
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace proximity_auth {

struct RemoteStatusUpdate;

// An interface for observing events that happen on a Messenger.
class MessengerObserver {
  // Called when sending an "Easy Unlock used"  local event message completes.
  // |success| is true iff the event was sent successfully.
  virtual void OnUnlockEventSent(bool success) {}

  // Called when a RemoteStatusUpdate is received.
  virtual void OnRemoteStatusUpdate(const RemoteStatusUpdate& status_update) {}

  // Called when a response to a 'unlock_request' is received.
  // |success| is true iff the request was made successfully.
  virtual void OnUnlockResponse(bool success) {}

  // Called when the underlying secure channel disconnects.
  virtual void OnDisconnected() {}

}  // namespace proximity_auth