// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/ash/components/standalone_browser/browser_support.h"
#include "ash/constants/ash_switches.h"
#include "base/check_is_test.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/debug/dump_without_crashing.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/system/sys_info.h"
#include "base/version_info/version_info.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/standalone_browser/lacros_availability.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/standalone_browser/migrator_util.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/standalone_browser/standalone_browser_features.h"
#include "components/user_manager/user.h"
#include "components/user_manager/user_manager.h"
#include "components/user_manager/user_type.h"
namespace ash::standalone_browser {
namespace {
BrowserSupport* g_instance = nullptr;
std::optional<bool> g_cpu_supported_override_ = std::nullopt;
// Returns true if Lacros is enabled for testing. This is a replacement for
// `features::kLacrosOnly` during the in-between phase where users should not be
// able to enable Lacros but developers should for debugging. This function
// returning true alone does not guarantee that Lacros is actually enabled and
// other conditions such as whether Lacros is allowed to be enabled i.e.
// `standalone_browser::BrowserSupport::IsAllowed()` still apply.
bool IsLacrosEnabledForTesting() {
const base::CommandLine* cmdline = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
if (!cmdline) {
return false;
return cmdline->HasSwitch(ash::switches::kEnableLacrosForTesting);
// Returns true if `kDisallowLacros` is set by command line.
bool IsLacrosDisallowedByCommand() {
const base::CommandLine* cmdline = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
return cmdline->HasSwitch(ash::switches::kDisallowLacros) &&
// Some account types require features that aren't yet supported by lacros.
// See https://crbug.com/1080693
bool IsUserTypeAllowed(const user_manager::User& user) {
switch (user.GetType()) {
case user_manager::UserType::kRegular:
case user_manager::UserType::kPublicAccount:
// Note: Lacros will not be enabled for Guest users unless LacrosOnly
// flag is passed in --enable-features. See https://crbug.com/1294051#c25.
case user_manager::UserType::kGuest:
return true;
case user_manager::UserType::kChild:
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kLacrosForSupervisedUsers);
case user_manager::UserType::kWebKioskApp:
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kWebKioskEnableLacros);
case user_manager::UserType::kKioskApp:
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kChromeKioskEnableLacros);
// Returns whether or not lacros is allowed for the Primary user,
// with given LacrosAvailability policy.
bool IsAllowedInternal(const user_manager::User* user,
LacrosAvailability lacros_availability) {
if (IsLacrosDisallowedByCommand() || !BrowserSupport::IsCpuSupported()) {
// This happens when Ash is restarted in multi-user session, meaning there
// are more than two users logged in to the device. This will not cause an
// accidental removal of Lacros data because for the primary user, the fact
// that the device is in multi-user session means that Lacros was not
// enabled beforehand. And for secondary users, data removal does not happen
// even if Lacros is disabled.
return false;
if (!user) {
// User is not available. Practically, this is accidentally happening
// if related function is called before session, or in testing.
// TODO(crbug.com/40253772): We should limit this at least only for
// testing.
return false;
if (!IsUserTypeAllowed(*user)) {
return false;
switch (lacros_availability) {
case LacrosAvailability::kLacrosDisallowed:
return false;
case LacrosAvailability::kUserChoice:
case LacrosAvailability::kLacrosOnly:
return true;
// Returns whether the standalone browser (a.k.a. Lacros) is enabled.
// Practically, before invoking this, BrowserSupport::IsAllowedInternal()
// needs to be called and make sure it returns true.
bool IsEnabledInternal(const user_manager::User* user,
LacrosAvailability lacros_availability,
bool check_migration_status) {
// If profile migration is enabled, the completion of it is necessary for
// Lacros to be enabled.
if (check_migration_status &&
features::kLacrosProfileMigrationForceOff)) {
PrefService* local_state =
// Note that local_state can be nullptr in tests.
if (local_state && !migrator_util::IsProfileMigrationCompletedForUser(
local_state, user->username_hash())) {
// If migration has not been completed, do not enable lacros.
return false;
switch (lacros_availability) {
case LacrosAvailability::kUserChoice:
case LacrosAvailability::kLacrosDisallowed:
NOTREACHED_IN_MIGRATION(); // Guarded by IsLacrosAllowedInternal, called
// before.
return false;
case LacrosAvailability::kLacrosOnly:
// Lacros can no longer be enabled via policy.
if (IsLacrosEnabledForTesting()) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
BrowserSupport::BrowserSupport(bool is_allowed) : is_allowed_(is_allowed) {
DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, g_instance);
g_instance = this;
BrowserSupport::~BrowserSupport() {
DCHECK_EQ(this, g_instance);
g_instance = nullptr;
// static
void BrowserSupport::InitializeForPrimaryUser(
const policy::PolicyMap& policy_map,
bool is_new_profile,
bool is_regular_profile) {
// Currently, some tests rely on initializing ProfileManager a second time.
// That causes this method to be called twice. Here, we take care of that
// case by deallocating the old instance and allocating a new one.
// TODO(andreaorru): remove the following code once there's no more tests
// that rely on it.
if (g_instance) {
auto* user_manager = user_manager::UserManager::Get();
auto* primary_user = user_manager->GetPrimaryUser();
auto lacros_availability = GetLacrosAvailability(primary_user, policy_map);
// TODO(hidehiko, ythjkt): Replace these conditions by UserManager's
// IsCurrentUserNew() and primary User's GetType().
if (is_new_profile && is_regular_profile) {
// If the user is a new user, mark profile migration to Lacros as completed.
// Just before checking whether or not enabled, tweak the status for
// new session. This is the timing we need to and can check.
// - The check requires LacrosAvailability policy.
// - The check needs to be done before checking whether Lacros is enabled
// for the primary user.
// Otherwise the value of `IsLacrosEnabled()` can change after these
// services are initialized.
if (IsEnabledInternal(primary_user, lacros_availability,
/*check_migration_status=*/false)) {
// TODO(crbug.com/40207942): Once `BrowserDataMigrator` stabilises, remove
// this log message.
LOG(WARNING) << "Setting migration as completed since it is a new user.";
const std::string user_id_hash = primary_user->username_hash();
PrefService* local_state = user_manager->GetLocalState();
migrator_util::RecordDataVer(local_state, user_id_hash,
local_state, user_id_hash,
auto is_allowed = IsAllowedInternal(primary_user, lacros_availability);
// Calls the constructor, which in turn takes care of tracking the newly
// created instance in `g_instance`, so that it's not leaked and can
// later be destroyed via `Shutdown()`.
new BrowserSupport(is_allowed);
// static
void BrowserSupport::Shutdown() {
// Calls the destructor, which in turn takes care of setting `g_instance`
// to NULL, to keep track of the state.
delete g_instance;
bool BrowserSupport::IsInitializedForPrimaryUser() {
return !!g_instance;
// static
BrowserSupport* BrowserSupport::GetForPrimaryUser() {
return g_instance;
// static
bool BrowserSupport::IsCpuSupported() {
if (g_cpu_supported_override_.has_value()) {
return *g_cpu_supported_override_;
#ifdef ARCH_CPU_X86_64
// Some very old Flex devices are not capable to support the SSE4.2
// instruction set. Those CPUs should not use Lacros as Lacros has only one
// binary for all x86-64 platforms.
return __builtin_cpu_supports("sse4.2");
return true;
void BrowserSupport::SetCpuSupportedForTesting(std::optional<bool> value) {
g_cpu_supported_override_ = value;
bool BrowserSupport::IsEnabledInternal(const user_manager::User* user,
LacrosAvailability lacros_availability,
bool check_migration_status) {
if (!IsAllowedInternal(user, lacros_availability)) {
return false;
return ash::standalone_browser::IsEnabledInternal(user, lacros_availability,
} // namespace ash::standalone_browser