// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "chromeos/ash/components/string_matching/tokenized_string.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
namespace ash::string_matching {
// FuzzyTokenizedStringMatch takes two tokenized strings: one as the text and
// the other one as the query. It matches the query against the text,
// calculates a relevance score between [0, 1] and marks the matched portions
// of text ("hits").
// A relevance of zero means the two strings are completely different to each
// other. The higher the relevance score, the better the two strings are
// matched. Matched portions of text are stored as index ranges.
// TODO(crbug.com/1336160): Terminology (for example: relevance vs. ratio) is
// confusing and could be clarified.
class FuzzyTokenizedStringMatch {
typedef std::vector<gfx::Range> Hits;
FuzzyTokenizedStringMatch(const FuzzyTokenizedStringMatch&) = delete;
FuzzyTokenizedStringMatch& operator=(const FuzzyTokenizedStringMatch&) =
// TODO(crbug.com/1336160): The Ratio() methods are called in sequence under
// certain conditions, and trigger much computation. These could potentially
// be streamlined or compressed.
// TokenSetRatio takes two sets of tokens, finds their intersection and
// differences. From the intersection and differences, it rewrites the |query|
// and |text| and find the similarity ratio between them. This function
// assumes that TokenizedString is already normalized (converted to lower
// case). Duplicate tokens will be removed for ratio computation. The return
// score is in range [0, 1].
static double TokenSetRatio(const TokenizedString& query,
const TokenizedString& text,
bool partial);
// TokenSortRatio takes two set of tokens, sorts them and find the similarity
// between two sorted strings. This function assumes that TokenizedString is
// already normalized (converted to lower case). The return score is in range
// [0, 1].
static double TokenSortRatio(const TokenizedString& query,
const TokenizedString& text,
bool partial);
// Finds the best ratio of shorter text with a part of longer text.
// This function assumes that TokenizedString is already normalized (converted
// to lower case). The return score is in range of [0, 1].
static double PartialRatio(const std::u16string& query,
const std::u16string& text);
// Combines scores from different ratio functions. This function assumes that
// TokenizedString is already normalized (converted to lower cases).
// The return score is in range of [0, 1].
static double WeightedRatio(const TokenizedString& query,
const TokenizedString& text);
// This function is dedicated to calculate a prefix match score in range of
// [0, 1] using PrefixMatcher class.
static double PrefixMatcher(const TokenizedString& query,
const TokenizedString& text);
// This function is dedicated to calculate a first character match (aka
// acronym match) score in range of [0, 1] using AcronymMatcher class.
static double AcronymMatcher(const TokenizedString& query,
const TokenizedString& text);
// Calculates and returns the relevance score of |query| relative to |text|.
// The relevance score is in range of [0,1], representing how well the query
// matches the text.
double Relevance(const TokenizedString& query,
const TokenizedString& text,
bool use_weighted_ratio,
bool strip_diacritics = false,
bool use_acronym_matcher = false);
const Hits& hits() const { return hits_; }
// This function is dedicated to calculate a prefix match score in range of
// [0, 1] and its hits information using PrefixMatcher class.
static double PrefixMatcher(const TokenizedString& query,
const TokenizedString& text,
std::vector<Hits>& hits_vector);
// This function is dedicated to calculate a first character match (aka
// acronym match) score in range of [0, 1] and its hits information using
// AcronymMatcher class.
static double AcronymMatcher(const TokenizedString& query,
const TokenizedString& text,
std::vector<Hits>& hits_vector);
Hits hits_;
} // namespace ash::string_matching