// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/scalable_iph/logger.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/scalable_iph/scalable_iph_constants.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/scalable_iph/scalable_iph_delegate.h"
#include "components/feature_engagement/public/tracker.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
namespace scalable_iph {
// `ScalableIph` provides a scalable way to deliver IPHs.
// - Scalable: we provide a scalable way by building this framework on top of
// the feature engagement framework. A developer can set up an IPH without
// modifying a binary. See feature engagement doc for details about its
// flexibility: //components/feature_engagement/README.md.
// - IPH: in-product-help.
// Class diagram:
// =============================================================================
// //chromeos/ash/components | //chrome/browser/ash
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// |-------------|
// | |
// | | |---------------------| |-----|
// | | -[TriggerIph]-> | | -[ShowUI]--> | |
// | | ---[Action]---> | ScalableIphDelegate | -[OpenUrl]-> | Ash |
// | | <--[Observer]-- | | <-[Events]-- | |
// | | |---------------------| |-----|
// | | |
// | | |---------| |
// | ScalableIph | <---[Action]--- | HelpApp | |
// | | |---------| |
// | | \|/
// | | |------------|
// | | <-------------------[Action]----------------- | IphSession |
// | | |------------|
// | | |
// | | \|/
// | | |---------------------------------|
// | | -------[Interact]------> | //components/feature_engagement |
// |-------------| |---------------------------------|
// ScalableIph: The main component of Scalable Iph framework. This class checks
// trigger conditions and parse Scalable Iph custom fields, e.g.
// Custom conditions.
// ScalableIphDelegate: A delegate class for `ScalableIph` to delegate its tasks
// to Ash or Chrome. An implementation of
// `ScalableIphDelegate` will be in //chrome/browser/ash.
// Delegated tasks will be:
// - Show an IPH UI, e.g. Notification.
// - Observe events, e.g. Network connection.
// - Perform actions, e.g. Open a URL.
// IphSession: An object for managing a single IPH session. If an UI is opened
// by `ScalableIph` (e.g. Notification, Bubble), `IphSession` is
// passed to those code for `ScalableIph` to manage an IPH session
// and for those UIs to perform actions. `IphSession` can interact
// with a `feature_engagement::Tracker` directly as it holds a
// reference to it. But it has to delegate actions to `ScalableIph`
// as it is in //chromeos/ash/components. `ScalableIph` delegates
// them again to `ScalableIphDelegate`.
class ScalableIph : public KeyedService,
public ScalableIphDelegate::Observer,
public IphSession::Delegate {
// List of events ScalableIph supports.
enum class Event {
kFiveMinTick = 0,
// Returns true if any iph feature flag is enabled. Otherwise false.
static bool IsAnyIphFeatureEnabled();
// Force enable `IsAnyIphFeatureEnabled` check for testing. Note that no
// actual iph feature flag gets enabled by this.
static void ForceEnableIphFeatureForTesting();
ScalableIph(feature_engagement::Tracker* tracker,
std::unique_ptr<ScalableIphDelegate> delegate,
std::unique_ptr<Logger> logger);
void RecordEvent(Event event);
Logger* GetLogger();
ScalableIphDelegate* delegate_for_testing() { return delegate_.get(); }
// KeyedService:
~ScalableIph() override;
void Shutdown() override;
// ScalableIphDelegate::Observer:
void OnConnectionChanged(bool online) override;
void OnSessionStateChanged(ScalableIphDelegate::SessionState state) override;
void OnSuspendDoneWithoutLockScreen() override;
void OnAppListVisibilityChanged(bool shown) override;
void OnHasSavedPrintersChanged(bool has_saved_printers) override;
void OnPhoneHubOnboardingEligibleChanged(
bool phonehub_onboarding_eligible) override;
// IphSession::Delegate:
void PerformActionForIphSession(ActionType action_type) override;
void OverrideFeatureListForTesting(
const std::vector<raw_ptr<const base::Feature, VectorExperimental>>
void OverrideTaskRunnerForTesting(
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner);
// Called for a user action in the help app. All the logging related to
// help app action events will be done here before calling `PerformAction`.
void PerformActionForHelpApp(ActionType action_type);
// Perform `action_type` as a result of a user action, e.g. A link click in a
// help app, etc. This notifies a corresponding IPH event to the feature
// engagement framework.
// UIs which were initiated with `IphSession` (e.g. Notification, Bubble)
// should use `IphSession::PerformAction` instead of this method.
void PerformAction(ActionType action_type);
// `SyncedPrintersManager` stores its observers in `ObserverListThreadSafe`,
// which invokes observers via `TaskRunner`. Test code can set a closure to
// this method to wait an observer of `ScalableIph` being called.
// Note:
// We cannot wait this by registering another observer in a test and wait it.
// Observers are stored in an unordered map. There is no guarantee on the
// order of calls.
void SetHasSavedPrintersChangedClosureForTesting(
base::RepeatingClosure has_saved_printers_closure);
// Maybe record an app list item or a shelf item activation of `id`.
void MaybeRecordAppListItemActivation(const std::string& id);
void MaybeRecordShelfItemActivationById(const std::string& id);
// Returns true if the help app should be pinned to the bottom shelf.
bool ShouldPinHelpAppToShelf();
static const std::vector<raw_ptr<const base::Feature, VectorExperimental>>&
void EnsureTimerStarted();
void RecordTimeTickEvent();
void RecordUnlockedEvent();
void RecordEventInternal(Event event, bool init_success);
void CheckTriggerConditionsOnInitSuccess(bool init_success);
void CheckTriggerConditions(
const std::optional<ScalableIph::Event>& trigger_event);
// Check all custom conditions assigned to `feature`. Returns true if all
// conditions are valid and satisfied. Otherwise false including an invalid
// config case.
bool CheckCustomConditions(const base::Feature& feature,
const std::optional<Event>& trigger_event);
bool CheckTriggerEvent(const base::Feature& feature,
const std::optional<Event>& trigger_event);
bool CheckNetworkConnection(const base::Feature& feature);
bool CheckClientAge(const base::Feature& feature);
bool CheckHasSavedPrinters(const base::Feature& feature);
bool CheckPhoneHubOnboardingEligible(const base::Feature& feature);
const std::vector<raw_ptr<const base::Feature, VectorExperimental>>&
GetFeatureList() const;
raw_ptr<feature_engagement::Tracker> tracker_;
std::unique_ptr<ScalableIphDelegate> delegate_;
base::RepeatingTimer timer_;
bool online_ = false;
ScalableIphDelegate::SessionState session_state_ =
bool has_saved_printers_ = false;
bool phonehub_onboarding_eligible_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<Logger> logger_;
base::RepeatingClosure has_saved_printers_closure_for_testing_;
std::vector<raw_ptr<const base::Feature, VectorExperimental>>
base::ScopedObservation<ScalableIphDelegate, ScalableIph>
base::WeakPtrFactory<ScalableIph> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, ScalableIph::Event event);
} // namespace scalable_iph