// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/ash/components/proximity_auth/remote_status_update.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/multidevice/logging/logging.h"
namespace {
// The value of the 'type' status update field.
const char kStatusUpdateType[] = "status_update";
// Keys in the serialized RemoteStatusUpdate JSON object.
const char kType[] = "type";
const char kUserPresence[] = "user_presence";
const char kSecureScreenLock[] = "secure_screen_lock";
const char kTrustAgent[] = "trust_agent";
// Values in the serialized RemoteStatusUpdate JSON object.
const char kUserPresent[] = "present";
const char kUserAbsent[] = "absent";
const char kUserPresenceUnknown[] = "unknown";
const char kUserPresenceSecondary[] = "secondary";
const char kUserPresenceBackground[] = "background";
const char kSecureScreenLockEnabled[] = "enabled";
const char kSecureScreenLockDisabled[] = "disabled";
const char kSecureScreenLockStateUnknown[] = "unknown";
const char kTrustAgentEnabled[] = "enabled";
const char kTrustAgentDisabled[] = "disabled";
const char kTrustAgentUnsupported[] = "unsupported";
} // namespace
namespace proximity_auth {
// static
std::unique_ptr<RemoteStatusUpdate> RemoteStatusUpdate::Deserialize(
const base::Value::Dict& serialized_value) {
const std::string* type = serialized_value.FindString(kType);
if (!type || *type != kStatusUpdateType) {
PA_LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse remote status update: unexpected type. "
<< "Expected: '" << kStatusUpdateType << "', "
<< "Saw: '" << *type << "'.";
return nullptr;
const std::string* user_presence = serialized_value.FindString(kUserPresence);
const std::string* secure_screen_lock_state =
const std::string* trust_agent_state =
if (!user_presence || !secure_screen_lock_state || !trust_agent_state) {
PA_LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse remote status update: missing data value."
<< " Status update:\n"
<< serialized_value;
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<RemoteStatusUpdate> parsed_update(new RemoteStatusUpdate);
if (*user_presence == kUserPresent) {
parsed_update->user_presence = USER_PRESENT;
} else if (*user_presence == kUserAbsent) {
parsed_update->user_presence = USER_ABSENT;
} else if (*user_presence == kUserPresenceUnknown) {
parsed_update->user_presence = USER_PRESENCE_UNKNOWN;
} else if (*user_presence == kUserPresenceSecondary) {
parsed_update->user_presence = USER_PRESENCE_SECONDARY;
} else if (*user_presence == kUserPresenceBackground) {
parsed_update->user_presence = USER_PRESENCE_BACKGROUND;
} else {
<< "Unable to parse remote status update: invalid user presence: '"
<< *user_presence << "'.";
return nullptr;
if (*secure_screen_lock_state == kSecureScreenLockEnabled) {
parsed_update->secure_screen_lock_state = SECURE_SCREEN_LOCK_ENABLED;
} else if (*secure_screen_lock_state == kSecureScreenLockDisabled) {
parsed_update->secure_screen_lock_state = SECURE_SCREEN_LOCK_DISABLED;
} else if (*secure_screen_lock_state == kSecureScreenLockStateUnknown) {
parsed_update->secure_screen_lock_state = SECURE_SCREEN_LOCK_STATE_UNKNOWN;
} else {
PA_LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse remote status update: invalid secure "
<< "screen lock state: '" << *secure_screen_lock_state
<< "'.";
return nullptr;
if (*trust_agent_state == kTrustAgentEnabled) {
parsed_update->trust_agent_state = TRUST_AGENT_ENABLED;
} else if (*trust_agent_state == kTrustAgentDisabled) {
parsed_update->trust_agent_state = TRUST_AGENT_DISABLED;
} else if (*trust_agent_state == kTrustAgentUnsupported) {
parsed_update->trust_agent_state = TRUST_AGENT_UNSUPPORTED;
} else {
PA_LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse remote status update: invalid trust "
<< "agent state: '" << *trust_agent_state << "'.";
return nullptr;
return parsed_update;
} // namespace proximity_auth