
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


assert(is_chromeos_ash, "Non-Chrome-OS builds must not depend on //ash")

static_library("proximity_auth") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

static_library("test_support") {
  testonly = true

  sources = [

  public_deps = [ ":proximity_auth" ]

  deps = [

source_set("unit_tests") {
  testonly = true
  sources = [

  deps = [

# Note: This is a convenience target for ease of rapid iteration during
# development. It is not executed on any try or build bots.
test("proximity_auth_unittests") {
  sources = [ "" ]
  deps = [