// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package ash.report;
import "private_membership_rlwe.proto";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// This proto represents the data transmitted over network
// requests while reporting Device Actives to Fresnel server.
// The possible channels for ChromeOS installations.
// See details in //components/version_info/channel.h
enum Channel {
enum MarketSegment {
// Default segment, should not be in this state.
// Device is not yet enrolled, owned or have market segment available.
// Device is locally owned as a consumer device.
// Device is enterprise enrolled but does not have enterprise market segment.
// Device is enterprise enrolled and has enterprise market segment.
// Does not count demo devices. Demo devices are only counted in
// Device is enterprise enrolled and has education market segment.
// Device is enterprise enrolled as a demo device.
// The Chrome OS device metadata which is sent in PSM import requests.
// Each new field to this message requires privacy approval.
// Next ID: 6
message DeviceMetadata {
// Chrome OS Hardware IDs (HWIDs) are strings that uniquely identify the
// hardware configuration of a Chrome OS device.
// See: go/gvc-g3/logs/chromeos-metrics.md
optional string hardware_id = 1;
// Represent the Chrome major milestone of the ChromeOS device.
// See chrome://version -> Google Chrome:
// i.e. 96.0.4664.55 (Official Build) (x86_64) would set field as "96".
optional string chrome_milestone = 2;
// Country code is represented by a 2-letter string (aka ISO 3166-1).
// i.e. US for United States of America, CA for Canada.
optional string country_code = 3;
// Device market segment is one of the northstar breakout dimensions for
// active device counting.
optional MarketSegment market_segment = 4;
// ChromeOS channel is used to determine the breakdown of devices that are
// coming from canary, dev, beta, stable, or unknown channels.
// This can be used with the chrome milestone in order to determine
// questions like, what percentage of devices are in the M100 stable channel.
optional Channel chromeos_channel = 5;
// The metadata which is related to Churn Cohort request.
message ChurnCohortMetadata {
// This 28 bits value represents the device monthly cohort active statuses for
// the past 18 months. The left 10 bits represent the number of months since
// Jan. 2000, and the right 18 bits represent the device's monthly cohort
// active statuses for the past 18 months, with a value of 1 indicating that
// the device was active and a value of 0 indicating that the device was not
// active in that month.
// If the device is active when the time switches to a new month (e.g., from
// 1/31 to 2/1), the number of months will increase by 1 and the first 10 bits
// will be updated. Also, use the number of months modulo 18 to get the index
// in the right 18 bits and set that index bit to 1.
// If the device was not active for a couple of months, after the device
// becomes active again and reports the cohort request successfully, it needs
// to set the bits of the inactive months to 0 before updating the number of
// months for the left 10 bits and the current month bit.
optional int32 active_status_value = 1;
// Compare the first active weeks obtained from the VPD to determine if the
// device is new during the cohort month.
optional bool is_first_active_in_cohort = 2;
// Device ActivateDate, read from VPD. In YYYY-WW ISO8601 format.
// Value exists after first OOBE completion and device restart.
// Statistics provider loads VPD file in the chrome browser preloop,
// before ActivateDate may be first written.
// Field is only set if ActivateDate is <= 5 weeks old.
optional string first_active_week = 4;
// The metadata which is related to Churn Observation request.
message ChurnObservationMetadata {
// The device's first active status in different cohort month.
enum FirstActiveDuringCohort {
// The device is either an existing device that was activated before the
// cohort month, or it is a new device that has not yet been activated
// during the cohort month.
// The device was first activated during the corresponding monthly cohort
// period.
// The device was first activated during the corresponding yearly cohort
// period.
// Whether the device was `active` during monthly cohort period.
optional bool monthly_active_status = 1;
// Whether the device was `active` during yearly cohort period.
optional bool yearly_active_status = 2;
// Whether the device was `first active` during the corresponding cohort
// period.
optional FirstActiveDuringCohort first_active_during_cohort = 3;
// Device ActivateDate, read from VPD. In YYYY-WW ISO8601 format.
// Value exists after first OOBE completion and device restart.
// Statistics provider loads VPD file in the chrome browser preloop,
// before ActivateDate may be first written.
// Field is only set if ActivateDate is <= 4 months old.
optional string first_active_week = 4;
// Device last powerwash week. Formatted YYYY-WW in ISO8601 format.
// Field is only set if ActivateDate is <= 4 months old.
optional string last_powerwash_week = 5;
// This message is part of the import request. For some use cases, such as
// N-Day use case, they may need to batch import the requests to Fresnel.
// We make a general import data message for all use cases.
message FresnelImportData {
// The Device active window identifier, generated by client side.
// For example, for Daily active pings, the active window identifier could be
// '07012021'; for 28DA, it could be the start date when device was active.
optional string window_identifier = 1;
// The device derived id: hash(device_stable_identifier, use_case, date)
optional string plaintext_id = 2;
// The plaintext identifiers - value pair to be imported.
// For example, this can be the cohort active status history byte for Churn
// use case.
optional bytes value = 3;
// Boolean used to indicate whether client is sending UTC (false) or PT
// (true) timezone for the window_identifier.
optional bool is_pt_window_identifier = 4;
// The metadata related to Churn Cohort check-in request.
optional ChurnCohortMetadata churn_cohort_metadata = 5;
// The metadata related to Churn Observation check-in request.
optional ChurnObservationMetadata churn_observation_metadata = 6;
// This proto will represent the data sent to Fresnel used to generate a PSM
// import request on the server side.
// Next ID: 5
message FresnelImportDataRequest {
// This field will be deprecated.
optional string window_identifier = 1 [deprecated = true];
// Device active metadata sent along with active pings for counting purposes.
optional DeviceMetadata device_metadata = 2;
// The name of the use case associated with the plaintext_id.
optional private_membership.rlwe.RlweUseCase use_case = 3;
// This field will be deprecated.
optional string plaintext_identifier = 4 [deprecated = true];
// This field will be deprecated.
optional bytes value = 5 [deprecated = true];
// The imported data which is related to use case.
repeated FresnelImportData import_data = 6;
// The request of PsmRlweOprf sent by the client for checking PSM membership.
// Next ID: 2
message FresnelPsmRlweOprfRequest {
optional private_membership.rlwe.PrivateMembershipRlweOprfRequest
rlwe_oprf_request = 1;
// The response of PsmRlweOprf sent by the Fresnel Service for checking
// PSM membership.
// Next ID: 2
message FresnelPsmRlweOprfResponse {
optional private_membership.rlwe.PrivateMembershipRlweOprfResponse
rlwe_oprf_response = 1;
// The request of PsmRlweQuery sent by the client for checking PSM membership.
// Next ID: 2
message FresnelPsmRlweQueryRequest {
optional private_membership.rlwe.PrivateMembershipRlweQueryRequest
rlwe_query_request = 1;
// The response of PsmRlweQuery sent by the Fresnel Service for checking
// PSM membership.
// Next ID: 2
message FresnelPsmRlweQueryResponse {
optional private_membership.rlwe.PrivateMembershipRlweQueryResponse
rlwe_query_response = 1;