// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/phonehub/user_action_recorder.h"
namespace ash {
namespace phonehub {
class FeatureStatusProvider;
// UserActionRecorder implementation which generates engagement metrics for
// Phone Hub.
class UserActionRecorderImpl : public UserActionRecorder {
explicit UserActionRecorderImpl(
FeatureStatusProvider* feature_status_provider);
~UserActionRecorderImpl() override;
friend class UserActionRecorderImplTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(UserActionRecorderImplTest, RecordActions);
// Types of user actions; numerical value should not be reused or reordered
// since this enum is used in metrics.
enum class UserAction {
kUiOpened = 0,
kTether = 1,
kDnd = 2,
kFindMyDevice = 3,
kBrowserTab = 4,
kNotificationDismissal = 5,
kNotificationReply = 6,
kCameraRollDownload = 7,
kAppStreamLauncherOpened = 8,
kMaxValue = kAppStreamLauncherOpened,
// UserActionRecorder:
void RecordUiOpened() override;
void RecordTetherConnectionAttempt() override;
void RecordDndAttempt() override;
void RecordFindMyDeviceAttempt() override;
void RecordBrowserTabOpened() override;
void RecordNotificationDismissAttempt() override;
void RecordNotificationReplyAttempt() override;
void RecordCameraRollDownloadAttempt() override;
void RecordAppStreamLauncherOpened() override;
void HandleUserAction(UserAction action);
raw_ptr<FeatureStatusProvider> feature_status_provider_;
} // namespace phonehub
} // namespace ash