_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<TetherControllerImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace phonehub
} // namespace ash