// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ash::report::utils {
// Enum class represents the "PsmRequest" <variants> in histograms.xml.
// It is used to generate histogram record names, so must stay in sync
// with the UMA variants definition.
enum class PsmRequest { kImport = 0, kOprf = 1, kQuery = 2 };
// Enum class represents the "PsmUseCase" <variants> in histograms.xml.
// It is used to generate histogram record names, so must stay in sync
// with the UMA variants definition.
enum class PsmUseCase { k1DA = 0, k28DA = 1, kCohort = 2, kObservation = 3 };
// Records UMA histogram for different failed check membership cases.
enum class CheckMembershipResponseCases {
kUnknown = 0,
kCreateOprfRequestFailed = 1,
kOprfResponseBodyFailed = 2,
kNotHasRlweOprfResponse = 3,
kCreateQueryRequestFailed = 4,
kQueryResponseBodyFailed = 5,
kNotHasRlweQueryResponse = 6,
kProcessQueryResponseFailed = 7,
kMembershipResponsesSizeIsNotOne = 8,
kIsNotPsmIdMember = 9,
kSuccessfullySetLocalState = 10,
kMaxValue = kSuccessfullySetLocalState,
// Record UMA boolean for whether a ping is required for a given use case.
void RecordIsDevicePingRequired(PsmUseCase use_case, bool is_ping_required);
// Record UMA net error code histogram for a given use case and request.
void RecordNetErrorCode(PsmUseCase use_case, PsmRequest request, int net_code);
// Record UMA check membership response enum for the PSM use case.
void RecordCheckMembershipCases(PsmUseCase use_case,
CheckMembershipResponseCases response_case);
} // namespace ash::report::utils