// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/string_matching/tokenized_string.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
namespace ash::string_matching {
// These are described in more detail in the .cc file.
namespace prefix_matcher_constants {
constexpr double kIsPrefixCharScore = 1.0;
constexpr double kIsFrontOfTokenCharScore = 0.8;
constexpr double kIsWeakHitCharScore = 0.6;
constexpr double kNoMatchScore = 0.0;
} // namespace prefix_matcher_constants
namespace {
struct MatchInfo {
typedef std::vector<gfx::Range> Hits;
MatchInfo(const MatchInfo&) = delete;
MatchInfo& operator=(const MatchInfo&) = delete;
double relevance = prefix_matcher_constants::kNoMatchScore;
Hits hits;
gfx::Range current_match = gfx::Range::InvalidRange();
// The last query/text position that the relevance was updated.
size_t last_query_pos = SIZE_MAX;
size_t last_text_pos = SIZE_MAX;
// Flag to track if we are still matching the prefixes of both the query and
// text.
bool is_front = true;
} // namespace
// PrefixMatcher matches the chars of a given query as prefix of tokens in
// a given text. We give some specific scoring examples in the .cc file.
class PrefixMatcher {
typedef std::vector<gfx::Range> Hits;
PrefixMatcher(const TokenizedString& query, const TokenizedString& text);
PrefixMatcher(const PrefixMatcher&) = delete;
PrefixMatcher& operator=(const PrefixMatcher&) = delete;
// Return true if we found either sentence prefix matching or token prefix
// matching. If no full match is found, return false.
bool Match();
double relevance() const { return relevance_; }
const Hits& hits() const { return hits_; }
// Stops on the first full sentence prefix match and updates the relevance
// score. If no match found, set relevance as kNoMatchScore.
// We treat the following as sentence prefix match:
// query | text
// chromeos | [chrome os] flex (prefix)
// chrome os | google [chromeos] (non-prefix)
// google pixel | buy [google pixel]book (unfinished)
// But not the following:
// query | text
// cof | chrome os flex
// go chrome | google chromeos
void SentencePrefixMatch(MatchInfo& sentence_match_info);
// Stops on the first full token prefix match and updates the relevance
// score. If no match found, set relevance as kNoMatchScore.
// We treat the following as token prefix match:
// query | text
// chrome store | my [chrome store] (continuous)
// chrome store | [chrome] web [store] (discrete)
// chrome google| [google chrome] (unordered)
// google pixel | buy [google pixel]book (unfinished)
// But not the following:
// query | text
// cof | chrome os flex
// chrome flex | chromeos flex
// The time complexity of the token prefix match algorithm is `O(m+n)`, where
// m is the `num_query_token` and n is the `num_text_token`. O(m) to construct
// the `query_map` and O(n) to traverse the text tokens to find matches. Each
// text token will be compared at most twice (one for `query_map` and one for
// last query token).
void TokenPrefixMatch(MatchInfo& token_match_info);
// Update the relevance score of token prefix based on the matched token. This
// method can cope with full and partial token matches as it always update the
// `relevance` and `hits` according the query size.
void UpdateInfoForTokenPrefixMatch(size_t query_pos,
size_t text_pos,
MatchInfo& token_match_info);
const raw_ref<const TokenizedString> query_;
const raw_ref<const TokenizedString> text_;
double relevance_ = prefix_matcher_constants::kNoMatchScore;
Hits hits_;
} // namespace ash::string_matching