// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/standalone_browser/lacros_availability.h"
namespace policy {
class PolicyMap;
} // namespace policy
namespace user_manager {
class User;
} // namespace user_manager
namespace ash::standalone_browser {
// Class encapsulating the state of Lacros browser support.
BrowserSupport {
BrowserSupport(const BrowserSupport&) = delete;
BrowserSupport& operator=(const BrowserSupport&) = delete;
// Initializes the global instance of BrowserSupport for the Primary User.
static void InitializeForPrimaryUser(const policy::PolicyMap& policy_map,
bool is_new_profile,
bool is_regular_profile);
// Destroys the global instance of BrowserSupport.
static void Shutdown();
// Returns true if BrowserSupport instance is initialized for the Primary
// User.
static bool IsInitializedForPrimaryUser();
// Returns the global instance of BrowserSupport for the Primary User.
static BrowserSupport* GetForPrimaryUser();
// Returns whether CPU of this device is capable to run standalone browser.
// Can be called even before Initialize() is called.
static bool IsCpuSupported();
// Directly sets the value to be returned by IsCpuSupported for testing.
// Setting nullopt unsets the overridden behavior of IsCpuSupported.
static void SetCpuSupportedForTesting(std::optional<bool> value);
// Returns true if the standalone browser is allowed to be enabled.
bool IsAllowed() const { return is_allowed_; }
// Temporarily exposing internal function for transition period.
// TODO(crbug.com/40286020): Hide the function along with refactoring.
static bool IsEnabledInternal(const user_manager::User* user,
LacrosAvailability lacros_availability,
bool check_migration_status);
BrowserSupport(bool is_allowed);
const bool is_allowed_;
} // namespace ash::standalone_browser